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Things you hate on the internet.

Jonathan Frost

Jul 21, 2013
Upstate New York
I'm gonna start this off with. HASHTAGS. I HATE HASHTAGS! Especially on Facebook. They are so stupid!!! #coolnightall! shit like that. So. Fucking. Retarded. I am sorry. lol. Anyone else hate hashtags or anything else?
I honestly just don't get hashtags. Maybe it's my age or lack of caring. But yeah, I'm inclined to agree that they're pretty damned stupid.
I am beginning to hate memes or at least certain ones...or maybe its just I hate the friends the repost every single one of them.

As for hashtags, I am on the fence about them. I use twitter and when used right hashtags can be a valuable tool for finding people to connect with when trying to share information. I use them to spread information on things like Extra Life to help draw world wide attention to the cause. I do agree however that putting a hashtag for EVERYTHING is ridiculous.

I'm fine with you liking the show, but the moment you cross the line where you become a brony... Yeeeah. Just get away from me. :|
People who post hastags might also be posting to twitter which may be why.

Hashtags are just like tagging, but for sites like Twitter and Facebook, and for a few exceptions (like wanting to make sure certain people see something you need or want to be seen) I don't get them.

I hate how trends move and die so quick nowadays. They explode with popularity, the media gets all over it, other people get tired of it, and people who hardly got a chance to enjoy it get labeled as annoying or obnoxious for liking it. Like Gangnam Style. I actually liked that song, and not to sound like a hipster, but I was liking it before it trended. And now I'm obnoxious for liking it.
People that do not give any feedback as to whether they're interested or not. I mean what the fuck? Be polite and tell me you're not interested so that I don't waste my time refreshin' for nothing. Fuck!

This has happened A LOT of times on this website so far... Last time so many didn't respond to my PM's was on flippin' Gaia with 13-YEAR OLD KIDS.

Dammit! >:O

EDIT: I counted how many it is that has gone silent for no reason versus how many it is that has not mysteriously disappeared. Note that I'm a complete newbie on these forums:
9 to 6 making it 15 people in total.
That's a 60% 'puff I'm gone! TEEHEE'-rate.
I'm going to punch an innocent dog. >:O
The game...and we all just lost. jk

When you are trying to watch a video on YouTube and an add starts playing on another tab.

Hipsters who join a fandom just because its cool and knows nothing about it, then act like they know everything about it when you have seen every episode twice...

Hashtags are useful on twitter and instagram but they need to just go away on facebook, they just make people look like tools.
I see hashtags are hated or at least disliked with a bunch of you. Brony's or however it is spelled get on my nerves as well. As for Gangnam style. I will be honest. I didn't listen to it until after all the hype. But when I finally did I fell in love with it. It is a great song. I've even listened to Gentleman, his new song. Rather good! lol

@laa I hate that too, believe me I do. Either that or they completely stop responding to you when you are half way through an rp with them, and when you ask them whats up "Oh its not working out for me. You aren't giving me enough to work with." when I'm typing out like two to three paras. Really grinds my gears.
.gifs, unless I'm specifically seeking one, I adblock every .gif I come across.
Halaster said:

I'm fine with you liking the show, but the moment you cross the line where you become a brony... Yeeeah. Just get away from me. :|

This. This so much.

It makes no fucking sense.

Rea said:
.gifs, unless I'm specifically seeking one, I adblock every .gif I come across.

Do they get you dizzy? I've a friend who has that issue.

OT: People who disrespect staff, trolls, spammers, and people who flat out disregard the rules. Nothing gets my blood boiling like that.
@Jonathan Frost:
I was worried that I might had been the only one. :p
I barely even get to that point though. I get to the point where I ask 'em: "What thoughts do you have on your plot?"; AND BAM, gone. >.<

Meh, I don't care if you're a brony or not. What grinds my gears is brony pornography. I will kick an innocent dog! I will do it!
@laa I am so guilty of not responding, mostly because I got tired of people sending me requests without looking at my request thread. I haven't advertised I was looking in months. But I hate that too though, when you actually get interested and before you even start they ditch. I dissapear for weeks at a time but when I comeback I always message the people I was playing with tell them I'm sorry and ask if they want to continue, I have only found one amazing lady who tolerates this
@Pony (it's shorter):
I always read the request-threads from head to toe though. I mean, I may forgot some of what I've read, but that's about it. :/

And see, I wouldn't mind something like that... Ditching and just not being online are two different things. The one indicates that you're still using energy and time on replying to others while ignoring someone else; The other simply indicates that you're not there at the moment. The first bugs me as I find it insulting, the latter doesn't.

All I want is a post saying 'I'm not interested'. :/
I totally get it, if I get a request saying "I have read through your request thread and was wondering if you were interested in a roleplay" then I will respond but if I get someone who has obviously not even attempted to read it I will not reply. If you touch all of my hard limits in one short paragraph I'm sorry but you deserve to be ignored.

(Also pony is fine everyone calls me pony!)
Here's what I've written to someone before they ignored me:

"I'd be interested in the X plot from your request thread, <some more text to specify>. Are you still up for it, or?"

They literally ditch me for trying to figure out exactly what they want. I'm about to punch a kitten.
@Jonathan Gangnam style dubstep all the way >.>

@Callisto totally agree on the disrespecting/not following rules thing. That bothers me online and IRL.
The mysterious ad that you can't seem to find that PLAYS MUSIC when you are doing other things, and you have to pull a Sherlock Holmes to find it.

The over-abundant use of certain memes.
Laa said:
Here's what I've written to someone before they ignored me:

"I'd be interested in the X plot from your request thread, <some more text to specify>. Are you still up for it, or?"

They literally ditch me for trying to figure out exactly what they want. I'm about to punch a kitten.

Honestly at this point I'd say they aren't worth your time, if they can't have even a little respect then leave it. It's there loss. :-/
Well, if it was like 40% that ditched me without telling, I probably wouldn't be ranting at all. It's because it's a staggering 60% that I'm ranting, because it indicates that it's a trend of some sort to simply ditch people.

Because a rant is the best way to tell off as many people as possible in one go, instead of giving 'em individual attention. :/
Well now! Seems I have struck a chord! *does the happy devil dance* woo! lol sorry.

Anyways. Yes I definitely agree with all of your points everyone. And Hahvoc? Yeah. I know the exact feeling. Especially if you are on one of the Wikia sites. They are soooooo laden down with ads it isn't even funny...
@Hahvoc that drives me nuts, the body thing. Not many are honest about themselves. I once called a guy on his bragging and told him to prove it. In return he sent me a picture of a banana which he though was hilarious. -_-
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