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Chrstian Mythology Themed RP(M/F specific request)

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May 15, 2012
This idea is written in short on my actual request thread, which is here, or you can follow the link in my signature. The request thread covers my general RP style and interests, so you might want to browse that to see if anything else catches your attention, as this plot is fairly specific.

Also, I want to note, I actually have a fairly limited exposure to Christian mythology, but this story this is based on is very interesting to me.

So, here we go!

God created three Archangels: Michael, Gabriel, and Lucifer. Michael was placed in charge of Eternity, Gabriel in charge of Awareness, and Lucifer in charge of Infinite. Through the power of Infinite and Lucifer's own great pride, Lucifer became convinced he was more capable of taking care of each piece of reality than his brothers, and led a large group of angels up against his brothers, intending to take their charge. The war was relatively short, as Gabriel intervened, causing Lucifer to become Aware of the error of his ways; Lucifer turned himself in. God saw fit to forgive Lucifer, but only if he lived his life on Earth, as a human, until he proved he was worthy of the angel name. Lucifer readily agreed to these terms, but his brother Michael, who had lost a lot of friends in the war, wasn't too ready to forgive.

Lucifer lived on Earth as a human for generations, constantly reincarnating. During each life, around puberty, he would suddenly gain most of the memories of his previous life, reminding him of who he was and what his mission was. Each life, Lucifer worked hard, became wealthy, and spending much of his time trying to improve the world in meaningful ways in whatever way he could. In each life, he was a leading philanthropist, and if money couldn't solve the problem, he wasn't above hard work. While God would look on these works favorably, Michael would not have it. If Lucifer's flaw was pride, Michael's was his inability to forgive. So Michael would find new and creative ways to turn Lucifer's doings upon their head, preventing him from returning to Heaven. Though Lucifer knew the truth, he never had the proof, and God never seemed to try and stop him.

The year is now 2013, and the past century or so has been eventful for Heaven. God has inexplicably disappeared, leaving control of Heaven to Michael and Gabriel. Michael immediately seized total control over Heaven, and demanded that Gabriel turn over control of Awareness. Seeing where this was going, Gabriel exiled himself to Earth, taking human form, and using his powers of Awareness to hide himself from Michael, while simultaneously having as much human fun as he possibly can. After all, why not enjoy his forced exile?

Lucifer has reincarnated as a boy named Lucien, who has hit his senior year in high school. He is aware of the fact that he is Lucifer, and plans on finishing his education to do what he always does: become a billionaire philanthropist. He does not know about the situation in Heaven, or that Michael has now turned his attention towards him, wanting control over the Infinite that Lucifer still is in charge of. Knowing that Lucifer has no access to his archangel abilities, will Michael attack directly? Or will Michael try a different tact...

You come into the RP in various ways, depending on your preference. You can be a human girl swept up in the mayhem when Michael attacks with a full force of angels, creating an apocalyptic scenario. Or, maybe you are a demoness sent to tempt Lucifer into amassing the demons in a counter-offensive against Michael. Maybe you are Gabriel, in female form, attempting to awaken the powers within Lucifer so he can combat Michael. Maybe Michael adopted a female form, and is trying to find a way to get to Infinite by getting close to Lucifer. I'm open to ideas here. This should be your RP as much as it is mine. ^^

At any rate, PM me if you are interested! I am very much wanting to play this!
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