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Big Top Pet <Characters>

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Jul 2, 2013
Remember: This is a circus so your character should have a roll. If not part of the big top then as a pet. And do PLEASE fallow the sites rules.​

Name: Alaoise DuMora
Age: 18
Position: Pet/Fire Dancer
Master: Ringmaster (pet if you're to be a master and if you neither have a pet or master type "to be sold" or "Haven't decdided")
Likes: Fruit
Dislikes: The shady underground business run by the circus.
Personality: Generally she's obedient but isn't too hesitant to express her disdain about her master's doings.
History: Alaoise was sold to the circus by her deranged father at the age of 15 after her mother died in a car crash. At that point the ringmaster purchased and kept her.

Also, please note that her master is the ringmaster. If you choose this character as your own then she's your pet.

Rp: Waiting for more to join
Name: Sylvia Bemure
Age: 17
Postition: Acrobat/Pet
Master: To Be Sold
Likes: Pleasing her master (through non sexual means)
Dislikes: Having her picture taken
Personality: She is always ready to please her master, acting more like a dog to him/her, ready ot be ordered about. She loves her master is is generally devoted to them, unless they abuse their power over her, in which case she tends to grow distant, from both ehr master and all those around her, which is a massive safety issue for her act.
History: She was abused as a child, and ran away when she was about 6. Since then she just lived on the road, until being picked up by the circus. She finally found a figure to give her life a sense of order and contol, osmehting she had been craving since she left home.
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