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Interest Check for Adventurer/Quest based RP


Apr 9, 2012
Hello friends, I had an idea strike me for a Roleplay that would require a small group. I'm thinking about four people. It will be fantasy based, so expect; magic/curses, elves, mythical creatures,etc. Plus, Futa/F*F/M*F/F action. So if that sort of thing peaks your interest please read further. (^.^)

As for the Rp idea here is the basics of what I was thinking;
Small group of adventurers travel the world in search of rare artifacts, magical items and of course the general plunder that can be found along the way. The roads though will not be easy and what treasures they seek will have guardians ready to catch any trespasser and punish them however they see fit.

Basically you could say this will be like a normal RPG. Group gets quest fights baddies along the way; probably with sex. Finds ancient Tomb/Cave/Ruins fights Guardian/Hoarder, probably with more sex, and gets treasure. Or leaves defeated. Or enslaved for a bit? Anything can happen! (^.^)
BUT one thing I will add is I don’t necessarily want the Rp to be entirely based off sex. A little story and non-sexual encounters are always fun too.

So anyone think they would be interested? Any questions please feel free to ask.
I'm glad to see some are interested though I do appoligize for responding so late. Things have come up recently. I would still like to do this though if you can work with my slow posting as I may not be able to post everyday right now.

So if any of you guys are still interested sweetness. <^.^> Also if so do you guys have any questions or anything? I'm going to work on a better concept line for this RP once I've gotten some sleep as currently my mind is in Blah mode from sleepiness.
Well, one question: will this take place in, like, the present? 2013, modern day, blah blah blah?
Fenrir said:
Well, one question: will this take place in, like, the present? 2013, modern day, blah blah blah?
No I wasn't really planing on placing this in present day. It would be more like a fantasy type setting. My best way to explain how I mean would be to show you an example, so I hope it helps.( Example ) Ofcourse I'm not saying we would follow this concept exactly but it's basically what I was thinking so far.

Okay so I know I've been off a bit and again I apologize for it, I have been busy with life sadly.(and still am) So we have 5 interested still yes?
And also for those that have asked I still am working on concept. I plan to post more details. But I would like to get a definite tally of who's in still before I do.
PyroVixen said:
Fenrir said:
Well, one question: will this take place in, like, the present? 2013, modern day, blah blah blah?
No I wasn't really planing on placing this in present day. It would be more like a fantasy type setting. My best way to explain how I mean would be to show you an example, so I hope it helps.( Example ) Ofcourse I'm not saying we would follow this concept exactly but it's basically what I was thinking so far.

Okay so I know I've been off a bit and again I apologize for it, I have been busy with life sadly.(and still am) So we have 5 interested still yes?
And also for those that have asked I still am working on concept. I plan to post more details. But I would like to get a definite tally of who's in still before I do.

Never heard of it, but I follow.

If you need ideas, maybe they start off looking for some artifact with a massive reward for its discovery?
Champ- Glad to here your still in as I am still going to try to do this.

Fenrir- Glad to see you get the idea. As I said it was just an example for the setting I'm going for. Not going to try to follow it though. And also you kinda read my mind there as I was thinking along those lines. My thoughts though were if our characters should maybe already know one another(which is probably easier). Or randomly meet up as they all tend to be on the same quest so teaming up ensues.
Im interested but prefer medevial era setting.
Also not into comedy or humor... more danger delving dragon fighting leave the comedy to comedians or court jesters lol
I'm all for it, though I can't promise there will be no humor at all involved. That's how I roll. The fourth wall is for chumps :p
If this one is still up for consideration, I'd like to join it. I like the concept. :)
Or base it loosely off real mythos :) allowing us to go after items like the holy grail or the sword in the stone interact with people like merlin and king arthur even possibly robin hood
Might want to check the dates on the posts again. Same problem as the medieval RP, it seems. Someone might need to just take the ball and run with it like I did with the other RP. In other news I'm loving Mariah's idea of this RP as more of a treasure hunt for real life items from mythology like the holy grail or excalibur. Heck, it could even have a kind of Indiana Jones flavor to it if nobody's heart was set on medieval setting.
Dammit!!! Why is it that we always seem to find the threads that are dead?!?
All right. I've started a new interest thread about the topic here.
Why cant it be mediveL with the indiana jones/lara croft feel? All they are is tomb robbers which goes back to even before mediveal times.
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