Jugger x Little_Iveta


Jul 23, 2010
Blue Moon of Georgia
Nathan - My Avatar

"Alert. Cammy White, awaken. You have new orders. Alert. Cammy White, awaken. You have new orders." These words would ring out from her intercom early in the morning, ringing until she would answer the call to whoever it was who was calling. "Dammit Cammy, wake up!" Ursine yelled through the intercom, annoyed easily with the girl to the point that a small shocking stream of electricity shot out to sting the girl's arm. "You've got orders. I want you here now. You're being placed with the care of a new recruit whom I want you to train and look after. He should be arriving to your room soon."
Cammy sighed again on these mundane daily routine, training another newboy was already tiring for her, Cammy had already sent many Shadowloo aspirants to their quick deaths, most died in the hands of Fei Long, Rose, Zangief and Birdie. Well, this one might just be an addition for the cemetery epitaph.

Out of sheer anger and irritation, Cammy soon throw the intercom against the wall after hearing everything Ursine said to her, she picks up her black tank tube, tight sausage pants and biker boots from the dresser and dresses up to meet the rookie that she will leash.

After dressing, Cammy goes out of her room and went to the pantry to get some breakfast, she doesn't quite care about her new pupil unless she has seen his potential, while having a coffee she uses her smartphone to send an SMS message directly to Nathan's private computer inside his room.

Even though the computer is off, it would be governed by Cammy's phone to turn it on.

"Nathan, meet me hear at the pantry, I will debrief you for your next assignment."
His alarm went off when the computer turned on due to Cammy's message. A groan left Nathan's mouth as he sat up and looked sleepily toward the computer to see the message that Cammy had sent. "This must be my trainer..." He murmured as he stood up completely and stretched, popping and loosening some loose joints from the sleep. He redressed into his usual blue attire of a white shirt with a blue vest, matched with pants the same color as his shirt. He headed out of his room and went toward the pantry where she had instructed him, and only saw one person in there. Cammy. He sighed as he walked over to her and sat in front of her. "You're my trainer...? I'm here less than a day and they already got me working..." He looked her up and down. "At least this match-up won't be a total eye sore. Anyway...the mission?"
Cammy already sensed the trail Nathan is making even before he is approaching the pantry, but she just continue drinking her coffee, to her this is just another morning exercise, unless she has new assignments in tracking down Gen himself.

She notice the way Nathan looked at her, but she ignores it even if Nathan was leering to her.

"Handler to be specific, I need you to get acclimatized quickly for our training since we are on tight schedule for our next assignment. Go to the training deck on the second floor and wait for me there, I'll give you the mission details after your training today. Ready yourself for the training, I don't want you limping like a maggot trooper."
"Jeez you said to come down for the pantry for mission debriefing. Not the training deck. But whatever." He murmured and eyed her more, but ignored her clothing as he headed up to the training deck. He wondered what made her so powerful. She didn't look abnormal or above average. What made her better than him? Other than experience possibly...He sighed and waited in the training deck for her, and began to just start punching bags as he waited. He tried to see how long he could keep a volley of punches up before the punching bag would actually come back down to resting position. 'Dammit where the hell is she...She gets to drink coffee and I can't even so much as get toast to eat for my breakfast.'
With the arrogant demeanor he just showed Cammy wanted to whip the cup of coffee on his face but it would be a waste of Shadowloo resources if she would just keep on disbanding newboys just because of unprofessional behavior, anyway, she assumes that Nathan will get his taste of medicine on the field soon but for now she wants to see his capability, for now all she just saw is his leering expertise, well, maybe Nathan could also have some potentials for spying missions, like spying on Chun Li on her vacation leave.

Cammy, after finishing her coffee proceeds to the training room, from there she could see from afar Nathan doing some muscle exercise, it looked quite cute for her seeing him doing things the hard way.

She texted Ursine on where did they fish out Nathan, he doesn't seem to look like a low life gangster or having the military brawn but he looked like he can handle his own.

While he is busy punching non-moving targets, she silently went on his back and presses his shoulders firmly.
Upon receiving the text, Ursine replied back. 'Let's just say he's an experiment. We're testing out genetically modified soldiers and Nathan is prototype number one. We want you you observe this prototype...but don't tell him what he is. He has no memory, and only knows he works for us. He has basic language skills, knowledge of the world, and street smarts to get by. As for his fighting skills...you must test him...observe him...rate him. He is a wild card...even we do not know his capabilities.'

Upon feeling the girl put her hands on his shoulders, his first instinct was to swing his arms around, hooked so his elbow poked out, but he stopped midway once he saw it was Cammy. "Jeez you can't sneak up on a guy like that." He murmured. "Well. I'm here. About those mission details...what do we do exactly?"
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