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Werewolves, all around!

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i'm as friendly as a rabbit
Sep 17, 2012
This is an incredibly generic request, but I'd love to write a werewolf. I made the mistake of rewatching An American Werewolf in London, and I'm absolutely dying for a line. It needn't have anything at all to do with the movie, of course.
Whether you'd rather play a human, werewolf, or some other creature, I don't especially mind. While vampires are far from my favourites, if you're inclined to play one, by all means.

I'm more versed in male slash, but I'd be happy writing male or female, against any sex. Slash of either gender or het, that is to say.
I don't mind if this gets mature, or if it doesn't.
I'd really like a few lines, and I'd love it if at least some of them were somehow fluffy. :3 Drama's bound to come up, but I could use a few good doses of dumb fluff. xD
PM, email, possibly thread. <3
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