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Norse Daddy Looking for His Girls [MxF]

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Aug 14, 2013
“Literature – creative literature – unconcerned with sex, is inconceivable.”
Gertrude Stein

A Little About Myself

I’m Tim and I hail from northern Canada. I have been roleplaying via email correspondence for several years, but this is my first time on a forum board, which I’m very excited about. I love roleplaying and how I am able to work with another individual to create a fascinating and intricate story. However, something to keep in mind is that roleplaying is a hobby of mine. I have other obligations that take precedence: family, work, and as I am an active member in my parish, church. I will try to send all my partners a message if I plan on being absent for a time, but sometimes things come up on such a short notice that I don’t have time for a long explanation. As such, if you roleplay with me e sure to check my profile to see if I have an absence notice posted in the event that I don’t reply for a while.

Now, to the meat of my request thread.

The Characters I Play

I play characters in my age bracket. That is, men in their forties. They tend to have facial hair (a byproduct of my upbringing in a rural woodland town, I suppose), but if it is too big of a turn-off, I don’t mind writing them as being clean-shaven. Burly would have to be the best word to describe them as far as physical appearances go. Muscular, deep voices, body hair, the typical traits that would come with that word. However, I also like playing diverse characters: differing personalities, tastes, mannerisms, backgrounds, and so on. I can play the gruff authoritarian, the Don Juan, the tender lover, or any mixture and variation of those. If there is a certain personality type you prefer, simply let me know!

What I’m Looking For

I’m not looking so much for a roleplay partner as I am for someone to coauthor a story with. I’m not in the business of writing porn – two bland characters only interacting for the purpose of having sex. These stories need literate plot, background, development. I don’t mind jumping right into sex so long as we have developed the nature of their relationship before- hand, but that development must take place. And sex is not the only interaction I will focus on. I like to also take a look at how they coexist in their setting, what kind of struggles they face together, and who they are individually as well as together. I’m not very picky when it comes to the types of characters mine are opposite of, except for one thing: no “anime” characters. No neon hair or unrealistic body proportions. I wish to play real people and real experiences. It should also be noted that I have the right to turn down offers. It’s nothing personal, sometimes I just don’t have enough time for more than a few simultaneous roleplays.

How I Write

I love language, but I’m a strong believer in quality over quantity. I would much rather read one or two good paragraphs instead of three or four dry ones. I try to keep my average at three, but I’m also not going to force it. Sometimes there’s only so much that can be said on a certain matter, and I don’t want to drag anything out just to fill space in a reply.

My Likes and Kinks

+ Age – Age kink is one of my favorites, so in my opinion, the younger the better. However, keep in mind that I will NOT write one of my characters having sexual relations with anyone under fifteen, as that is Bluemoon’s minimum age limit.
+ “Forbidden” Romances – Another big favorite of mine, as the possibility of being caught and knowing that what you’re doing is wrong but feels oh so right is absolutely tantalizing. Professors and their students, fathers and their stepdaughters, husbands and their wives’ sisters, anything that falls under the forbidden category.
+ Love – Whether it is the driving force at first or not, I would like love and romance to blossom between the characters. Sex without love works only for so long before becoming dry and monotonous. I’d like to, at least eventually, discuss the passion that comes with that emotion.
+ Rough sex and tender sex
+ Oral, anal, and/or vaginal virginity
+ Light bondage
+ Dirty talking
+ Vocal partners
+ Oral sex (giving and receiving)
+ Public sex and the possibility of being caught
+ Anal sex (giving)
+ Handjobs (receiving) and fingering (giving)
+ Titfucking
+ Pregnancy (in some cases, more for a plot device than an actual kink)

What I Will Not Do

+ Rape/Nonconsensual
+ Physical punishment other than spanking
+ Vore, scat, watersports, and other such things
+ Humiliation
+ Choking

My Plots
{Listed in order of most desired to least}

To Love a Solider
It is the American Civil War and the year is 1862. A high ranking general in the [can be either Confederate or Union] Army is using a small local farmhouse as his headquarters as he leads a campaign in the area. Over the course of his time there, he begins to develop an attraction to the farmer’s young daughter. After a time, she is entranced by his dashing charm, even going so far as to confess her affections for him, but is held back by the knowledge that her father would never allow such feelings to last. Taken with his young love, the solider persists to try and convince her to give herself to him and be his. But how long can the farmer’s daughter resist?
Many things can be done with this plot. Perhaps she becomes pregnant through him and has to leave with him, or maybe she’s already engaged to a different soldier, or even still he could desert the army and run away west with her.

The Wayward Father
Robert Gordon is stuck in an unhappy marriage with his second wife. The only reason he has stayed with her for so long is because of his step daughter, the product of his wife’s previous marriage, who he has helped raise as his own. He has watched her grow from a small, sweet child into a strikingly beautiful young woman, and after she turns sixteen Robert realizes that he possesses feelings for her that are wrong. However, the more he tries to ignore his attraction, the harder it becomes to do so, and it’s only a matter of time before he becomes desperate enough to try and make his feelings known to the girl.

Professor, Professor
A young woman attending one of the nation’s most prestigious universities is taking a class with one of the institution’s most highly-regarded professors. Coincidentally this professor is also the same one that is looking over applications for a departmental internship, one that this young woman has been vying for. She knows through his lingering gazes and special attention to her in class that he desires her, and thinks that maybe she can use it to her advantage. She only needs to tease him long enough until he’ll give her anything he wants.
What I’m looking for with this is a strong and confident female character, one who knows what she wants and isn’t afraid to do what she has to in order to get it.
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