a inuyasha original (jelojohn and Abby Locke)


Jan 8, 2013
groaning amber his eyes, the scenery he was used to was no longer there, instead he saw a beatifull landscape he barely recognized, yet it almost felt like home to him. “Hello ANYONE..... were the hell am I” amber yelled in frustration, he had just been walking home were his family was awaiting him for dinner and now he was here.

cooling his nerves he checked himself for any abrasions because he remembered the sensation of falling before he came here, after seconds of this the only thing he found wierd was a wet backside but he did not take great note to it, who knows he may have landed in a puddle. as he cleaned himself off amber went of in a direction he thought to be south grabbing a large stick for defense, for he knew nothing of this land!
Tenshi was walking quietly through the forest, enjoying the peacefullness that was giving her a small break from the reality she faced of constant fighting. The sound of a human yell caught her attention, causing her to frown. A human shouldn't be so far out, away from their little villages they liked so much.

Curious, Tenshi followed the sound and smell of the human. She didn't have far to go before she found him. A boy, barely a man, in strange clothes. He had a strange smell too. She frowned more, the silly little human had only a stick for protection. That might work against an animal but if he met up with any demons he was screwed.
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