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The Sorrow of Solkovia (Revolution Roleplay)


Jan 16, 2009

The Basics:
the Sorrow of Solkovia is a roleplay I have that for nearly 10 years been occasionally playing in a one on one setting. It takes place in the fictional Eastern European nation of Solkovia that sits in the middle of the Bosnia-Serbia border. It is a relevantly young nation only becoming its own sovereign state in 1992 and in its short life it has had a very bloody history. This roleplay will involve rebel/revolutionary forces fighting a totalitarian military regime, so think the French Resistance vs Nazi Germany! I want to make this a large scale open roleplay if enough people are interested and hope more people will contribute to it and help develop it into a damn good roleplay for everyone to enjoy!

Solkovia is a small nation that sits in the middle of the Bosnia-Serbia border, it is a land that has for many years been host to battles between Bosnia and Serbia. However since gaining its independence and sovereignty from Bosnia and Serbia in 1992 with the help of the United Nations it has struggled to find peace. After a decade long civil war Peace finally came in the form of one man, Roman Ratchenko a 45 year old peace activist turned President of Solkovia. Roman managed to stop Bosnia and Serbia influencing the people of Solkovia to fight each other and for the first time in Solkovia's breif history as its own nation brought peace to the land. But it was not long until Solkovia's old wounds were opened, while giving a speech outside the presidential building in Mertzkov, Solkovia's capital city in 2005 Roman was assassinated and in the chaos that followed the military were quick to take charge under the rule of General Sergei Gurlukovich who declared himself Generalissimo and the new leader of Solkovia. Within days of Gurlukovich's take over Solkovia became a military dictatorship its the military was present on every street in every town. Extreme new laws were enforced as well as curfews and restrictions of expression, religious beliefs and lifestyles. Like Nazi Germany Generalissimo Gurlukovich tried to create a totalitarian utopia in his own image, those who opposed him or were deemed not to be upstanding Solkovia citizens were either executed in the street or sent to labor camps where they were treated like slaves and forced to keep Solkovia's Industry alive as well as fortify its borders to Bosnia and Serbia whom both were growing concerned at Gurlukovich's growing power and the threat he posed to his neighbors with his extreme nationalist ideology.

However Roman Ratchenko's work was not done, his only son Demetri Ratchenko aged 25 was a rebellious young man who often disagreed with his father's ideas of a peaceful non-violent revolution. Demetri was forced to go underground as a bounty was soon placed upon his head by the new government, Demetri now began to form a rebel force to oppose Generalissimo Gurlukovich's regime.


The Gurlukovich Regime or The Solkovian Peoples Army (SPA):
This is the dominant faction in Solkovia, the are the army, the goverment, the police and a large percentage of the civilian population. They are fanatical in their Nationalist Ideology and support of Generalissimo Gurlukovich. Their future goal is to build a Utopia free of those who oppose them and strong enough to stand against their larger neighbors; Bosnia and Serbia.

The Rebel Force:
Led by Demetri Ratchenko, the Rebel force is made up of those who oppose Generalissimo Gurlukovich's regime and wish to return Solkovia back to the state of peace it was once under Roman Ratchenko's rule. Like any rebel force fighting a armythey use guerrilla warfare and terrorist tactics rather than face the army head on just like those used by rebels in Libya, Syria and groups like the IRA and the Talaban.

The Son's of Solkovia (SOS):
A shadowy criminal organization similar to the Russian Mafia that was destroyed during Roman Ratchenko's rule but made a surprising comeback after his death. Rumors suggest that Generalissimo Gurlukovich is a member of the Sons of Solkovia though he publicly denies it, though the truth is is a member of the organization and made a deal with them to take out Roman so he could take his place without any connection to the assassination. The Sons of Solkovia have prospered under Gurlukovich's regime and with his help now own large areas of Solkovia where they are free to go about their illegal businesses without any interference from the government or police.

Notable characters:

Generalissimo Sergei Gurlukovich (Aged 53):
Solkovia's current leader and ruler. A dictator that rules with an iron fist and an entire army at his command.

Roman Ratchenko (Aged 45): [DECEASED]
Solkovia's former President and peace activist who was assassinated in 2005 by the Sons of Solkovia at Gurlukovich's request.

Demetri Ratchenko (Aged 25):
Only son and survivng relative of the late Solkovian President Roman Ratchenko. Demetri is now the leader of the Rebel force and resistance movement that stands against Gurlukovich's regime.

Vladimir Volkov AKA "The Hand of Death" (Aged 57):
The mysterious boss of the Sons of Solkovia, a former Bosnian soldier turned gangster who is known by to have some influance and control over Generalissimo Gurlukovich.

Yuri Radanovich AKA "The poison Tongued Devil" (Aged 40):
Gurlukovich's very own Joseph Goebbels, Yuri is unofficially the Solkovian Minister of Propaganda while officially he is known as the Solkovian Minister of Public Enlightenment and Social Awareness, it is his job to make the public understand and obey by Gurlukovich's Nationalist Ideology through the publication of books, radio and television broadcasts and regular public appearances, demonstrations and speeches. He is also in charge of a media campaign that tells of the Rebel's led by Demetri Ratchenko are not rebels but instead insurgents from Bosnia and Serbia who want to destabilize the government and force Slokovia into a second civil war so they can divide the country in halve like it was before it gained independence in 1992!

This thread is not yet complete, I will be adding and modding it as and when needed.

Ok so that's the basics of my idea, If your interested in helping me develop this into a roleplay or want to join or have ideas you wish to share please post them here and we will see what we can do! :D

Thank you for time and attention, I hope to hear from people soon!
Okay... so here is my idea for my character. Let me know if there is anything you would like changed or modified. And also, I am open to playing multiple roles if needed.

Name: Ruska Lavlov (Basic appearance, with darker eyes.)

About: Ruska has a rather small frame, being only 120 pounds and standing at full height of only 5'4". Her fair skin is fitting for the region, along with her characteristic dark hair (usually kept cut short) and dark eyes. Her features are delicate with a soft jawline and slightly angular face, and she would be considered prettier if she relaxed her scowl once in a while. Ruska is experience in hand to hand combat, but she does not know an official style, instead she does what ever works and she is not above using her teeth and nails when confronted. She bares a heavy Serbian accent, but she is a registered citizen of Solkovia, at least she was before she vanished off of the radar at the peak of the SPA's regime. It is figured that Ruska joined the rebel forces, but as what her position was, it goes unknown currently by SPA intelligence. It is known that after some brutal events in her past, Ruska developed a strong hate for the Generalissimo, and the SPA in general, hence why she supposedly joined the Rebel Force. Ruska is a proud woman, as she needs to be in such a brutal world. She is know to be ruthless to people who show her disrespect. Bitch, is often what would be used to describe her.

Backstory: Ruska's father was a Serbian merchant who immigrated to the sovereign state of Solkovia in 2000 under the prosperous rule of Roman Ratchenko after another political scuffle in Serbia. It was there that he found refuge to raise his family. At the time, Ruska was 17. When the SPA rose to power in 2005, most Serbian people had been wiped away in fear of espionage, Ruska's father included. Ruska was lucky enough to have been given citizenship and she was the only one in her family to have gained such. Her father had been saving up to pay the dues for the rest of his family before he was publicly executed in mass with over 2,000 other Serbian people. Ruska's mother and her younger brother were also among that group. After such events, Ruska fell underground and off the radar.

Specialties: Taught by her father, Ruska has decent knowledge of economy. But her best skill is that of border navigation. It is assumed that Ruska is able to contact outside forces willing to help the Rebel Force with weapons and other essential item supplies and import said items into Solkovia. deduction in SPA Intelligence assume that this is her position in the Rebel Force, but no confirmations have been made.
LittleMoth said:
Okay... so here is my idea for my character. Let me know if there is anything you would like changed or modified. And also, I am open to playing multiple roles if needed.

Name: Ruska Lavlov (Basic appearance, with darker eyes.)

About: Ruska has a rather small frame, being only 120 pounds and standing at full height of only 5'4". Her fair skin is fitting for the region, along with her characteristic dark hair (usually kept cut short) and dark eyes. Her features are delicate with a soft jawline and slightly angular face, and she would be considered prettier if she relaxed her scowl once in a while. Ruska is experience in hand to hand combat, but she does not know an official style, instead she does what ever works and she is not above using her teeth and nails when confronted. She bares a heavy Serbian accent, but she is a registered citizen of Solkovia, at least she was before she vanished off of the radar at the peak of the SPA's regime. It is figured that Ruska joined the rebel forces, but as what her position was, it goes unknown currently by SPA intelligence. It is known that after some brutal events in her past, Ruska developed a strong hate for the Generalissimo, and the SPA in general, hence why she supposedly joined the Rebel Force. Ruska is a proud woman, as she needs to be in such a brutal world. She is know to be ruthless to people who show her disrespect. Bitch, is often what would be used to describe her.

Backstory: Ruska's father was a Serbian merchant who immigrated to the sovereign state of Solkovia in 2000 under the prosperous rule of Roman Ratchenko after another political scuffle in Serbia. It was there that he found refuge to raise his family. At the time, Ruska was 17. When the SPA rose to power in 2005, most Serbian people had been wiped away in fear of espionage, Ruska's father included. Ruska was lucky enough to have been given citizenship and she was the only one in her family to have gained such. Her father had been saving up to pay the dues for the rest of his family before he was publicly executed in mass with over 2,000 other Serbian people. Ruska's mother and her younger brother were also among that group. After such events, Ruska fell underground and off the radar.

Specialties: Taught by her father, Ruska has decent knowledge of economy. But her best skill is that of border navigation. It is assumed that Ruska is able to contact outside forces willing to help the Rebel Force with weapons and other essential item supplies and import said items into Solkovia. deduction in SPA Intelligence assume that this is her position in the Rebel Force, but no confirmations have been made.

She is perfect! :D

No changes needed, she will make a fine addition to Demetri's rebel force!
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