The Spiritual Arts Academy [A Bleach Rp. Malin & Moon]

Jun 15, 2013
"The Spiritual Arts Academy; a place of refuge. If the individual had managed to pass the entrance exam, they were one step closer to achieving a better life" a husky yet feminine voice recited.

A pair of ice blue eyes stared aimlessly at the building ahead of them. What a beautiful sight indeed. This was The Spiritual Arts Academy, a place of higher learning, of opportunity, and of salvation. The blue orbs closed slowly as the individual that they belonged to reminisced about past events. The person’s, a young girl, name was Hana and she had been accepted into the highly acclaimed academy. Hana ran her hands through her bright fuchsia hair. Today had been another long day, but there was no time to rest. She had other errands to run through. Regardless of this, the girl sat in the grassy courtyard and thought how lucky she was to be there. Normally, people from the lower districts Rukongai would kill to be able to see something so wonderful. Now here she was, actually talking part in the academy.

Hana let out a soft sigh, as she thought back to the day she had applied.

A few months back

Hana, who was no older than 17, had lived in South Rukongai District 78 with her beloved brother and her family. Even though this place was her home, it did not feel like one at all. Let’s just say that life was pretty hard for the family back then. Rukongai was divided into 80 districts. The farther out the district, the worse off it was. Hence, living in district 78th out of 80 was not ideal. Hana had learned to fight at a young age, knowing that she needed to protect herself and her family. There were many times when she had gone to bed hungry, because there were food shortages. She even remembered having to fight off strangers who were trying to steal the little clothes her family had. It was a rough world out there.

Hana knew there was only one way to get out of this situation. That was to join the academy. The young girl had heard rumors that it was pretty difficult to get in. Nonetheless, many people tried. Unfortunately, many people also failed. Hana remembered the day as if it yesterday when she had signed up to take the entrance exam. Unlike most people, she was not nervous at all. She was more determined than anything thing else. The instructors had asked her to stand with a few other people and perform mindless tasks. She did not really shine during this portion of the test, but she did not do too badly either. They instructors asked her to show them some fighting abilities, with she gladly did. Lastly, they wanted her to prove to them that she had some spiritual energy.

This part confused the young girl. How could see possibility prove to them that she had spiritual energy? For once in her life, she truly started to concentrate on something. Hana held her chin and stared at the ground, puzzled by the last requirement. Little did she know that well she was standing there, her spiritual energy started to slowly seep from her body. Hana had not noticed this herself, but the instructors did. They had figured with the proper training, Hana could possibly show some potential. An instructor called the poor girl over and awarded her with a slip that said ‘Pass’. That was the start of Hana’s adventure.

Present Day

Now, till this day, Hana wondered if the instructors regretted letting her in. The new students had only started training a week ago, yet they had already earned some negative names for themselves. Hana had become the local ‘air head’ in group, because her head was always in the clouds. During training, it seemed as if she were indifferent or did not really care, which was not the case. She really did care; she just did not show it. Luckily for her, Hana had one strong point that set herself out from the others. That was her swordsmanship skills. Growing up in District 78 had done wonders for Hana’s strength and agility. As soon as she picked up a sword, everyone knew she was a natural. It just came so easily to her.

Hana pulled her knees together and rested her head on top of them. This had been one of the most difficult decision’s she made in her life, yet it was also one of the most promising. Training at the academy would give her a chance to get off the streets, and actually fight for something that is right.

Breath in breath out, that the was the constant rule too control everything right? Hitoshi's light green eyes blinked slightly as he looked around the gardens. His breathing pace quickening slightly as he was realizing he was not only late for his meeting with his elder sister, but also completely lost. Oh sure he was in the right area, but he couldn't really see her. The field and building was rather tranquil as shades of green from the grass mixed with the blue of the sky creating a vibrant set of colors that just reminded him how different this world was from the world of the Rukongai.

It was also so much bigger with the academy it's self just being so much more immense then anything he had ever witnessed before. District 78 nothing had been nearly as grand as this place, or anywhere near as jaw dropping. Before with his family he had been one in four other people living under a small roof in what could have been best described as a hut. It had been cramped then, but Now he was one in what felt like an army of ten thousand, and he hardly ever bumped into anyone aside from others of his classes. It was amazing just learning a new set of scale, and Hitoshi had easily found himself overwhelmed by it all. His sense of direction was still getting used too it all as he looked for his sister. A small bag was around his shoulders as he had packed a lunch for him and Hana too share. The abundance of food in this place had also made him felt uncomfortable in a world where so many went hungry where did the academy get everything too keep all of these people so well fed? It was frightening too think about.

When his sister had told him she had planned on joining this acadamy he had thought her a little more than crazy. With her skills in combat she had a future here no doubt about it, and he could have been proud of her, but when she had told him that he was also going too try out? Hitoshi wasn't a coward, but the thought had made him pale slightly. Certainly he had felt fearful about the situation and ordeal than he would have let on. The day of the tryouts for the acadamy he had watching Hana's performance it was clear at least too him that out of the two of them she was the stronger of them. Hitoshi was fifteen, soon too be sixteen, and looking back he had spent most of his life admiring his older sister strength.

During his own exams, he had doubted that his teachers would have even taken notice too him. The first few tests had been un remarkable, the combat drills had seen Hitoshi land on his ass a number of times with bruises he was still nursing, but that last test. Hitoshi still remembered the feeling as the exam proctor told him too clear his mind and focus on breathing. The wealth of energy that Hitoshi had tapped into, had sent papers flying off desks. Apparently Hitoshi had been blessed with a high amount of spiritual energy, and that had been his saving grace. The thing that allowed him too take classes here along side his older sister. It hadn't been until after that day that the academy had learned that Hitoshi had no control over that power what so ever.

Finally finding Hana he called out lightly waving his arms before walking towards her. "Hey Sis!" Hitoshi called out running as lightly and quickly as his feet would carry him. He sighed lightly taking small breaths as he stopped and then dropping the bag at his feet he let himself fall back on the ground. The good thing about the academy was that it had no real age too the classes. All initiates started in the same class system, so while his sister was a year and a few months older then he was, they shared many of the same classes, and basically the same time schedule. If nothing else even in this giant place he would never loose his family. "I brought some food I figgured you might be hungry." He said lightly pushing the bag toward her with his feet.
Hana was pulled away her day dreams by a familiar voice. Slowly, she pushed her knees away from her chest, and glanced in her brother’s direction. The young girl smiled as her little brother ran towards her. Hana had always had a soft spot for Hitoshi. Being the older sibling, she felt the need to protect him. When she had told Hitoshi that she was planning on applying to the academy, she figured that he would not have tried to stop her. In fact, he probably would have encouraged her to go. If she had gotten accepted, then she would be forced to leave her family and Hitoshi behind. That is why; she wanted him to apply too. Hana had faith in her little brother. She knew he would do well.

Seeing the young boy running towards her proved that fact. Hana held up her hand slightly, waving at her sibling, before he came to a halt in front of her. Her icy blue eyes, stared into his green eyes. Hana had not realized how much potential her brother showed until the entrance exam. After receiving her acceptance letter, Hana watched Hitoshi from the side lines. In her opinion, he had done fairly well. Sure, there were problems here and there, but his true potential came during the last portion of the exam. Hitoshi showed a large amount of spiritual energy, which caught the instructors by surprise. Even Hana was caught off guard by his display of energy. Nevertheless, they both had made to the academy using their own strengths.

Hana watched her brother place a container at his feet, before plopping down next to her. When she heard that it was food, a small smile crept up on her face. Not only did the academy train, and house them, the instructors fed them such delicious food. If felt strange having the option to eat several meals a day. Normally, Hana would have to fight for rations so that her family could eat for a week. This academy was truly a blessing.

“Food” she said happily as she picked up the container. She stared at the box with such delight in her eyes. If they had such delicious food in District 78, she probably would have never applied.

“Thank you Hitoshi. It’s amazing how much food we are allowed while we are here. It’s getting to the point where I’m just eating to…well….eat” the young rambled as she opened the container. Inside she found a variety of fruits, vegetables, and rice.

“Training is rough” Hana said to Hitoshi as she took a cut up apple and bit into it. When did food taste so good?

“The instructors are always yelling, saying that the group isn’t taking this process seriously. Who would have thought this would have been so hard?” she complained to her brother. Hana held out the container to Hitoshi, offering him some food.

“What is the next class anyway? I hope it isn’t spirit energy training. It’s so difficult. Though… is comes easily to you Hitoshi” Hana muttered with a frustrated sigh.​
Hitoshi smiled lightly as his sister thanked him for the meal. Breathing slightly he leaned back letting his legs stretch out for a moment. His last class had been hand to hand combat, and he had been kicked around a number of times. It was rather humiliating really now that he thought about it, and now that he was actually sitting and able too give his body a rest he was starting to feel the pain and agony twinge through his body. He gave a light cough as he took in a bit too much air from a wince. Feeling his right eye twitch slightly. He felt more at ease when he had his sister around him, something about having her around made this overly dramatic change easier too handle than he had expected. He gave her a small smile as she offered him some of the food and he took some of the rice. Enjoying the taste, the food was certainly the best thing about the seireitei. He remembered living in the Rukongai most of it had been completely rotten.

"Your welcome Hana, I figgured after our last class we could both use the energy." He said cheerfully. He still wasn't sure his body could adjust too the constant beatings that he had suffered since starting classes, it wasn't just the instructors who seemed to yell a lot. Everyone here was crazy! He gave a small laugh though as he took a bit of the sliced apple chewing it and enjoying the taste a little more. Considering the food they had before these days was along the lines of garbage he had to agree with her.

"Frankly I am eating too recover, how the hell do you fight so well? I don't think I have seen you get hit once in these classes, and those instructors are full of shit, they should see how many bruises I have before they say i'm not serious." Hitoshi said rubbing his shoulder lightly where a student had struck him with a Boken Katana. Even with the sparing armor the heavy wood had left a mark. He adjusted his glasses as he laid out for a moment. He still didn't really see how he was cut out for this kind of work.

"It is, and I... Don't know, I am not even that good with spiritual energy, I just have a lot of it apparently. Having a lot doesn't make me good at it, I still explode just half as often as you do, which is fair as far as I am concerned. If I have too be hit with swords, and thrown around like a rag doll, you can explode. So i wouldn't say that it comes naturally too me." He said with a light joke, and a playful punch too his sisters arm.

He had too admit that getting used to this life would be difficult. They hadn't been going at it for long, and their bodies were still adjusting too the more painful, and more active life styles. Laying down was probably the worst thing Hitoshi could have chosen to do as he leaned back into the ground. His muscles were getting used to sitting again which meant they were starting to stiffen. They only had a short while before the set of afternoon classes started, and they had to move, but he allowed himself a little bit of rest. "Hana, if I die now, bury me under a good tree." As he spoke he did so in an over dramatic tone of voice putting a hand over his for head. A small smile on his face, from what he could tell Hana was the one having the easier time adjusting too this life.

"Do you even know where the Kido range is from these gardens?" Hitoshi asked witha slightly confused look towards his sister.
Taking another bit from her apple slice, the young girl listened to her brother rant. She had to admit, he was right. The instructors are too hypercritical. Nevertheless, Hana could not help, but chuckled at his praises. He was too confident in her abilities. Sure, she was one of the better students in hand to hand combat, but that is all she could do. Everything else did not come so naturally. When she trained in other courses, her work came up mediocre at best.

“I guess I have to thank the lovely people of Rukongai. Without them, I would not have even made it into this academy” the young girl chuckled wearily. It was hard joking about the rough life they had in Rukongai. Instead, Hana wanted to focus on theirs current situation and lives. The young girl turned her attention back to her brother, and the food in her hand. Finally taking some rice, Hana munched quietly as she listened to Hitoshi reassure her. The boy was definitely good at praising her, but never himself. She never understood that. Hana swayed when Hitoshi lightly punched her. It wasn’t that he put force into his punch; she just felt the need to move.

“I don’t think that’s true” she finally spoke up. She looked at her sibling as she shook her head.

“There are people born with natural ability. Once you are about to control your energy, you’ll be a pro. After all, you are the hardest worker in our class. All your effort shows” Hana announced, after taking another apple splice.

“Have a little faith baby brother.” Hana continued to eat the food Hitoshi brought her. After a while, she decided to stop. It would be difficult to train on a full stomach. She placed the container on the ground, and nudged it over to Hitoshi, just in case he wanted some more. The pair sat there in silence for a few minutes. It was comfortable, as if they were just enjoying one another’s company. It was refreshing just sitting in the grass, taking a breather from all the crazy training.

“Well, aren’t you mellow dramatic" Hana commented.

"You know you’ll be fine Hitoshi. It’s rough right now, but I have faith that you’ll do well.” Holding up her left hand, Hana peered at the sky. If they continued to work hard, the results will certainly show. Everything will work out in the end. Her eyes sparkled as waved her hand in the air, eagerly.

“I can see it now. Hitoshi, the star student. In the beginning, he hid his amazing powers, allowing the other students to have their chance to shine. Then boom! He could not hold back any longer. Hitoshi would ultimately rise to the top of the class, graduate early, and become a member of the Gotei 13.” The normally calm girl became excited after her little story. Pure happiness could be seen in her face as she thought of her brother doing so well.

“Then, you’ll advance to a captain’s seat, and I’ll become your lieutenant. Then there will be no stopping us.” A large laugh rippled through her body. It pays to have a strong imagination. Hearing Hitoshi’s question caused Hana to look at her brother. For a second, she just simply stared at him, as if he had asked her to jump off a bridge. How could she dream of becoming a lieutenant if she could not even remember where their Kido class was? Hana snorted, before turning forward again.

“You know something Hitoshi. Maybe we should start small before we come up with such crazy ideas huh?" She tried to cleverly pawn off her little fantasy onto Hitoshi, hoping he would not catch on. It was obvious that Hana did not have any idea were the Kido range was.

“It should not be too far. The academy is not…that big. I believe the range should be located fairly close to our combat class’s right?”
Hitoshi let his eyes rest for a moment as he listened to his sister. happy to hear her voice for the moment. He laughed slightly at her joke about the lovely people at district 78, how many times had the two of them nearly been attacked? In truth he thought he had lost count, he just knew that he would not have been alive today if it hadn't been for his sisters quick thinking, and hard work. If either of them deserved the tittle of captain he had no doubt that it was actually her in many respects he knew that he would probably end up assigned to the fourth squad, while his sister would go to a much more flattering position once they graduated. The fourth was the ground for healers and drop outs, while the eleventh was the grounds of brutes and people who couldn't think. Just looking at his sister he knew that she was far more capable than most of the people here, and he still doubted him way to much. However he couldn't see her as a captain.

"Captain Commander Hana." He said lightly as he looked at her, just imagining her with the long captains jacket and uniform the image was rather dignified till his mind ruined it, by removing the majority of the uniform leaving only the captains jacket. He blinked it out not needing the image, yet he would be lying if he didn't understand why his brain jumped to that conclusion. "I can see it now you commanding every squad, in control of every division making all the decisions, the power of your ban kai to support you... Soul Society would be fucked." He said with a teasing laugh.

He leaned up happily as the two of them reminiced about the others power. He smiled hearing that she had that level or rather any level of faith in him, and gave a small hand on her shoulder as the two of them ate. He stretched as he got up to his feet. Giving a small yawn as he gave his body a small once over. Trying his best to make sure that he was slightly more durable in prep for their next class.

"I honestly wish that were the case. If I were hiding some extra talent I wouldn't be failing the written academics as well... though considering we never actually learned to read I think I am doing okay." Schools in the 78 hadn't really existed what reading and writting the two of them had managed had been very small, and yet coming here and having too suddenly master all of the arts of the pen, as well as the sword was something else entirely. The pains of the body could fade over time, but some of this new information just hurt his head.

He laughed as Hana confirmed that neither of them knew where the range was. Sighing it seemed they would be in for the long walk. However as he felt the sunlight on his skin, and looked around them, he almost wanted to skip the next class, and stay here in the garden forever. However that option was both selfish and unrealistic.

He let out slow grunts as he moved about the area, stretching his legs as he walked oddly. "Sure it's not that big, just a giant castle, the likes of which creates a maze of pure madness." he said with a happy tone. "However... the kido range has to be outside right? so it would have to be in or near the gardens... which we are currently in. So yeah for once it can't be that far... right?"

Hitoshi's arms seemed to slump slightly His uniform was messy with both bits of rice clinging to the white fabric, and his motion had off set part of his blue undershirt was showing where his body had been bruised, and in general he just looks like he ate too fast and then laid down, with his short black hair sticking out at odd angles. He looked around adjusting his glasses while he did. "We should probably start moving if we don't want to be tardy." He said with a begrudging sigh.
Hana chuckled lightly at her sibling’s imagination. ‘Captain Hana. Hana the captain! It sounds strange’ she thought to herself. Hearing captain attached to her name seemed pleasant, but she knew she would never want to have such a huge responsibility. Hana did not want to say that being captain would be troublesome, but it would be. She would be content with graduating from the academy and being thrown into some random unit. She would not mind doing mindless tasks or grunt work.

“Me? Captain? That could never happen. Captains work way too hard, and are born leaders. I’m too content with being a follower; or rather I have no desire to lead.” This was true. Growing up, Hana never truly saw herself as a leader. Yes, she did her best to take care of her family, and many people would say that shows leadership qualities. However, Hana knew there was no other option. It was either let her family starve, or fight for survival. In this case, there were many people fighting for a leadership position, and she would happily give it away. She wanted to support others more than anything else. That is why she pushed Hitoshi.
Pulling herself away from her thoughts, Hana watched Hitsohi stand, and figured she should get ready to go as well.

“That is a different story. We are practically learning everything from scratch. They should go easy on the students without many resources.” She grumbled. Now was not the time to worry about academics. They had to get to the kido range before they were late.

“Do we really have to go? I don’t feel like getting yelled at” Hana mumbled before standing up. The girl brushed off her uniform, in case any food particles or grass attached itself to her body. Hana hated the uniform. Honestly, she shouldn’t complain, since she had clothes on her back, yet she couldn’t help it. The red uniform and her fuchsia colored hair drowned her out. She secretly called herself a red blob. This was something silly to complain about and she knew it. Still, the red blob wanted to be a little selfish.

Hana ran her fingers through her hair, before looking herself over once more. Everything seemed to be in order, at least…with her. She chuckled lightly, as Hitoshi started to speak. Everything he said made sense, however it was a little hard to take him seriously with his appearance the way it was.

“What are you going to do without me?” she said quietly before walking over to Hitoshi. She held out her hands, and started to brush off the stray grains of rice on his clothes. Afterwards, she straightened up his uniform, and combed out his hair. The older girl stepped back and admiring her work. What were big sisters for?

“Now, that’s much better. Let’s go” she said with a small smile. Hana looked around, before deciding on which direction to go. She held out her hand and pointed towards the right.

“I want to go this way first. I have a good feeling about this direction.”
Hitoshi felt almost kind of disappointed that his sister would drop being a captain. He saw her as an inspiration and though she may not have thought about herself as a leader or one to want that much hassle and responsibility his sister had always had his best interests at heart, and had always been able to back him up. He couldn't help but think that she would have done well in the role even if she didn't want to acknowledge it. Still they were practically kids exploring a world and a set of ranks that would normally have them waiting hundreds if not thousands of years to actually ascend to places like captain. Hana was right when she said that they needed to focus on the short term because baring a natural disaster they weren't gonna leave the acadamy any time soon.

Feeling his sister pick over his uniform dusting him off and adjusting his clothing he laughed lightly the thought of what would have happened without her, was not one he actually had. In every situation he had ever dealt with or handled his sister had always been around to watch his back, and an odd blush crossed his face at the thought of not having her around. "Probably curl up, cry, and then die some horrific death." Though his tone was joking and he let out an embarrassed little laugh his honest was more then serious without his sister he felt more lost then his directional senses would have steered him. "So i guess it would be for the best if you never left me alone."

Stretching his arms slightly and letting them sway he nodded as his sister pointed a direction. He didn't have any better guesses so he followed Hana. The male uniform felt odd for Hitoshi. Having always favored darker greens, the light blue couldn't help but clash, the white on his shoulders and arms just made his skin even more pale, which clashed with his dark hair. It gave him an illusion of being sickly or pale, and it was uncomfortable to say the least. He actually liked the way the red mixed with Hana, though she may have become almost amorphous in the red with her back, to him the mesh of color's helped to highlight his sisters eyes. Of course he never mentioned that though.

"Of course we have to go, you know they will only yell louder if we don't show up." He said lightly with a light tap on her back. The more they walked through the gardens and the outside of the building the more area Hitoshi could see. He sighed trying to do his best to clear his mind, and find the location of the kido range, honestly he had no idea-

"Get down!" Hitoshi stopped for a moment feeling something He threw his weight against hana's body knocking both him and her to the ground as a red ball of energy soared past where Hana's head been after knocking her down to the ground. It exploded with a thunderous bang as it hit the dirt.

The Kido range had clearly not been far enough from the gardens though it was still a few hundred more feet, the stray Hado had been one the class had tried to practice a number of times. Hitoshi hadn't even known what he was doing when he had felt the energy from it, some student must have been running a practice and lost control it was an uncommon but dangerous risk. Hitoshi's eyes twitched thankful he had caught Hana.

"I think... we found the range."
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