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A New Fate for the Twins [Razgriz x Karameida x Serenity] Slow game, dont close :)

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RE: A New Fate for the Twins [Razgriz x Karameida x Serenity]

Mortimer was still trying not to lash out; it was, after all, improper to hold a harsh tone with a lady. Even if the lady in question was being borderline mouthy herself. But if he were to take a step back, he would she did have a point. Sitting here wasn't going to solve anything. His father was dead, he was starting to have that sink in. He had wanted to prove he could run this house, and despite the shattering nature of how it came about, this was his opportunity.

Giving a sigh, the young man replied "I suppose sitting here in bed isn't going to make the pain go away. I'll admit I'm not nearly as well-versed as my father, nor my mother for that matter." Truth be told, for a lady to own a business in this day and age was rare enough as it was, let alone be so successful. "I'll be along soon" he then added, heaving himself out of bed to get himself dressed for dinner.

*Later on*

The new Lord of the House, though the others had yet to know it, arrived at the table dressed in his evening wear. He seemed a good deal more presentable, especially now that the scruff from his face had been shaven away, he ad bathed, and his hair neatly combed and brushed. His trousers and tailcoat were neatly pressed, the white silk puff about his neck delicately fluffed, and overall the young gentleman just seemed more alive than he had. What had caused this change the staff could only guess; however, it was really only the place of the head maid and butler to ask such questions, since they answered directly to the Master of the House.

Though a shock could be seen by many as he suddenly took his place at the head of the table; while not expressly forbidden, most had never known Mortimer to be that bold. But that was pushed back for the moment, and soon the young lad along with his two newest acquaintances were seated at the table. They might find the setting quite expansive: Nearly two dozen pieces of silver, from the oyster fork to the butter knife to the game shears, was laid out neatly before them. However, it wasn't like there wasn't room; a foot or more of space laid between them, allowing plenty of freedom without feeling too confined

And as if to further show to the twins the luxuries of the rich, the walls of bronze littered with designs, dado and frieze in old gold and wainscoting decorated every inch of them and the ceiling. Prompeian red and soft olive draperies hung neatly in the windows. A buffet stood in a corner for the display of his father's ceramics and decorated china. Something that brought a sigh out of the soon-to-be Lord, but he wouldn't dwell on it now. His business was his own, and he didn't need the others trying to pry however unlikely it was they would have tried in the first place.

And as they were seated, the servers came out with the first course: Cream of asparagus soup, freshly made with the rich milk sold in the vendor stands of the market.

This dinner was probably going to be very awkward; already, he could feel the heavy stares of Miss Sutton on him, as if daring herself to talk to the Lord and inquire about what might happen.
RE: A New Fate for the Twins [Razgriz x Karameida x Serenity]

Tsukiko hid a smile as she watched her twin, mentally shaking her head. They definitely had their attributes and alignments but that didn't mean they always stuck to them. It was rare but they had been known to switch roles. If one was soft, the other was always just a bit harsher. Her gaze flicked back to their anchor in this world, she knew why her twin was pushing him. Darkness was with her always but her twin was of the light, she probably felt the imbalance and wounds even better than she could. When he relented and began moving from his bed both her and her twin turned and left the room. "You would not want to know what would happen, should we have to come in again, My lord." she said in warning. He had given acknowledgement that he wanted to move on, so she would force him along it if she had to. It was her own way of caring. She did not think he'd abandon them but she found it justified her temper more if she warned them beforehand. She had to be just a little less patient with the route.

"You seem to have broken through to him, Hikaru..." she thought with a little smile as they made their way back to their rooms.

Once in their rooms, Tsukiko made her way over to her window and opened up the curtain to look down on the fog choked cobblestone roads. Lamps only offered dim glowing orbs in the murk. She'd seen this same scene nearly every time she opened her curtains. The hackneys and coaches loudly rolling past, the sound of horses hooves, men and women walking on the sidewalks as they went about their daily activities. She had yet to see the streets and air clear of the fog. She learned from other servants that the fog was as common as the foul air and rain. It wasn't exactly what she expected when she finally returned, she pressed her fingers to the cold glass. "Its so very like the world we came from...." she thought to her twin. Her thoughts turned to their old prison, and would be their prison again if they lost their anchor, inside of that world of light and shadows. Nothing there had been substantial or real. She let the curtains drop back into place, she turned and was about to continue her line of thought, when a group of maids and the Head Maid, Laurel Sutton, came into her room. She eyed Tsukiko like a seasoned general about to do battle.

Tsukiko took a hesitant step back "Uh, what is this about?"" she asked eying laurel. "The young Master has risen from bed and ordered dinner prepared. We are here to prepare you for your evening meal with him." she said her mouth set in a small straight line. "What? Whats wrong with this dress?" she asked gesturing to the house dress she was currently wearing. Laurels eyes widened and her mouth was set into even grimmer lines "That, is not appropriate for an evening meal with the young master of the house. I will not argue the point with you, Ms. Kimiko." she said tightly. Tsukiko eyed the maid and decided further argument would be futile, so she relented. "Fine...." she sighed. With a little nod of her head an army of servants came in, some carrying various items of clothing she recognized and some she didn't, some were carrying brushes and combs, others little accessories. Tsukiko's eyes widened "What do you need all these people for?! And isn't this stuff just a little....much?" she asked with confusion and a touch of fear. "Once you are dressed, your hair will be done up and then accessories and matching slippers to be paired with your outfit and No, this is the normal routine of any noble family preparing for a meal." Laurel said sternly.

Tsukiko wanted to argue but just stared at the formidable maid mutinously while she was dressed. She figured her twin was also being readied for her meal. "This is ridiculous....." she thought to her twin as her corset was laced even tighter than usual. Her hand came up to her bosom and she gasped "How the bloody hell am I supposed to move or eat in this thing!?!?" she asked on a little angry gasp. "You will watch your language in front of the young Master. And at any rate, it isn't very ladylike to stuff your face. The corset helps prevent over-eating, helps keep your posture proper while giving you a desirable shape. As to how you will move, with grace and delicacy." she answered tersely. Tsukiko stifled a comment, mostly because she was trying to get a breath in, in the even more restrictive formal clothing and that took a lot of concentration. "THIS IS RIDICULOUS!!!" she thought again even more agitated. "This maid is a tyrant. I do not give a damn if it DOES give me a desirable shape, I refuse to go through this every damn evening....we will have words with our Anchor...." she thought moodily as her hair was tugged and styled to suit the dress. The dress, she had to admit, was quite splendid, very lovely. She wasn't sure it was worth the pain though.

A little while later when they were lead into the dining room at an awkward shuffle, she stopped to admire the transformation the room had taken, even the food smelled more appetizing. At that thought she glanced down at her dress and frowned at it in annoyance once more. Mentally shaking her head, she raised it and met the eyes of the new master of the house. She raised her brow slightly, he certainly looked more impressive cleaned up. More like a lord. All was silent in the hall as their first meal was served and the servers disappeared. Ms. Sutton looked at Mortimer at the head table, pursing her lips she excused herself from the dining room to make sure things were progressing in the Kitchen well. "So the young master, is now the Master of the house..." she thought as she left the dining room. She didn't intend to question him, he was a lord. If he felt so inclined to tell them of the transition and the circumstances around it, he would. So long as her wages were paid and she wasn't caught up in criminal activity, she did not care. The realm of the Polite world was a tank filled with sharks and she did not intend to wade through those waters.

Dinner proceeded in relative silence with only the clinking of silverware hitting the china. However, the moment the dining room was cleared, Tsukiko cleared her throat slightly. "This is all quite extravagant and the food is good...." she said trailing off as her eyes ran along the ornate and expensive decorations before glancing to her dress. "I am also glad to see you up and moving around. But I absolutely refuse to wear this torture device every single night just to have a single meal alone with you." she said her eyebrow twitching slightly. "Do you realize, this thing has been laced so tight that I am only barely able to breath. That absolutely will not work. I do not care how this world is supposed to operate, ridiculous is ridiculous." she said, her hand coming up to clutch and the tight garment. " I certainly can't help the balance when I'm leaning against a wall struggling to catch my breath after taking two steps." she added as an after thought, muttering slightly. "Your loyal general of the house, Ms. Sutton, is gonna need you to tell her its not necessary because she won't listen to anyone else..." she said wrinkling her nose slightly.

Fidgeting in her seat slightly trying to get comfortable she flushed a little. "But aside from that, did you have any Questions?" she asked him as she ate the food, well as best as she could. "If not...we have a few...." she added.
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