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A Request [MxF]

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Aug 16, 2013
I'm looking for a one x one roleplay. I prefer to roleplay in threads, but I can also make arrangements to roleplay in PMs. Threads are just an easy way for me to track them and I've found through past roleplaying sights that PMs tend to get messy once a few roleplays get up and running.

I'm new to this site but certainly not to roleplaying. I enjoy a good story, but I also enjoy a good time. I like stories that have depth to them. I'm fine with the one-nighter situations but I much prefer a deeper connection between the characters; either forced or otherwise.

I'm literate, but don't mistaken that for a fluff-writer. I know what color a sky is, typically. I can assume your hair moves when you walk. I'm more interested in what your character is thinking instead of the fluff writing of how your wrist flicks when you start a car, or how many sighs you must make to sit by a tree.

Here are some scenarios that seem appealing to me:

Pregnancy -- either accidental, planned, or otherwise.
Dependency -- I like when a character (either yours or mine) cannot be functional without the other. Either due to financial or other purposeful reasons.
Domination -- I do, I enjoy being dominate. I also enjoy a challenge to my dominance.

I will NOT do:


As for story ideas, I have none as of now. But I will add as soon as I can. For now, I'd like to hear your plot ideas. So PM me if you're interested.

'Til then,

-- Jason
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