A Bounty Turned Upside-Down (BassEXE and Killdozer)


Feb 14, 2013
Savage Siberium sighed as he flew his ship, the Wild Fang, into the atmosphere of Fortuna. Savage was an albino tiger, with snow white fur, black stripes, and red eyes. He was six feet tall, and quite muscular. He wore combat boots, and black body armor, as well as a Scouter-esque device over his right eye.

As he landed, he frowned. He had botched his current bounty. The reward was for alive, but his target had killed himself. But he had to report it. He leapt out and walked into the city on Fortuna.
Turquoise eyes watched a scanner, monitoring the ships coming into the large city on Fortuna. A frustrated fox frowned, resting her head on her arm as she continued to watch the screen she held. "When is he going to get here," she muttered. A hand went through her blue hair, a different consistency but color matching of the silky blue fur that ran all over her vulpine body. She wore a tight, black and silver body suit that acted as light armor, her signature staff weapon hanging from her belt.

Her eyes brightened and she sat up, finally spotting the signature of the ship she was waiting for. A sort of specialized mercenary, Krystal's current job involved the pilot of the ship that had just landed in the area. Putting it away and getting up from her seat, she raced off to find him. The intelligence from the people that hired her gave her a name, description, and the fact that he was a bounty hunter. Assuming he was off to report the status of his own job, she headed in the direction of the bounty office.
Savage sighed as he finished his report. "It seems, sir, that Raxel the Rodent did NOT want to be taken alive." The dog commisioner sighed in return, but then smiled. "These things happen, Savage. Tell you what, I'll give you half of the reward. At least he's dead. Accounted for larceny, arson, assault and battery, breaking and entering, homicide. It's good that he's gone." The dog smiled and handed him a cash chip. "You're too kind, sir." Savage gave a toothy grin and walked out the door.
Krystal stood in a crowd outside, watching the building. Soon enough, a black striped tiger walked out. He matched the description, big, tough, armored up. This was her guy. She moved closer, putting on a distressed face to begin the act. At least he was handsome, that made the plan more tolerable for her. "Excuse me, are you Mr.Siberium?" she asked after lightly tapping his shoulder. Wide eyes tried to convey a sense that she needed help.
Savage sighed as he walked outside, looking into the crowd. As he walked down the steps, he was approached by a gorgeous blue fox. "Yes. I am Savage Siberium. What can I do for you, miss?" He asked.
Krystal gave a smile. "Oh, I'm so glad I found you. I need your help," she said, keeping that same distraught look in her eyes. Her gaze moved around a bit to the crowd, then back to him. "Is there somewhere private we can go to talk? I'd rather not say what I need out here where anyone could hear us."
"Yes, that will do, lead the way," Krystal said. She flashed him another smile, keeping the innocent but distressed look in her eyes. "I'm Carrie, by the way," she said. She didn't want to give her real name, not to this guy who will be pretty upset once her job was done.
Savage nodded, commiting the name Carrie to memory. Savage and Carrie found a hotel later, and once inside, he checked in and got a room.
The fox walked with him, finding the hotel and letting him check in. She went up with him to the room, taking a seat on the bed once they got inside. She gave a sigh, acting as though she was relieved to be in private. "Thank you again. Now I guess we can talk about this," she said, looking up to him. "I have a job for you."
Savage nodded and sat on the other bed. "Yeah? Okay. Let me hear it, then I'll decide whether I can take it or not. As a disclaimer, I don't do anything illegal. Since...." He drifted off as he thought of his old friend who put him on the straight and narrow. James McCloud. He then looked back at her. "Anyways, what is it?"
After looking down for a moment, she looked back to him on the other bed. "It's my sister. She's been taken. Pirates, mercs, someone took her and is keeping her. I don't know who exactly, but I think they want money. My father is wealthy and they must think he'll pay the ransom. She's only my half-sister though, not technically his. Even if she was, the kind of man he is..." she said, pausing for a moment, showing herself trying to fight tears to help make her case. She cleared her throat and looked back to him. "Anyway, it's not an option. There's no way I could pay any ransom they would ask for, so I need help to get her back."
Savage nodded. "Sounds like my kind of work. Do you know the last known whereabouts of these pirates?" He asked calmly, completely businesslike. His ears perked slightly, twitching once.
The fox gave a smile, showing she was glad that he would take the job. Her ears stood up from where they'd been laid back against her head. "I can get you where they took my sister from, but besides that I don't know much. They haven't made any demands yet, I only know she was kidnapped because she was able to get a message to me when it happened."
Savage nodded. "Okay. And as for payment, you won't have to pay anything. I'll take anything the pirates have as payment." He informed, grinning widely. He was excited about this new job. "SO when can we leave?" He asked.
She smiled and moved from her bed, taking the tiger into a hug. "Thank you so much," she said, gripping tightly then releasing him and taking a seat next to him. "We can leave whenever you are ready," she added. Looks like she might not have to do what she'd planned to get him to do the job, admittedly she was a tad disappointed.
(Maybe she can insist on an "up front payment"?)

Savage smiled and hugged her back. "It's no trouble. I hate when people are kidnapped. It makes me mad at the scum who do those things." He explained.
[[Yeah, I was planning on that]]

He seemed to be a nice guy, genuinely concerned for the situation. This was an unfortunate part of Krystal's job, but that's what happens when you get into this field. Taking a moment, she realized it would be hard to get something away from him if they were together the whole time. "Are you sure you don't want anything in return? I don't have much, but I feel bad to not give you, something, for your work," she said, giving a suggestive stare and smirk, not saying anything but letting her body language make the offer.
Savage's eyes widened. She seemed to be pushing her chest out, calling attention to her curves. He blushed when she walked towards him, her hips swaying. "I...I....I barely know you!" He stammered, blushing ferociously.

9Don't have her back off, ease him into the idea.)
Krystal smirked, a hand sneaking around and gently tracing up his torso. "That makes it fun," she said quietly, moving her face closer to his as she did. She took deep breaths, chest heaving up and down as she did, keeping that deathly seductive smile and gaze pointed at him. Another hand found its place resting on his leg, gently rubbing up his thigh.
Savage shivered in surprise at her hand on his thigh. "I...I.." he stammered, secretly loving the attention.
She giggled a bit, finding it fun to flirt and move it along this way. "It's the least I can do for such a sexy tiger," she whispered, mouth close to his ear. Moving back to his face, she moved closer and closer, finally taking him into a kiss as her hand rested, fingers laying in his inner thigh.
Savage groaned softly, this having been his second kiss, but first time ever. he kissed back gently.
Her hand moved up to rest on his chest as they kissed, her smiling into it. The little things she noticed told her he didn't have a lot of experience in these matters, but she was honestly a bit excited to help him out. After a few moments she pulled away, getting further onto the bed. Her hands moved back to undo the clasps of her suit, slowly slipping away the top to reveal a black bra.
Savage blushed and looked at her bra-clad chest. He stopped himself from grabbing the flesh orbs before him. But he really wanted to squeeze them. His lower area became hard.
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