A New Life of Crime Within Omega (Alyss & Lawpreacher)

Nine of Hartz

❤ Want to paint my lips red with your blood?~ ❤
Aug 14, 2013
Western United States
Walking through Afterlife made needle-like pricks crawl up Scarlett’s arms as she entered the nightclub that marked the heart of Omega. Her heeled feet quickly clicked across the floor as she slipped between lines of people. The energy in the room slightly irritated the biotic implants that were spread throughout her body but it was something she had grown accustomed to considering she now lived in such a heavily populated area instead of at some reclusive Cerberus research facility.

With every step she took forward, Scarlett knew that she was getting just that much closer to the new leader of Omega. Not even the countless Asari strippers could distract her from the state of mind she was currently in. She knew that she was in deep trouble if she wasn’t able to convince The Boss that she knew where the stolen AI had been taken. Scarlett had managed to trade some favors with an old Cerberus colleague of hers, locating the system the AI program was taken too as well as identifying the Cerberus ship that had retrieved it. All she needed was a ship and team to get it back.

Halting in front of the stairway that led up to where she needed to go, Scarlett waited for the Batarian guard to let her pass. The heavy base of the music vibrated her entire being, temporarily drowning out the thoughts that were racing through her mind. Fumbling with the data pad in her hand, Scarlett slowly made her way up the stairs as the Batarian waved her through.

Standing nervously once at the top of the stairs, Scarlett quietly waited for the new ruler of Omega to address her, quietly tucking her brown hair behind her ear as her blue eyes remained fixed forward.
Suari sitting behind her desk her black body suit gleaming in the odd lighting, her pale skin looking more pale against the black suit and her long red hair in ponytails. She looks at the new girl. "You may close the door behind you and approach my desk."
Scarlett nodded nervously and turned to shut the door behind her. Quietly approaching the large desk in front of her, she quickly rested the tablet on the table and slid it toward Suari with both hands. Straightening her poise, Scarlett folded her hands behind her back and stood at attention waiting for Suari to take the tablet. As soon as it was in her hands, Scarlett spoke in a confident yet timid tone.

"I've located the AI Cyber Warfare program. It's in the Terminus System on a Cerberus cruiser. I am familiar with the layout of the ship and have blueprints for any team members you assign to my detail." She stood and waited, hoping that she was going to be able to keep her new life and not lose it so shortly after abandoning Cerberus.
Shara takes the tablet. "First, I would want a lot more then one mission from you. Second, I would want more then missions." Shara looks her over as she reads the tablet with her wrist computer. Shara licks her lips.

"If you agree , to this relationship. Start removing your clothes now."
Blinking a bit stunned, Scarlett questioned whether or not she heard The Boss correctly. More missions? More than missions? Maybe she wasn't in as much trouble as she thought she had been or perhaps the program had already been retrieved by other operatives. The next bit took Scarlett completely by surprise. Her jaw fell a little and she stood there momentarily wondering if she had heard correctly, but the lip being licked told her that it was real.

"Uh," she stammered out before lifting her hands. "Okay..." Slowly touching her throat, Scarlett pulled down the tiny zipper that closed her bodysuit over her body, pulling the dark material down over her shoulders and to her hips. Pushing herself out of the tight material, she stood there in her undergarments, sheepishly trying to cover herself as her pale skin turned pink from embarrassment.
Shara smiles and purrs. "Just so you are clear about the nature of your relationship. You are giving all you are to me. You are making yourself my personal property. If you still agreee, then my slave's ass belong in my lap."
At this moment, Scarlett realized that this was a whole new level of Omega. In exchange for her life she was becoming property, a debt not easily paid but it she knew it was better than dying for her mistake. Slowly stepping forward, she quietly folded her knees underneath herself so she was sitting on Shara's lap, her hands still sheepishly tucked around her belly. Her eyes lightly met Shara's before turning away as she kept turning pink from embarrassment.
Shara plays with her labia. "Sounds like a fun mission maybe I will join you on it. Tommorrow of course." Shara nibbles on
Scarlett's neck as she finds Scarlett's G-Spot and plays it like a Maestro playing a violin. "Plus it would give me time to enjoy with you."
Squeaking to the sudden touches on her body, Scarlett glanced at Shara and swallowed heavily hearing her words. She had never been used in this way before and sleeping with her college professor to pass a class was a completely different level than this. Lightly gasping as Shara's fingers began to move within her, she nodded lightly and spoke with a quivering voice. "You're going to go ... with me .. to retrieve the .. AI?"
Shara continues her masterful ministrations on Scarlett's G-Spot and neck. "Yes I think I will. Why do you not want your owner with you?" Shara sets down the tablet and plays with Scarlett's breasts.
Shara continues fingering, nibbling and playing. "One does not become owner of a place like this or pets like you without doing some wet work from time to time. So do you like how your owner uses you?"
Scarlett couldn't help but turn red from the thought of being used by someone like this. It was embarrassing but her body couldn't help but react. And it was true, Shara would have had to do a lot of things to take over Omega. Biting her lip lightly, Scarlett glanced over at Shari before speaking quietly. "It's humiliating," she whimpered out knowing that there was people around that could see what was going on. "But exciting..." she whispered out meekly.
Shara continues fingering Scarlett's G-Spot, nibbling on her neck and playing with your breast. "I may use you on wet work to do things that need doing. But this is your reason for staying alive."
Nodding quietly as Shara spoke to her, Scarlett lowered her gaze as she accepted her the new tasks she would have to perform. "I understand," she said softly.
Shara stops playing with her breasts and lifts her chin and kisses her passionately. "Very Very good my pet. You may have one orgasm as a reward for your acceptance of your place." Shara finishes Scarlett to orgasm while kissing her. Shara continues fingering her as Scarlett comes down from the orgasmic high.
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