After a bit of an absence I've managed to return! Wasn't able to do very much on before real life kicked in but that shouldn't be a problem now.
Alright I'm raring to get some games going, but first, a bit about me and how I RP:
-I generally do at least two paragraphs a post, I like it if my partner can do the same. I can do more easily, but two is the minimum so no one liners please
-I love smut and sex as much as the next adult with a healthy sex drive but I love a good plot and interesting just as much, if not more
-I can post pretty often, but sometimes for whatever reason, it can take me up to a week, if it will take me longer than that I'll let you know via pm
-I tend to play women with mind's of their own. They're not slaves, they're not bimbos, so if that's what you like then I'm probably not for you. They do tend to be more submissive in bed, but they maybe like to switch it up every so often.
-I will play male characters of varying sexual orientation (straight, bi, or gay) but usually only as side characters, I prefer my mains to be female
-I prefer thread rping but I could be convinced to do PM. I will NOT do IM though, I'm not comfortable with it. Do not ask me.
My On's:
-Rough sex : biting (not drawing blood, more like... nomming?), hair pulling, scratching, yes please
-Light Bondage : who doesn't like being tied to the bed or hand cuffed?
-Multiple partners : maybe even orgies or gang bangs if it's relevant
-Polyamory and Love Triangles: I know, love triangles can be so cliche, but they can be so much fun too lol I also enjoy the interesting dynamic of polyamorous relationships
-Forbidden love
-Rivalry/Conflict : I love romance that starts out as a bit of hate or just dislike or some sort of conflict
-Romance : cuddling, kissing, flirting
-Dirty Talk : Just because I like cuddly stuff doesn't mean I can't enjoy the dirtier side too right?
-Dynamic Relationships: It gets boring when a couple does the same thing over and over again, I do tend to favor playing submissive characters, but I think it's fun if every so often they take control, or some one does something a little unexpected.
-Fantasy Races: Orcs, Elves, Trolls, Dwarves, even Hobbitses :3, etc, I love playing as them or against them. I can play them with established lore from books, movies, games, or with original ideas and backgrounds.
-Beasts/Anthros/Aliens/Were Creatures: I tend to prefer playing against these rather than as them, but I do occasionally enjoy playing them too, either as a male or a female. I'm not into straight bestiality though, so if the character has a pure animal form they have to be able to shape shift into a human or a more anthropomorphic form. I include werewolves in this group. (Play a Turian male for me and you've got a friend for life)
-Alternative Fashion: To me, a guy or girl with piercings and/or tattoos is very sexy, so I love having characters with them or crazy hair colors and the like, and love it if my partner's character does. I know this isn't everyone's bag though so if you're not into it, no problem.
-Adultery/Affairs/Cuckolds: Kind of ties into the whole 'forbidden' thing I think, I don't know why but I really enjoy the intrigue involved in affairs
My Maybe's:
-Anal Sex - I'm not big on it, like it's not something my characters will be willing to do all the time, but I'm good with it in certain scenarios like when there are multiple partners or as a treat if my partner really wants it. Just don't overdo it.
-Incest - I'd be willing to give this a try but I'm warning you ahead of time that I'll be very picky. I don't get these games where family members just have sex like it's normal. It's not normal. I would expect any incestual relationships to bring a lot of guilt and shame
My Off's:
-Scat and Water works (seriously, no.)
-Bestiality (I like anthros, but not just straight animals)
-Underage Characters
-Cervical Penetration
-Being treated like a Kink machine - By this I mean don't just treat me like I'm only here to do what you want to do. I try to make sure both my partner and I are enjoying ourselves, if you don't return that respect I will kick you to the curb.
***Not so much ideas as themes...
So, been wanting something kind of simple and smutty here of late. Here's a few things I've been mulling over:
Futuristic Monster Hunter- Sci Fi - MF - DM/Player Style - Smut with nonhumans very likely (how unhuman depends on my partner)
Ever since I saw these two pictures, here and here, I have had the image in my head of a righteous slayer of infernal beasts, not in the past but the future. I'm imagining a dark, possibly apocalyptic, cyber punk kind of world. It could be an AU where monsters have always existed, or possibly a future where something like the Biblical Apocalypse happened, unleashing said infernal beasts on the world. MC would be the Hunter, the member of an ancient order within the Roman Catholic Church specializing in hunting and killing all manner of hellish beasts. My partner would admittedly be in something of a DM role, playing most of the other parts but I would like to play a few myself. I have a few ideas for a story line that could be followed but I'd also like to do something of a series following her hunting trips. Think X-Files in that while these 'episodes' might sometimes stray from the main story, most would link together, working to reveal a plot.
Robin Hood - Historic (could include fantasy elements if we like) - MF with possible MM, MMF, MFM, MFF if my partner is inclined
The story of Robin Hood is a classic, and I have always wanted to do something with it. I would especially love something along the lines of the remake with Russell Crowe with a more historic lean and a stronger Marion, and possibly some female members in Robin's band. And of course the inclusion of the baddie, the Sheriff of Nottingham, whom I'd like to be a bit more serious than the usual bumbling, inept bully he's usually portrayed. I'd like to stick to the other all classic story but with our own additions and ideas, some changes here and there.
WWII - Nazi Soldier & French Resistance Fighter - MF - Dubious consent and Non-Con likely
I'm looking for someone to play a Nazi soldier here, which is hard to do since I think people shy from playing a possible Nazi but you can always play him as one of the German citizens who didn't believe in the Reich's philosophies but felt he had no choice to keep himself and his family safe, or out of the desire to rebuild his country, etc. Either way, MC would be a female French resistance fighter, a sniper I'm thinking. Long story short, she's taken captive by his squad and they plan on taking her to the nearest Nazi camp to be interrogated. Now, this could go several ways, I don't see this being a terribly long trip so I'm not interested in a long drawn out process of getting them together, the soldier could force himself on her or she could possibly try to seduce him in the hopes of getting him to lower his guard so she could escape. Either way, that starts things off between them and the closer they get to the camp, the more reluctant he is to hand her over. Here is where things could split in one of two directions, either he hands her over and then regrets his decision and helps her escape, or he could let her go and possibly go with her. Not sure where things could go from here.
Vampire Ideas - I have several ideas for vampire stories, which I always crave. I really love dark, romantic, twisted stories and vampires are a perfect carrier for that. The nature of vampires can vary depending on my partner and the story. They could be the classic, demonic creatures, repelled by holy relics and possessed by beings of darkness. Or they could be something more scientific, humans infected by a disease that has both negative and positive side effects.
Roman Empire - The Celtic Captive - MF main pair but MM, MMF, MFM, MFF are possible if partner is agreeable- Noncon & BDSM elements very likely
This story would start in Northern England at what today is the border between England and Scotland, Hadrian's Wall, likely set in the 2nd century AD. It would follow the capture of a female Celtic warrior by a Roman officer, who I see developing a relationship, before he's forced or coerced into handing her over as a slave. She would then be sent south and eventually end up in Rome, where she's sold to one of the arenas to be trained and used as a Gladitorix (female gladiator). She would be expected to be killed pretty quickly, as most were, but finds success in the arena and is bought by a nobleman or he simply takes her on as a patron, whichever. Either way, I'd like to build things here a bit between them, and include side characters such as his wife and others. Mixing gladiator arena action with Roman Republic sex and intrigue and politics. I have a lot of ideas for all this. Eventually, the Roman officer from before turns up, regretting his decision to let her go and tries to buy her back. Unsuccessful, he wants her to run away with him, but does she want to go?
The Taking of Persephone - MF - Noncon and BDSM elements likely, could range from being rather vanilla to very dark and twisted, depending on how my partner wants to play Hades
So this would be a retelling/reimagining of the Rape of Persephone, I changed the title there a bit so people didn't thin it was just a rape story. In this instance they don't mean literal rape, though it's of course implied that that probably also happened, but more her being literally taken by force. For those unfamiliar with the story:
I would love to do something like this, staying either mostly true to the original myth or we could change things up somehow. Hades could be lonely and perhaps a little oblivious but mostly benevolent (towards Persephone anyway, I'd never call the God of the Underworld benevolent or harmless), or he could be more demanding and dominating. Persephone could even be willing to go with him and her mother just thinks she's been taken against her will, or doesn't believe that she would willingly go.
More to come... feel free to ask me about one of these if you're curious, I have things in mind I just haven't gotten around to typing them out yet
Fantasy (High Fantasy, Modern Fantasy)
Sci Fi (preferably not hard sci fi)
Modern Fantasy
Historical Fiction
Contemporary (The story has to be pretty interesting for me to be into a modern, realistic game)
Alright I'm raring to get some games going, but first, a bit about me and how I RP:
-I generally do at least two paragraphs a post, I like it if my partner can do the same. I can do more easily, but two is the minimum so no one liners please
-I love smut and sex as much as the next adult with a healthy sex drive but I love a good plot and interesting just as much, if not more
-I can post pretty often, but sometimes for whatever reason, it can take me up to a week, if it will take me longer than that I'll let you know via pm
-I tend to play women with mind's of their own. They're not slaves, they're not bimbos, so if that's what you like then I'm probably not for you. They do tend to be more submissive in bed, but they maybe like to switch it up every so often.
-I will play male characters of varying sexual orientation (straight, bi, or gay) but usually only as side characters, I prefer my mains to be female
-I prefer thread rping but I could be convinced to do PM. I will NOT do IM though, I'm not comfortable with it. Do not ask me.
My On's:
-Rough sex : biting (not drawing blood, more like... nomming?), hair pulling, scratching, yes please
-Light Bondage : who doesn't like being tied to the bed or hand cuffed?
-Multiple partners : maybe even orgies or gang bangs if it's relevant
-Polyamory and Love Triangles: I know, love triangles can be so cliche, but they can be so much fun too lol I also enjoy the interesting dynamic of polyamorous relationships
-Forbidden love
-Rivalry/Conflict : I love romance that starts out as a bit of hate or just dislike or some sort of conflict
-Romance : cuddling, kissing, flirting
-Dirty Talk : Just because I like cuddly stuff doesn't mean I can't enjoy the dirtier side too right?
-Dynamic Relationships: It gets boring when a couple does the same thing over and over again, I do tend to favor playing submissive characters, but I think it's fun if every so often they take control, or some one does something a little unexpected.
-Fantasy Races: Orcs, Elves, Trolls, Dwarves, even Hobbitses :3, etc, I love playing as them or against them. I can play them with established lore from books, movies, games, or with original ideas and backgrounds.
-Beasts/Anthros/Aliens/Were Creatures: I tend to prefer playing against these rather than as them, but I do occasionally enjoy playing them too, either as a male or a female. I'm not into straight bestiality though, so if the character has a pure animal form they have to be able to shape shift into a human or a more anthropomorphic form. I include werewolves in this group. (Play a Turian male for me and you've got a friend for life)
-Alternative Fashion: To me, a guy or girl with piercings and/or tattoos is very sexy, so I love having characters with them or crazy hair colors and the like, and love it if my partner's character does. I know this isn't everyone's bag though so if you're not into it, no problem.
-Adultery/Affairs/Cuckolds: Kind of ties into the whole 'forbidden' thing I think, I don't know why but I really enjoy the intrigue involved in affairs
My Maybe's:
-Anal Sex - I'm not big on it, like it's not something my characters will be willing to do all the time, but I'm good with it in certain scenarios like when there are multiple partners or as a treat if my partner really wants it. Just don't overdo it.
-Incest - I'd be willing to give this a try but I'm warning you ahead of time that I'll be very picky. I don't get these games where family members just have sex like it's normal. It's not normal. I would expect any incestual relationships to bring a lot of guilt and shame
My Off's:
-Scat and Water works (seriously, no.)
-Bestiality (I like anthros, but not just straight animals)
-Underage Characters
-Cervical Penetration
-Being treated like a Kink machine - By this I mean don't just treat me like I'm only here to do what you want to do. I try to make sure both my partner and I are enjoying ourselves, if you don't return that respect I will kick you to the curb.
***Not so much ideas as themes...
Lately I've been having fun playing around with relationship dynamics outside of the usual monogamous pairings. I will still do those of course but I've been enjoying polyamorous relationships, open ones, adultery that turns into something more complicated (almost cuckolding but not quite), love triangles, and others along those lines. I'd really love to work those in when possible, but I know it's not everyone's cup of tea so it's not a requirement.
****I would also love to play more with male bisexual characters, usually with my partner playing one. So if that's something you enjoy think about shooting me a PM!
***Historical Fiction - MF or MM - See two posts down for more info about what time periods and cultures I like, those are just the ones I came up with off the top of my head though, and are pretty broad and general. If you've got a craving for a different time period or culture, just let me know and I may be interested!
*Non Human x Human- MF (maybe MM) - Not so much a story idea as a craving. Really want to do a male non human (could be something as simple as an Elf, something a little more exotic like an Orc, an anthro of an animal or mythical beast, or an alien) and a female human, maybe with another male of the same or different (even human) species. Story would entirely depend on the genre and pairing.
***Affairs/Cuckold - Lovers or spouses cheating on one another, with the one being cheated on possibly coming to enjoy watching their partner with their other lover(s)
**Breeding -This is something I've been kind of getting into recently. I'm not sure what I want to do with it, but it's a theme I'm interested in.
So, been wanting something kind of simple and smutty here of late. Here's a few things I've been mulling over:
Futuristic Monster Hunter- Sci Fi - MF - DM/Player Style - Smut with nonhumans very likely (how unhuman depends on my partner)
Ever since I saw these two pictures, here and here, I have had the image in my head of a righteous slayer of infernal beasts, not in the past but the future. I'm imagining a dark, possibly apocalyptic, cyber punk kind of world. It could be an AU where monsters have always existed, or possibly a future where something like the Biblical Apocalypse happened, unleashing said infernal beasts on the world. MC would be the Hunter, the member of an ancient order within the Roman Catholic Church specializing in hunting and killing all manner of hellish beasts. My partner would admittedly be in something of a DM role, playing most of the other parts but I would like to play a few myself. I have a few ideas for a story line that could be followed but I'd also like to do something of a series following her hunting trips. Think X-Files in that while these 'episodes' might sometimes stray from the main story, most would link together, working to reveal a plot.
Robin Hood - Historic (could include fantasy elements if we like) - MF with possible MM, MMF, MFM, MFF if my partner is inclined
The story of Robin Hood is a classic, and I have always wanted to do something with it. I would especially love something along the lines of the remake with Russell Crowe with a more historic lean and a stronger Marion, and possibly some female members in Robin's band. And of course the inclusion of the baddie, the Sheriff of Nottingham, whom I'd like to be a bit more serious than the usual bumbling, inept bully he's usually portrayed. I'd like to stick to the other all classic story but with our own additions and ideas, some changes here and there.
WWII - Nazi Soldier & French Resistance Fighter - MF - Dubious consent and Non-Con likely
I'm looking for someone to play a Nazi soldier here, which is hard to do since I think people shy from playing a possible Nazi but you can always play him as one of the German citizens who didn't believe in the Reich's philosophies but felt he had no choice to keep himself and his family safe, or out of the desire to rebuild his country, etc. Either way, MC would be a female French resistance fighter, a sniper I'm thinking. Long story short, she's taken captive by his squad and they plan on taking her to the nearest Nazi camp to be interrogated. Now, this could go several ways, I don't see this being a terribly long trip so I'm not interested in a long drawn out process of getting them together, the soldier could force himself on her or she could possibly try to seduce him in the hopes of getting him to lower his guard so she could escape. Either way, that starts things off between them and the closer they get to the camp, the more reluctant he is to hand her over. Here is where things could split in one of two directions, either he hands her over and then regrets his decision and helps her escape, or he could let her go and possibly go with her. Not sure where things could go from here.
Vampire Ideas - I have several ideas for vampire stories, which I always crave. I really love dark, romantic, twisted stories and vampires are a perfect carrier for that. The nature of vampires can vary depending on my partner and the story. They could be the classic, demonic creatures, repelled by holy relics and possessed by beings of darkness. Or they could be something more scientific, humans infected by a disease that has both negative and positive side effects.
-I have always loved Francis Ford Coppola's take on Bram Stoker's Dracula (the one with Gary Oldman, Anthony Hopkins, and Winona Rider), and especially I love his take on the relationship between Dracula and Mina. Forbidden but magnetic, an ageless creature and an innocent but head strong young woman. I would love to do something similar, in whatever setting but I would really love to do this in the Victorian era, not required though. A small idea I have with this, though not opposed to others. A re-imagining or even just retelling of this would be lovely.
- a young debutante from a lower ranking family has her parent's ambitions resting on her shoulders to find a rich, powerful husband and ends up snagging the attention of a foreign, powerful vampire. Possibly bordering more on obsession. Pretty unoriginal, I know, but there's potential for some pretty dark themes. And I have ideas for other characters, a female vampire, a vampire hunter, a rival suitor, a jealous father, etc. This would be past or fantasy.
- a poor young woman, possibly a prostitute, winds up with an usual John who happens to be a vampire, who takes pity on her and keeps her as a sort of pet, though things evolve into more soon enough. Also potential for other characters here. Could be any setting really, past, fantasy, modern, futuristic.
- an alternative to the above, said prostitute is saved in a more literal sense, either from being killed by a John or her pimp, or possibly from suicide, and is offered the chance to become a vampire by her savior. She does so and winds up joining a circus staffed mostly by vampires who use their abilities to wow and horrify audiences, but at the risk of inviting unwanted attention. Could be any setting really, past, fantasy, modern, futuristic, but I think past or fantasy would work best. Lots of potential for side characters here.
- pretty straight forward probably modern setting idea of a young woman going to a night club and hooking up with a guy who turns out to be a vampire. Could be more of a one shot than anything but if we can come up with some interesting characters I think it could easily evolve into more. Perhaps she's married or engaged, or maybe he was meant to kill her or bring her to other vampires as a sort of initiation right.
- a vampire hunter getting involved with a vampire, not sure of the details yet, but I imagine her as a righteous and possibly holy hunter, maybe a part of an order of hunters. This could be set in the past, or in a fantasy setting, or it could even be put in modern times or the future, an order having survived centuries into our time or the future.
I have a few other snippets and seeds but those are the main ones for the moment. Feel free to contact me with ones of your own if you think I'd like them!
- a young debutante from a lower ranking family has her parent's ambitions resting on her shoulders to find a rich, powerful husband and ends up snagging the attention of a foreign, powerful vampire. Possibly bordering more on obsession. Pretty unoriginal, I know, but there's potential for some pretty dark themes. And I have ideas for other characters, a female vampire, a vampire hunter, a rival suitor, a jealous father, etc. This would be past or fantasy.
- a poor young woman, possibly a prostitute, winds up with an usual John who happens to be a vampire, who takes pity on her and keeps her as a sort of pet, though things evolve into more soon enough. Also potential for other characters here. Could be any setting really, past, fantasy, modern, futuristic.
- an alternative to the above, said prostitute is saved in a more literal sense, either from being killed by a John or her pimp, or possibly from suicide, and is offered the chance to become a vampire by her savior. She does so and winds up joining a circus staffed mostly by vampires who use their abilities to wow and horrify audiences, but at the risk of inviting unwanted attention. Could be any setting really, past, fantasy, modern, futuristic, but I think past or fantasy would work best. Lots of potential for side characters here.
- pretty straight forward probably modern setting idea of a young woman going to a night club and hooking up with a guy who turns out to be a vampire. Could be more of a one shot than anything but if we can come up with some interesting characters I think it could easily evolve into more. Perhaps she's married or engaged, or maybe he was meant to kill her or bring her to other vampires as a sort of initiation right.
- a vampire hunter getting involved with a vampire, not sure of the details yet, but I imagine her as a righteous and possibly holy hunter, maybe a part of an order of hunters. This could be set in the past, or in a fantasy setting, or it could even be put in modern times or the future, an order having survived centuries into our time or the future.
I have a few other snippets and seeds but those are the main ones for the moment. Feel free to contact me with ones of your own if you think I'd like them!
Roman Empire - The Celtic Captive - MF main pair but MM, MMF, MFM, MFF are possible if partner is agreeable- Noncon & BDSM elements very likely
This story would start in Northern England at what today is the border between England and Scotland, Hadrian's Wall, likely set in the 2nd century AD. It would follow the capture of a female Celtic warrior by a Roman officer, who I see developing a relationship, before he's forced or coerced into handing her over as a slave. She would then be sent south and eventually end up in Rome, where she's sold to one of the arenas to be trained and used as a Gladitorix (female gladiator). She would be expected to be killed pretty quickly, as most were, but finds success in the arena and is bought by a nobleman or he simply takes her on as a patron, whichever. Either way, I'd like to build things here a bit between them, and include side characters such as his wife and others. Mixing gladiator arena action with Roman Republic sex and intrigue and politics. I have a lot of ideas for all this. Eventually, the Roman officer from before turns up, regretting his decision to let her go and tries to buy her back. Unsuccessful, he wants her to run away with him, but does she want to go?
The Taking of Persephone - MF - Noncon and BDSM elements likely, could range from being rather vanilla to very dark and twisted, depending on how my partner wants to play Hades
So this would be a retelling/reimagining of the Rape of Persephone, I changed the title there a bit so people didn't thin it was just a rape story. In this instance they don't mean literal rape, though it's of course implied that that probably also happened, but more her being literally taken by force. For those unfamiliar with the story:
Hades the god of the Underworld came to the world of the living one day seeking to escape his loneliness and sees Persephone, daughter of Demeter the goddess of the earth, picking flowers with the nymphs. He's instantly enraptured with her beauty and life and kidnaps her to take her to the Underworld to be his wife. Long story short, she refuses to eat while she's there, her mother throws an epic, goddess fit and refuses to let anything on Earth grow until she gets her daughter back. Zeus demands Hades give her back and he reluctantly agrees but before she leaves he tricks her into eating six pomegranate seeds, binding her to the Underworld forever. He's still forced to give her back but she must return to the Underworld to be with him every year for six months, then goes back to the Earth for six months. During the six months that she's in the Underworld, Demeter refuses to let anything grow in protest and the Earth grows cold and unyielding. This was the Greek's way of explaining the changing seasons, during the fall and winter, Persephone is in the Underworld and Demeter lets nothing grow. Then she returns and life returns to the Earth.
I would love to do something like this, staying either mostly true to the original myth or we could change things up somehow. Hades could be lonely and perhaps a little oblivious but mostly benevolent (towards Persephone anyway, I'd never call the God of the Underworld benevolent or harmless), or he could be more demanding and dominating. Persephone could even be willing to go with him and her mother just thinks she's been taken against her will, or doesn't believe that she would willingly go.
More to come... feel free to ask me about one of these if you're curious, I have things in mind I just haven't gotten around to typing them out yet
Forest Guardian
A Royal Affair
Dragon Rider
Werewolf & Hunter
Princess/Queen & Guardian
Wild West
Dark Circus
A Royal Affair
Dragon Rider
Werewolf & Hunter
Princess/Queen & Guardian
Wild West
Dark Circus
Fantasy (High Fantasy, Modern Fantasy)
Sci Fi (preferably not hard sci fi)
Modern Fantasy
Historical Fiction
Contemporary (The story has to be pretty interesting for me to be into a modern, realistic game)