An Uncertain Boy in Darnassus (mike20599 x Kaybee)

Jul 28, 2011
Timothy had never even seen a night elf, but oh had he heard the stories about their women! While mopping floors and washing mugs at The Gilded Rose, the fourteen year old had heard things that never should have reached the ears of a child his age. Fortunately, the young lad had not understood much of the sexual slang used by the salty sailors who drank there, but it had certainly piqued his interest! Enough so that he began saving up his money for the journey that he was dreaming to make...

And now, there he was, standing at the gates of Darnassus! The scrawny youth ran a hand through his short blonde hair as his bright blue eyes gazed at the surroundings. "It's so different from Stormwind!" he thought to himself as he began wandering the streets, but it wasn't long before his gaze would shift from the architecture to the curvaceous bodies of the women going about their business in the city. "I wonder where are all the men?" he asked out loud as he quickly noticed there were none to be found.

The human boy had little time to ponder this question as he felt a sharp tug on his arm, pulling him into a building before anyone else noticed his presence. He was the only human in the entire city, as well as the only male, which made him a very valuable "guest".

Timothy gasped as he was pulled into the building, the door of which was quickly closed behind him. His shock turned to awe as he marveled at the marbled opulence of the interior, filled with statues and paintings of night elf women clad in little to leave to the imagination. Though he thought it strange that the building's exterior was rather nondescript.

"Welcome to the Gilded Thighs," a voice spoke out from behind him. Timothy immediately whirled around to face the one who had grabbed him, a figure clad in a hooded robe. "This is a brothel. You do know what a brothel is, right dearie?"

A wide grin formed on Timothy's face as he nodded his head yes. It was the place he had been searching for!

"Come, dearie, I have many girls who would be interested in meeting you," the robed figure told him as she put an arm around his shoulders and began leading him into a room.
If Timothy had though the entranceway grand then the room Erenia led him into would be another shock. While the spacious common area of the pleasure den lacked the statues and paintings that decorated that first room it did contain what many would consider a much more pleasing sight. The chamber was no less opulent than the entrance with piles of downy pillows embroidered in mithril and gold spread over the floor and no less sexualized with the dozen odd Night Elves reclining upon them, all of them shapely women.

Heads turned and glowing eyes widened as the young man entered. With so many males adventuring away from Darnassus or wandering the emerald dream and the lack of tourism to Darnassus the sight of any man was a rare one. The women in the brothel had gotten the money they needed on a small but steady stream of female customers and the inrequent visits of sailors and the occasional alliance defence force but while they could keep their pockets heavy enough to satisfy their lifestyles the time that passed between those highly anticipated visits left many of them wishing for the very thing that had brought them to this profession in the first place.

Put simply, the women of the Gilded Thighs wanted men, and they wanted them bad.

That Timothy was far more a boy than a man made little difference to them and it was only the sharp look that Erenia swept across the room and their own patience and willpower that held them back from mobbing him all at once. The room was dead silent as not one of the women dared move a muscle until a sudden movement drew attention. From behind a dusky-purple girl a lighter skinned night Elf woman with teal hair moved into view, her yellow eyes fixing Timothy in their gaze as she rose and stepped forwards. Unlike the other girls who wore 'clothing' that left their breasts bared for all to see and enhanced their already inhuman curves this woman covered herself with a veil, concealing her face and body beneath silken cloth that shifted with her movements, hinting at her curves without ever truly showing them, enticing without baring all for everyone to see.

Erenia frowned, as did several of the other girls. She alone knew the woman that lay behind those veils but all the women looking on were equally perplexed. Tyrande Whisperwind was better known to those who ventured within the Gilded thighs as 'Yanara' and she was widely considered one of the best whores the house had to offer while simultaneously being notoriously picky with those she chose to take into her room. To see her reveal herself so was quite unusual in and of itself alone.
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