Mass Effect: Jack/Miranda

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Nov 4, 2011
United States of Awesome
Jack was young, it was obvious by her appearance and her attitude. That was especially true with how playful she was, how she bit Miranda's hand and even how she got slightly irritated by being referred to as the little spoon. It was adorable and Miranda couldn't help but smile just thinking about it. She wasn't that way, sure she could be playful but she enjoyed teasing and pushing buttons to outward displays and she wasn't nearly as natural at doing so. Of course that playfulness in Jack kept her on her toes, she was constantly smiling and having to react to the little gestures that kept the mood between them light. She was thankful for that, thankful that her cute lover was able to keep Miranda's own serious nature from coming out too often. Not that it wasn't there, behind the cute and caring Miranda that had been poking its head out there was still the serious and competent woman, a career woman who knew how to take care of herself. That was a side of her that would never go away.

Thinking about it that was a good thing though, Miranda needed a side of herself that was responsible and clearheaded, without that she would end up laying in bed all day. Not to mention one of them needed that side. She knew enough about Jack's history and seen little glimpses of what was beneath the surface to know she was more of a young girl than people saw her as. She was just as young, if not younger, emotionally as her appearance made her seem. She was experienced sexually of course but as far as emotional stability and life experience Miranda had many years on her. Of course all of that seemed to combined perfectly when she thought about it, especially when Jack began to express her little bit of concern, it was something Miranda's experience and age allowed her to deal with easily.

"First off Jack, I've never had men give me a thing, I take care of myself and I do it quite easily. And Jack, you're not a fuck up, I give you a hard time but when it comes down to it you know how to take care of things in your own way and you are quite reliable." She smiled gently and kissed Jack gently, "Besides, you don't have to worry about that, as a cradle robber I'll be the one taking care of you. I'm capable and I want to take care of you, so let me be your Sugar Mama, as long as you can handle me being your pain in the ass for the foreseeable future..." That was all Miranda had on her mind, as long as Jack was alright with her being older she was more than happy to have the young biotic as her lover, as someone she would spend her time with. Yep, Jack with her mouth, her quirks, her dominant personality, Miranda wanted it all and with her tiny insecurity out of the way she was ready to move forward.

Of course with that solved she had to use her little form of playfulness once more, smirking as she leaned in and took one last kiss. "Goodnight, I love you my adorable little spoon." She giggled as she turned Jack back to the little spoon position and wrapped her up tight, joyful as her eyes closed once more and she got as comfortable as she had ever been on that bed. Once she had settled in, and obeyed Jack's wish for her to stop talking about such things, she feel asleep rather easily. It was no wonder, she was exhausted, her endurance and natural healing abilities only took her so far and she needed to rest. It was only made easier with Jack next to her, a level of comfort washing over her that exceeded the normal level, an at ease feeling lulling her to sleep. The happiness and comfort that she felt and which helped her fall asleep continued after she was slumbering, dreams coming to her that included the beautiful woman in her arms. Her and Jack together and just kissing, relaxing next to one another on a vacation of sorts, or perhaps just away from the conflict they face daily.
Jack growled as Miranda referred to her as the ‘little spoon’, snapping her teeth at her once more. But she gave her lover another kiss before allowing herself to be rolled over. “I love you too…Pain in My Ass.” She sighed a bit and tried to relax. Little spoon…hmmph! Well…at least Miranda was sweet. Jack felt a little bit better now that Miranda had said she wasn’t a fuck up. Although, Jack didn’t really need anyone to take care of her or a Sugar Mama…but the sentiment was nice.

Jack’s hand rested over Miranda’s arm, idly stroking her soft skin as she began to fall asleep.. She started listening to Miranda’s breathing as it changed. Slow and deep. It was nice…relaxing… Brown eyes fluttered shut as she focused on the sound… Don’t fall asleep…maybe you can just doze for a little while…

“Zero! Get up!” A gruff voice roused her from her sleep. Dr. Rascher…she hated this guy. He was such a dick. Brown eyes opened to see the bearded young doctor standing over her bed, two guards on either side of him with guns already drawn and pointed at Subject Zero. They were unnecessary, the shock collar around her neck usually kept her from getting too uppity. Rascher just liked to fuck with her and try to scare her.

“Fuck you.” She grumbled, rolling over and pulling the covers over her head. She didn’t like being woken up for his stupid games.

Jack began to stir, grumbling a little bit in her sleep. Her brow furrowed, her heart rate quickened. Her breathing was no longer slow and relaxed but quick and sharp. A sheen of sweat began to cover her body as she fidgeted in Miranda's arms.

“Zero you get up this instant!” He growled, wrapping his arms around her to yank her off the damn bed himself. He didn’t like to use the shock collar like the other doctors did. It made Zero useless in the ring. He needed her working at peak performance today to try out a new drug he had synthesized and tested on several subjects. The results looked promising, now it was time to try it on Zero.

“No!” she wriggled in his grasp, kicking and screaming. She didn’t want to fight, they couldn’t make her, she just wanted to sleep. She fucking hated him, hated this place, hated these guards, most of all she hated this fucking shock collar that suppressed her biotics.

“NO!” Jack screamed into the darkness, brown eyes snapping open. It was dark…why was it dark? There were arms around her, she pushed them away before darting out of bed, hissing in pain as she landed on the floor in a heap.

Desk…where was her desk? The young biotic scrambled around, trying to orient herself. Why was her room not the way she remembered it? And why the fuck was she half naked? Eyes strained in the darkness before she found her desk and flew underneath it. There, now she was protected and could kick and punch without worrying about protecting herself from all sides.
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