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Daddy's big little girl (Mysterion&FutaSupreme1992)


Aug 3, 2013
In the deepest caves of Creativity
It had been a long hard day at work. Everything that could have went wrong had gone wrong but that was what you got for being one of the worlds top candy chains in the world. Today alone they had to throw out over a hundred pounds of peanut butter because one of his employee's had left a door slightly cracked and all kinds of bugs had gotten into the peanut butter which had contaminated the entire batch.

Alexander DuByan drove home happy to be away from the stresses of his work life and be heading back to his daughter who he loved very much. They had gotten close over the years especially with his wife Rosalyn having died when his daughter was three years old to breast cancer.

After getting home he got out of his car and shut the garage door walking into the door that led inside the house "Honey are you home. I brought you a surprise" he yelled wondering if his teenage daughter was anywhere around.
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