A Night To Remember [An AU Naruto 1x1 (LadyYuna & EC)]


Nov 1, 2012
Boone, NC

The dark and seemingly empty void continued to surround one of Konoha's few special jounins, Anko Mitarashi. She'd all but been forced into it. Her subconscious and instincts .. she could feel them trying to kick in. Her eyes had stayed shut for far too long and it was beginning to drive her insane, scare her even. And given she was a survivalist expert, the task was much easier said than done. How this void of sorts had even surrounded her at all, she couldn't immediately recall. But the longer it lingered around her, the less she was caring on details. Anko wanted out, to be awake once again.

Doki doki ...

The more her mind thought on her inner desires, the more her body began to fight against the urge to remain where she was. That was a good point, at that matter. Where was she even? The last Anko could recall, she'd traced Kabuto to the Mountains' Graveyard. Somehow, she'd tracked him there ... they fought ... and how she lost was beyond her. But that knowledge alone was enough to make her fists weakly clench.

Doki doki ....

Her pulse became more steady for a few moments then seemed to slow. Her head weakly turned from side to side as she inwardly pleaded with herself.

No! Get up! Nothing's stopped you before! Don't let this be the first ...

The grip on her clenched fists tightened as for a few moments, she almost swore images of both Kabuto and Orochimaru's faces flashed through her mind. That seemed to do it for her. The pupiless eyes quickly snapped open as she sat up with a start, though shakily all the same. Light pants passed her lips and she could begin to feel her body was trembling.

Whether from anger or fear, she wasn't certain or caring enough. Taking quick glances around, she noted to be in ... some sort of cave. Upon further inspection, there were no other hints to suggest how she got here or even hints of the two men whom had been such a significant influence to her past - recent especially. But she knew perfectly it'd all begun with the Sannin first and foremost. Kabuto had never even gotten into the equation for her till the Chuunin Exams and even then, he was a very minor role.

He never became a worry until she self-appointed herself the mission to seek him out. Their fight .. what had gone so wrong to make him easily beat her? Her head bowed as her fingernails now threatened to draw blood. "Tch, you should have been able to counter half of his techniques better. He was fused! With Sensei too!" She scolded herself, her teeth gripping her lower lip.

But as Anko's body continued to adjust, she soon felt more immediate concerns to tend to. She ... had likely been out for a hell of a while. She was drained, her chakra signature existing but barely. To make matters worse, the special jounin was famished. Now she had to wonder ... how long exactly had she been out? It gave her an odd sense of pride and even more fear and anxiety. Statistically, the human body wasn't supposed to be able to endure not having food or water for more than a week. But somehow, she'd likely done just that.

Then again, this hadn't been the first time she overcame such horrible odds. It made her chuckle and rub the back of her neck ... only to feel her Cursed Seal ... gone?! "... W-what?!" Now confusion came into the equation. Dear gods, what had happened to her? So many questions and not enough answers.

All the same, none would be gotten by staying here. Her fists finally let go as trembling hands pushed herself up to her feet slowly. With shaky steps, she began to navigate herself out of the cave. And then ... a thought hit her harshly, as if it had been a slap. What way did she need to even head to get back?

"Fuck ... " She cursed, a low groan passing her lips. This had no doubt been one of the worst times of her life, a feat in itself. After taking the last step out of the cave, her eyes eagerly and nervously looked around. Even if it was the wrong way ... trying to go North would likely be as good of a starting point as any.

And with the newly found resolve, she began shakily directing herself Northward, her hands clasping around her stomach. Her eyes began to fight via REM, almost trying to force her into unconsciousness once again. But she didn't dare. There was no guarantee the next time her eyes closed that she'd wake up ... and she didn't yet want to be taken away by a Shinigami.
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