The Young Commander (Me & Trisscar)

Aug 10, 2013
Anira tapped her foot on the floor her arms crossed as she rode the elevator up to the Enterprise, her pointed ears sticking out through her hair, her blond hair was tied back in a pony tail. She then walked out the door headed towards the bridge, wondering why the heck she had been resigned to some ship with a reckless captain. Sulu looked up from his chair over to her and his eyes seemed to widen a bit, he knew who this girl. Her name was Anira Pike, daughter of Captain Pike, she happened to be the youngest to graduate from the academy.

Kirk was else where and they were still waiting for Spock so that made her in command of the bridge. "Good afternoon Commander Pike. Welcome to the USS Enterprise." Sulu said with a bow of his head. The rest turned and looked at her before she nodded her head back to Sulu. "Thank you most kindly." she said and made her way back to her station. She was covered in almost everything from commanding a ship all the way down to weapons, her father made sure she could take any station.

There were some whisperings but Anira ignored them as she went to work running a diagnostic search of the ship to see how things were in the mechanical department. One thing she had forgot about was that Spock would be on this ship, on this mission with her. It was always hard putting two young Vulcans together, worse when one was female and the male was about to go through his Pon Farr, Anira knew nothing of this though as she kept on typing away.

She kept on working even as Kirk and Spock made their way onto the bridge, she didn't look back once as the Enterprise made its way from dock and took off at warp speed on its mission. "So I hear its true, there is a Commander Pike on this bridge, it would be an honor to meet the daughter of an old friend." Kirk spoke up. Anira turned in her chair and stood up making her way over to Kirk before she nodded her head. "I am Anira Pike Daughter to the former Captain Pike." she said he hands resting behind her back.
When commander S'chn T'gai Spock of the star fleet ship Uss Enterprise entered the bridge he was not expecting the utterly succelent smell to slam into his olfactory senses with all the force of a klingons punch.
Reeling in his now wildly excited emotions and baser instinks the half vulcan calmly searched around the bridge for the source of that tantalizing scent.

When his dark moca tinted eyes landed on the spun gold hair of thier newest addition rank commander, each small movment sending anouther wave of the alluring ambrosia twored him Spock knew that he was doomed. His time was too close, and the new commander Pike smelled to irresistable for him to do anything but mentaly claim her and plan the gruesome rank reduction of any rival male in the vicinity.

Of course those thoughts were coming from his half human side and the more dark, preform vulcan part of his psychy that was clamoring for attention, but Spock ruthlessly pushed them away to focus on what was happening around him. Seeing that it was his turn to introduce himself Spock held up the Taa'l respectfully, greeting the commander in standard as he did not trust what he would say in vulcan to come out professional and detached.

"Live Long and Prosper miss Pike. I am Spock"
Arnia looked at Spock with her dark brown eyes returning the gesture, she nodded her head a bit to. "Like wise." she said simply. "She was raised on Earth, Pike brought her mother to Earth. Pike trained her to take his place in Star Fleet once, uh you know." Kirk muttered to Spock as Arina walked away back to her station her eyes scanning the screen over and over until she punched a few things and straightened. "Scotty needs some help. I will be in the shuttle bay." she said to Kirk nodded her head, her hands still behind her back as she walked to the elevator. "Shuttle bay." she ordered and the elevator made its way down. Kirk smirked as she walked off out of sight then looked over at his friend.

"She is a hottie that is for sure, don't yah think Spock. I can see by the way you are staring at Ms. Pike." Kirk said and winked. "I might just make the first move if you don't." he teased before he turned his attention back to his crew. "Sulu, hit warp speed as high as we can go. I want to get there before they have Christmas, I know the colony has the best girls in the galaxy." Kirk ordered. "Aye Captain." Sulu ordered and the ship took off faster. Meanwhile down in the shuttle bay Arina was busy helping Scotty figure out some storage pods that had been loaded onto the ship. "What do you think they are made out of?" He asked her in his thick accent. "Most likely Romulan metal." she replied.

She gave it a quick scar then tapped it with a finger. "Yep, these are full of fine. I don't know why you humans drink such stuff, to dull for my taste. No explosives though. Its fine to open and unpack them Scotty." she said simply before she turned and left making her rounds on the ship. "Arina to Captain Kirk, did you order the Romulan wine?" she asked. "Sure did, sorry for the shocker." he replied back and smirked at Spock. Arina stopped herself from rolling her eyes as she made her way to the warp coil to make sure every thing was fine with that. "Go on Spock, go talk to her. She is checking the warp Coil out. That is an order." Kirk said but smiled to Spock.
Spock sighed heavily, as usuall his captian was trying to get him to conduct in a mannor that was highly innapropriate.

"Captian it is Illogical for me to pursue the commander in any romantic way. please desist from your efforts."

He lowerd his voice suddenly, making the need for abit of descretion apparant to the blond male.

"I need to request a week of leave captian, on new vulcan. it is imperitive i reach there in no less than 3 days."

He knew he had to get away from the alluring and far to tempting commander Arnia, she smelled delightfully fertile and his savage preform side was fighting to get loose and make her swell with his child. But Spock was not going to let anything of the sort happen. he was far to concerned with his duties at this time to think of starting a family.
Sadly Spock was out of luck and Kirk had now clue what was going on between him and the Girl. "Sorry Spock we need you here and on this mission. New Vulcan is too far away, if you must you can take sick leave and stay in your room or on the ship but we need you here." Kirk said simply. "Captain, Bones seems to be having one of his rants again we need you here." someone called. "Alright, I'm coming, keep the beer from him." Kirk muttered as he left the Bridge passing Arina on the way out.

She moved and nodded to Spock but she suddenly her eyebrow raised, she could smell him and she backed up slightly before she turned her back to him. Arina now knew Spock had his Pon Farr and now he was going to get worse, she had heard what Kirk had said to Spock. "Commander, you look pale. Maybe you should sit down." she head someone say. She turned staring Sulu over before she looked back at Spock. She bit her lip before she turned and stood up making her way out the door.

"Geeze what is eating her? You look at her funny?" another crew member said to Sulu who shook his head. Kirk was back and he seemed furious, he sat down in his chair. "Go Spock, you and Arina are needed down in the shuttle bay. That wine is not wine, its something else and your the only two science officers on board." Kirk ordered and gave Spock a glare telling him he had no other choice. Arina was already down there scanning the contents of the Romulan pods.
Spock cursed whatever gods or deites he had angered enough to put him in such a situation, but he obediantly went down to the shuttle bay anyway.

When he arrived he had to struggle to keep himself from jumping the commander right there in the shuttle bay, a long amount of meditation was going to be needed after this. the work went stiffly and in near scilence, with him trying to ignore her as much as possible so he could get out of there before his instinks took over and he claimed her on the floor of the shuttle surrounded by crates of god knew what.

His whole postue was stiff and formal, his jaw tightly clenched and his hands white knuckled on the padd he held that was collecting the data, he didnt know how much longer he could last.
She bit her bottom lip as she leaned up and cracked her back before he eyes looked up over at Spock, she kept herself relaxed not wanting to edge him on. She knew that male Vulcans could be very dangerous when they had Pon Farr, she could smell how strong his was, she knew he was going to crack soon. She moved and started to put the contents into jars for Bones once he was no longer angry at Kirk from their fight earlier. She gritted her teeth tightly together her nose wrinkled slightly, she was feeling very uncomfortable suddenly, she shook her head clearing her head so thoughts wouldn't take over her. She moved and put some jars down into a box before she turned losing her traction, she went slipping then crashed head first into Spock knocking them both to the ground.

She suddenly felt very embarrassed and she blushed a deep shade of green and stared down at the floor. "I am sorry, I was not paying attention to the puddle there." she said as she pulled herself up. She dropped her hand then moved and helped Spock to his feet. "Are you alright Commander Spock?" she said softly not able to look him in the eyes. Her body was tensed and she gritted her teeth together as sweat dripped down the back of her neck. It was affecting her slightly as well, his pheromones making her feel something she had never felt before. You must remember she was raised on earth and hardly had ever been on Vulcan or New Vulcan.

She cleared her throat and backed up slightly as she picked his pad up and handed it back to Spock then she crouched down and began to fill the last of the jars them she put the lid on the box. She stood up her eyes landing on a crate and she walked over starting to investigate a spear of the liquid that had ended up on the crate. She made her way around it keeping her eye on the trail but stopped and started to scan the back of the crate. "It seems to have vanished from this side, you may want to look at this Commander." she said gently.
"commander pike. i suggest you leave the shuttle imdediatly."

His jaw was clenched and his fists were tightly grasped behind his back, he was facing away from her in a monumental effort not to turn and rip the clothing from her body. When she had collided with him it had nearly shredded whatever small amount of control he had managed to retain. Now that her scent was on him as well, it was twice as difficult to handle the roaring instinkts and desires raging through him with all the force of a hurricane.

He realized that the pheramones he must be giving off would be affecting her as an unbonded female, and that made her getting away from him imperitive. if he took her now it was likly that he would form a mating bond with her and he had no desire to force himself on the lovlie commander in such a henious way.
She turned her head and stood up looking at Spock raising an eyebrow once more. "I am sorry Commander but I am not stepping foot out of the shuttle bay until I figure out what this stuff is and what happened down here." she said sternly. She then turned her back to him once again and went back to work, she was going to clean this mess up and make sure no one else slipped in it or did something worse.

She soon had the mess cleaned up, all that was left was to crate the empty pods and put them away until they could check them out on land. She then pushed the lid down on the crate making sure her back was to Spock, she didn't want him telling her what to do since they were the same rank well almost the same rank. Arina then stood straight once more and cracked her back then stopped feeling slightly light headed.

She moved her hands to her temples and gave them a slight rub before she leaned against a crate trying to figure out what was going on with her body. Before she was fine and now minutes later her head felt foggy and she seemed to be having trouble standing straight. She looked over at Spock knowing he had something to do with this but she couldn't find the right words to say to him.
His body was trembling now with the effort of not turning and simply taking her on the floor of the shuttle bay, the last shreds of his logic were grasping for control over the whirling storm of his need. With a soft cry his normal mind gave up the fight, surrendering itself to the madness and darkning swirls of a more primeval time.

Lunging forward Spock grabbed his mate around her neck and pinned her to the wall, fingers despretly seeking hers in a searing vulcan kiss even as his mouth sought her own to lock them in a more human embrace. his other hand left her neck and ripped the cloth from her sholders, the material suddenly much to heavy a covering to keep her from his sight. Growling in primal desire and satisfaction when nearly all of her skin was bared to his gaze, Spock attacked the soft skin of her throat with kisses and nips, laving at the irritated flesh with his tounge.
Her eyes snapped open and she felt his lips against her hot flesh, she grasped at the wall her body trembling against his touch. She was half there the other half was not thanks to his pheromones. She let out a groan managing to find enough strength to push Spock off her, something told her though he wasn't about to give up, he wanted her and he would keep trying until he got Arina in his bed. She cursed the Pon Farr as she dogged another attack from him grasping her ripped clothing against her body.

The chase was on, she knew if he caught her a second time she would be a goner, they just got stronger the more the Pon Farr kicked in. "Commander, I know its hard but calm yourself." she said and dogged yet another attack before she backed up. She hit the button to a passage that lead to her quarters as well as his, she knew this was the only way to keep the other males on board safe, a male Vulcan was very protective. She watched as he followed her out the door, she charged down the hall the best she could.

She relaxed a bit glad the hall was empty, she was confused though to how foggy her head was, she made her way towards a room, its number 683 or was it 686? The numbers seemed to blur as she felt the impact of him hitting her again, she grunted as she grasped at his chest her hand pushing until she grasped one of his own, suddenly the door opened and she landed flat on her back with Spock on top of her, the door shut behind them and locked, she knew that scent, she had ended up in Spock's quarters.
Spock sighed in relief when they made it to his rooms, and he quickly gave the lockout code. Smirking down at his now pinned mate, Spock leaned down and kissed her passionatly agian. he wasnt going to let her run off like that a second time.

Hoisting her into his arms Spock carried her to the nearest soft place, the couch and dumped her on it. Stripping himself of his clothes he smirked at her wide eyed expression, he knew that he was pleasing to look at, and the fact that he was well endowed with a 8 1\2 inch cock wasnt bad either.
She gasped and stared Spock over, she was going to get it now she just knew if she tried to fight him he would most likely harm her in some way while trying to pin her down. "Spock..." she said gently still in her ripped up clothes. She lay on her back with no where else to go, she looked from one side to the other then bit her lip knowing she was trapped. She let out a sigh feeling light headed again so she lay back against the couch.

When she felt him come down on her she pushed one hand against his chest while the other gripped his shoulder. She felt his lips lock onto her own but he was just to strong so she kissed him back her eyes slowly starting to shut as her hand on his shoulder dropped to her side, she kept the one pushing against his stomach though. Once he hated mated with her she was bonded to him for life, not that she minded it though, he was good looking.

She let out a soft groan as her free hand moved up to his head and she gently grasped it running her hand through his hair. She felt like she had been drugged, her body was all hot and irritated now, her pants, well what was left of them were hurting her crotch. She squirmed a bit and weakly moved her hand from his stomach down to her pants trying to rip them off of her body.
Spock rumbled in a pleased mannor when he saw that his mate was no longer fighting him, swiftly he pinned her hands abouve her head and tied them togather with a peice of her ruined uniform. straddling her he used a knee to push apart her thighs, his sensitive fingers finding her now wet underwear and pressing into the center of the damp spot. Smirking when he felt her eagerness, Spock leant down and grasped the fragile cloth of her bra in his teeth and ripped it apart, exposing her soft mounds to his touch.

The human side of him greatly rejoiced in seeing her perky breasts exposed, and the savage vulcan half that accompanied the humanity agread. gripping the soft flesh in his hands, Spock kneeded them gently, using his fingers to roll and tease the peaks to hard pebbles. Groaning soflty in need he bent down and lapped at one with his tounge, suckling the bud eagerly while his now free hand went back to her underwear and ripped that away as well, exposing her freely to his ravenous gaze.
She squirmed a bit them glared at Spock when he tied her hands up above her head, what got her really shocked was feeling his hand pressing into her slit, she arched up and let out a soft moan. Arina let out some really loud moans when she felt Spock rip he bra off of her then start to play with her breasts, her nipples went instantly hard from the attention he was giving them. She gritted her teeth as she felt the urge to cry out loudly when his warm tongue found her chest, that made her shiver from head to toe.

Arina let out a sigh and then growled when she felt him rip her underwear right off of her, she grunted feeling his knees in the way, she wouldn't be able to push her legs apart. She squirmed a bit as she lay under him, on his couch, him working away at her to make her body respond to him and it was working too. She twisted again pulling at the bindings around her but she knew he had tied them tight enough, she would have to put a lot of strength in breaking them but she would wait for now. She shook the rest of her ripped uniform off laying back she sighed, she could feel Spock's warm body close to her own, she closed her eyes.
Making his way down her body spock purred, kissing the soft skin that he came into contact with gently, applying nips and kisses where he thought it was appropriate to mark her as HIS.

When he made it to her damp and eager entrance he eagerly pressed his fingers into her, spreading and siccoring his digits to help stretch her for his length. Purring in pleasure as he felt her innards grasping him he nipped at her thigh, then lapped at her clit gently trying to get her to cry out for him.
And cry out she did, Arina gasped and dug her nails into her palms staring wide eyed down at Spock feeling his hickeys all over her body. Her walls trembled and grasped at his fingers as he pushed them inside her, it didn't hurt her much, it made her just wetter. Arina bucked her hips slightly again when she felt Spock's tongue move over her clit again she groaned and threw her head back feeling sweat run down her body. She never thought she would be mated to Spock and now here she was tied up in his rooms, she was going to be mated and bonded to Spock forever.

She groaned again feeling his fingers moving around inside her and his tongue working away at her pussy and clit, that just made more of her juices run down between her legs. Arina squirmed a bit but not trying to get away, she was squirming badly because she wanted to touch Spock back give him the same pleasure, she pulled hard and felt the fabric give way. She didn't pull away from Spock or push him away as she broke free. She just grasped the couch spreading her legs a bit wider for him. Her hand reached down and she grasped his cock in it and gently began to stroke the older male off.
Spock gasped and nearly came when she took him in hand, his own minstrations to her stopping as the pleasure rolled over him in waves. Growling low in his throat in admiration, he slowly bucked his hips twored her hand. Nearly despret for release from the burning that was consuming his mind he pulled himself away from her and hoisted her hips, pressing the throbbing length of his cock to her lips.


Was all he could manage to say before he thrust swiftly, impaling her apon his length until he could press no farther.
Arina gasped when she felt a sudden pain take over her middle section as Spock impaled her on his cock. She did what instinct told her, she leaned up and bit his shoulder hard growling lowly in her throat. Her green blood ran down his shaft from him breaking her hymen. She shivered and buried her head into Spock's neck her arms clinging to him tightly. Arina began to pant weakly into his flesh, both of them covered in sweat from his Pon Farr and how it had taken over her.

Arina relaxed soon though, pain left her and now she felt pleasure shooting through her body, she had a feeling it was because of the Pon Farr. She clung to her mate tightly, she would not let go until she passed out or what ever. Her legs wrapped around his waist as she dug her nails into his back, she could feel the flesh bleed a bit from her nails digging into it. She couldn't believe what Spock had turned her into, she didn't blame him though.

She leaned up and kissed him on the lips, her eyes shut as she pushed her tongue into his mouth, she felt his and soon she wrestled her own tongue against his. Her hand moving down and she gave him a Vulcan kiss, more pleasure shot through her like small needle pricks. She leaned her forehead against his, she could already feel their bond start to appear, she knew he would be her mate for life from this moment on.
Growling softly in satisfaction, Spock kissed his mate back, slowly starting to thrust into her willing body. Pulling his burning length out of her until just the head was encased in her tight heat, spock swiftly thrust until his thighs brushed hers, a low hiss of pleasure escaping his lips to be swallowed by Arina.

Continuing the maddning tempo of slow and fast thrusts, Spock reached out with his mind, feeling the tendrils of a bond begining to form, that pleased him immensely. He would have a mate for life that would keep him company. He would treat her like a princess, make sure she had everything she could ever want. Speeding up his thrusts spock growled again, leaning down and nipping at her neck lightly. he wanted her to submit to him fully so that he could finalize thier bond, so that they would become mated.
Arina gasped and groaned as she felt his lips against her neck. She suddenly wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs tightly around his waist, her body pushed up against his own. She let her mind blocks down letting Spock enter her mind as well. She leaned up and pushed her own forehead against his own her body fully allowing him to do as he pleased.

She could feel him picking up speed but she just shut her eyes letting go and letting him take her away. She felt like she was in heaven, well something close to it. Arina had never felt anything like this feeling he was giving her, she never wanted to lose it. She needed it, she needed him and she wanted him more than anything.

Her walls were tightening around his cock, her hips pushed down harder on his own as his cock came back up inside her. She groaned and growled softly making noise of pleasure. She approved of what he was doing to her, she had no fight left in her either, Arina had fully let go her mind and body, she was all Spock's now.
Spock felt the surrender and growled in approval. Nipping at the vunderable skin at her throat he changed the angle of his thrusts, making sure to strike a spot deep inside her that caused a new pitch of her pleasured cries to apear. Smirking to himself Spock solidified the bond between them and opened his mind to Arina, flooding her with his own fevered mental state. The fires of the pon farr swept over her mind as well now, the heat and raw Need from ages past rushing in like a tidal wave.

Growling at the feeling of mental compleation that accompanied the mating bond, Spock ferociously claimed Arina's lips in a burning kiss, thrusting into her until he could go no farther again and again.

'''Cum with me my ashayam, i wish to see your release and hear you cry my name'''
Arina's eyes snapped open wide feeling a new sensation flooding through her body. She kissed Spock back just as hard as he was kissing her, she was drenched in sweat thanks to him but she didn't mind what so ever. When he pulled away from the kiss and grasped him tightly with her thighs holding him as he thrusted into her.

Hearing his words she let out her own small growl and shut her eyes her whole body tensed up suddenly and she groaned. Her new mate has pushed her over the edge finally, he knew he had too. She grasped him tightly with her arms and held him close to her as tight as she could not caring about all the hickeys he left on her.

Then suddenly it hit her like lava flowing from a volcano, her walls tightened around him as she drenched him in her climax. "Hahh.......Spock." she whimpered into his ear hotly biting slightly at the pointed tip as her whole body shook from head to toe with the force of her climax. Her nails dug into his flesh as well bringing his green blood to the surface.
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