HawkEyeXKira Queen rp. Lawpreacher and I only no one else.

Jan 10, 2009
The setting takes place on the shield base where Nick Fury was talking to Hawkeye and said to him," Oliver Queen has been missing for a year now, we sent him on a mission and were not sure if he is still alive or not and his code name is The Green Arrow.”

“And he has a daughter that could be in danger and you must try to make her earn your trust." "This girl does not trust anyone anymore and here is her profile about her and no trying to knock her out.”

“The only way you could knock her out if she turns around and attacks you and if that happens use this sleeping dart and it will knock her out for about two hours.” “And please respect her since she is Oliver Queen daughter." "Understand Hawkeye hmm?" She is going to be at the masquerade ball that the mayor of this city is having to reopen up the museum once again please be on your best behaviour especially you Hawkeye." "This is your mission to bring Oliver Queen daughter to this ship where she'll be safer with us then out on the streets okay good luck with your mission."

The Same Night:

A female girl with blonde hair, hazel green eyes, 5’5, wearing a beautiful Emerald Green dress, her mask was white and sliver and her fan was white and she keeps her bow and arrows with her at all times. Her name is Kira Queen and her father is The Green Arrow and she has no idea who her mother is at any cost. Kira heard a rumour that one of the avengers were going to show up to this party and she doubts it if it’s true or not and she sighed. Kira begins to mingle with the guests and keeps a low profile at any cost hoping she wouldn’t draw any kind of attention to herself at any cost and she keeps her guard up at all times and never let’s her guard down at any cost. It’s about 7pm at night time on a beautiful summer evening out like tonight. (d.)
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