Drunk Off Nothing But Each Other (MBW x MynDonos)


Dec 9, 2010
After the events in New York with the Avengers, things at S.H.I.E.L.D. went back to normal. Well, about as normal as it can be in a place full of assassins, suits, and scientists. There was one distinct difference in her and Clint's lives that made it particularly hard to move on, their new handler. It wasn't because Brent Williams was a taskmaster or an idiot, no he was about as good of a handler as any. But the loss of Phil Coulson was deeply felt by the pair and it occasionally affected their work. He'd been their handler since they were both recruited into S.H.I.E.L.D. and the trio had bonded into this codependent relationship that somehow functioned without interrupting their jobs.

Natasha was reflecting upon this as she drank her favorite vodka alone in her room upon the Helicarrier. She knew that Clint was off somewhere on his first solo mission since he was compromised. It was a mutual decision between the upper brass and Clint that he was finally ready to handle a mission on his own. It was nothing difficult, a simple track and guard mission upon some expensive artifact that was being transferred between countries. As she drank another sip from her glass she realized that she missed him. He was a close friend, closer than anyone else in her entire life. But since New York things had not been the same with him, he was more guarded and reserved. It was not the same goofy, wisecracking man that she was fond of and she was unsure if she would ever get him back. For that alone she hated Loki.

When there is an alert to a visitor at her door she wonders if it's Clint returned from the mission or Williams to tell her of her next one. Instead she furrows her eyebrows as Director Fury enters her room alone. "Well this cannot be good..." she murmured as she finishes her glass in one swallow before pouring another two fingers worth. Natasha can certainly hold her liquor, she's done enough drinking in her years to know her limits. She doesn't move from the bed where she's perched leaning against the headboard in her black silk pajamas, pants and a spaghetti tank top. Nick Fury had seen her in much less before, strictly platonic of course. One knee is drawn to her chest while the other foot swings off the edge the bare foot brushing the floor.

"I have a specific mission for you." he starts, his hands clenched behind his back as he paces at the end of her bed in her room which is impeccably well kept.

"Must be pretty special for you to deliver it...in private...without Williams here." she added each detail slowly and for every one the wrinkles on her forehead increase before she sighs, taking another sip before looking up at his face, a grim smile on his lips.

"Perceptive as always Agent Romanoff. You're right though, it is a special mission and one that must be kept a secret for it's rather sensitive. As you know Tony Stark is a rather valuable asset to us, both him and Iron Man." he purposely separates the two and she understands why, all she does is give him a small nod to continue. "Lately I've had reports that he's...slipping back into his old self. The one you saw before he got rid of the palladium core and it isn't pretty."

Natasha grimaces at this image remembering that man quite well. "I still don't see what this has to do with me, Pepper..." Nick cuts her off abruptly his voice tight. "Ms Potts has...separated herself from Tony. I already contacted her when I heard that he was slipping back into old habits and she told me, and I quote 'he's not longer my problem' end quote. I can't say I blame her though, it seems that nearly dying did quite a number on him. So we need someone to go handle this...him...whatever."

Emerald eyes give him a hard look and he raises his hands in the air in a offensive manner. "I know, I know why you...well who else am I going to send? Doctor Banner is out of the country at his time and the last thing he needs is someone else who cannot control himself. Thor is off the damn planet and would probably encourage him. Agent Barton is on a mission and even if he wasn't he has his own PTSD to deal with. Captain is great but I think Stark would be more defensive at having him around. I already told you that Ms Potts isn't going to be any help, not that I blame her. She's dealt with this for years and it hits a lot closer to home. So, you're the only one I got left."

Natasha considers this for a minute while she swirls the glass in her hand. The ice was mostly melts by now but clattered in the silence that stretched out between them. "You know he's not going to like this." She doesn't directly say yes but they both know she's not saying no.

"Doesn't have to like it as long as it gets him sober." Nick replies and he knows that it's already settled. As he walks towards the door he continues talking, "You leave within the half hour and Natasha? You might want to enjoy that drink, it'll probably be your last for a while." Natasha mutters some curse in what he thinks is Russian but easily could be some other Slavic language for all he knows.

An hour later Natasha is back at the doorstep of Tony Stark's massive mansion and she's staring at the door handle as if it's a snake that's going to bite her. She knows that it's irrational but she still has to force herself to press in the code given to her by Pepper and open the door. The door beeps happily and opens softly, the cool air conditioning flowing to ruffle her fiery locks blissfully.

Welcome back Ms Romanoff, shall I let Mr Stark know you are here? Jarvis' voice come on overhead and she swears it sounds relieved at her arrival. She can hear noise beyond the foyer and some rock music blaring. "No thank you. Where is he?" she asks calmly as she moved through the house. It isn't exactly trashed but the house is a mess, like it hadn't been cleaned in quite some time, and there are things that are over turned and out of place. In the workshop as usual. he replies helpfully. Natasha isn't surprised as she moves downstairs, her long forest green skirt flows around her ankles while her curls brush over her shoulders that are bare from the goldenrod scoop neck tank top. Her sandaled feet are quiet as she moves towards his workshop unsure of what she would find.
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