New Life of the Rich and Famous ( Angel_Kaikaki & Frelance )


Jul 30, 2013
North Iowa
Alexa looked out the black tinted window at her new school. She nervous about going to a privet school like this for the rich kids who had free pass in life. Alexa on the other hand knew what like having to study to get good grades and get somewhere in life. But her whole life turned upside down after her mother died and he biologic father sent her twin sister and her here to Los Angeles. Now she facing the kids of La Corda High School.

She felt the car stop, she took a deep breath and exited the car and into the school. She looking for the office to get her locker, classes, and what ever else that need her to have. Alexa seem to stick out like a sore thumb.

Her mother had been Hispanic. So she had a light to medium tan that lasted all year round, she has a pretty face, she had green eyes like Billie Joe Armstrong from green day, long wavy milk chocolate brown hair that went down past her shoulder blades, long legs what look good in the school's uniform skirt, good length arms, Her bosom was about average size, she had a curvy body shape, she was a healthy skinny as well.
Jason slipped the collared shirt of the schools uniform on as he stepped off the city bus and onto the school grounds. By the time he stepped through the front doors he had just finished up one last button on his shirt so that the only the tops of a few letters could be seen of the green day shirt he had on underneath the navy blue dress shirt he wore as his uniform. He walked through the halls heading for his locker and slipping past groups of rich kids who stood in the middle of the hallway completely oblivious of everyone around them.

He didn't pay them much attention to them like he had when he first got his scholarship to attend the school. It had taken him a while to get used to the school after coming from an inner city school where everything was outdated to a private school that didn't seem to hold onto anything after it was more than a year old. He knew now that it had just been culture shock but that had not made it any easier to used to things. Looking down the hall as he got to his locker he gave a group of guys who seemed to be just a slim as him a quick wave before his bright blue eyes looked back down at his lock and quickly spinning the dial to get it to pop open.

It wasn't until he opened the locker that he pulled out his head phones and exchanged the blaring cords of Jesus of suburbia for the mix of voices that filled the halls. "Where did you go last night? We thought you were going to come out and celebrate with the rest of the team but by the time we were out of the pool you had vanished." Jason grabbed his books and turned to face the other guys from the swim team and could see the grins of their faces. "Oh fuck off, you know I could go out. Unlike you guys I actually need to study and pass my classes to stay here." There were a few chuckles from the guys before they started talking about the party. Jason listened a little envious of them for the freedom they had but he got distracted as he saw a new face walking down the hall towards them. He studied the girl like most of the students in the hall were doing as he reached behind him and closed the lock of his locker. She was dressed like everyone else in the school uniform but everyone knew she was new.

He waited only a few seconds before he pushed passed the other guys from the swim team and fell into the step beside the girl. "Hey, I'm Jason." He lowered his voice as he asked. "Office is upstairs in case your looking for it." He kept smiling as he nodded to a stairwell a few feet ahead of them. "Just up there on the second floor. Here let me show you where it is. I need to ask them a question about my schedule anyway." His voice had returned to its previous volume as he spoke and tried to ignore a few whistles from the guys behind him.
Alexa looked to see a guy beside her out of no where. "Okay thanks.' She said she bit of Spanish accent but barely detectable. She hear the guys whistling at them. She shouted at them in Spanish so fast that hard to understand what she just said to them. She want like any of the other girls around her. She looks back at Jason. "Sorry about that. I'm Alexa." She said to him with a smile. She letting him show her the way up to the office. "Are the kids here snobby?" She asked looking at group of girls who stuck there noses up at her then whispered to her friends about who let the trash in.
His eyes brows rose as she sent a torrent of fast Spanish back at the guys and just grinned as he caught the looks on their faces before he walked into the stairwell. "Why Sorry? I just wish I got a picture of their faces. The last time any of them looked that shocked they had just gotten slapped by someone." He chuckled and nodded as she introduced herself. "Nice to meet you." He followed her gaze and frowned not saying anything for a few seconds before shrugging. "Its about what you would expect from rich kids but not everyone thinks they are royalty." He opened the office door holding it for her before walking in after her. He got a look from the secretary and quickly turned off his music and stuffed the headphones out of site.
Alexa grinned at him and listen to him talk on the way to the office. when He opened the door for her she smiles and looked at him straight in the eyes. he might think he straight Billie Joe Armstrong in the face. she watched as he hide his music before the secretary saw it. She giggled quietly. she walk up to her desk. 'Hi I'm Alexa Elena Janco. I start school here today.' she says to her. she looks up the name. she says, "there a Alexa Elena Janco-Armstrong in my system." Alexa glances back at him hoping he doesn't realize who her father is, she still getting used to it herself. "Yes that correct." She says softly. the secretary gets her locker info and stuff for her. Alexa keeping on him to make sure the light bulb didn't go off.
Jason stood there looking at Alexa's back as he tried to figure out why she looked so familiar. He was pulled out of his thoughts as the guidence counselor walked out of his office and spotted him. "Jason? Shouldn't you be getting to class?" Snapping his head around he walked over to the man hearing but not really paying attention to the secretary as she revealed who Alexa was. "I was just showing Alexa here where the office was and thought I would ask if the applications for post secondary schools were here yet." They counselor looked over at Alexa for a moment then shook his and smiling a bit as he answered the question. "No they aren't here yet. I will make sure you are the first to know when they get here." He glanced over at Alexa again then pulled a piece of paper off a stack on one of the desks and after making sure it was blank he wrote a quick note saying Jason was late for class because he had been asked to assist a new student. After handing it to Jason he said. "Try not to be to late. Just help her find her class and answer question then make sure you get to your classes. Oh and do up your shirt before someone else notices." Jason put the note into his pocket after giving it a quick read. "Um, yes sir." He made a show of doing up one more button hiding all traces of the letters below before he walked back over to Alexa. "So want to find your locker so you can put some of that away?" He waited until she was ready before leaving the office with her.
Alexa got all her stuff she need and head out into the hallway. She handed him her classes list. "Alright. please show me the way." She said softly. She praying he not make the connection about her father all she needed was someone to us her to get to her father. it was embarrassing enough that popparizzi spotted them together then thinking she was his teen lover. she looked to see if Jason was behind her or not. She glad the hallways was clear of the snobby rich kids. She grabs a clip out of her purse and puts her hair up into a messy bun. "It's a bit warm out today don't you think?" She asked. She wanted to be nice to him since he was helping her out.
Jason took the class list and looked it over smiling as he saw he had a few classes with her. He looked at the top to see where he locker was and saw an all to familiar name. His step hesitated for just a split second before he pulled himself together and looked at Alexa again. It just took one more look before things started to make sense, sort of anyway. "Um, your locker should be just over here." He tried to pretend to hide his surprise not sure of how to handle the situation. Everyone knew that the most of the kids here had at least one famous parent but he never thought that he would meet the child of one of his favorite celebrities. When they got to the locker he handed her class list back to still trying to pull his mind back under control. He was silent for almost a minute as he chewed the inside of his cheek before asking. "This is probably a stupid question but are you related to Billie Joe Armstrong? From green day." He knew that it had to be a coincidence but he had to know.
Alexa look back her paper and looked at her locker combination. They stopped at her locker. She was turning the dial to open it. she just got it open when she heard his question. she tosses her purse iin quickly and shut her locker leaving her book bag with her. she covered his mouth. she looked at him then around. she pulls him into a teacher bathroom near by. she locked the door. 'How did find out?' she asked as she leans against the door. she looked half scared and other part nervous. she biting the inside of her cheek.

No one know didn't know that Billie Joe had two illegitimate children before he married his wife. He didn't know till her mother had died and her lawyer had contacted his. They done a DNA test to make sure Her twin sister and Her where really his, but test came back that they where his. So He taken them after 16 years not knowing they excited. Adriana and the boys doing thier best to make them comfortable and get to know them better. They slow opening up to them but still hard for them call Billie Joe dad.
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