Seeking Help (Celebstars & RoleplayMaster)


Apr 28, 2012
The past few months had been torture for the singer. After it had got out that she had been assaulted by her partner the world seemed different to Rihanna. Everywhere she had visited, she felt the stares and heard the questions, people's curiosity getting the better of them and showing no respect for the vulnerable star.

Despite it happening months ago, Rihanna was still having trouble sleeping at night because of it. Each week she had been visiting a therapist, sometimes twice a week if needed just to help her calm down and relax. The singer had learned to trust the older man, telling him things in private knowing they would not be passed on.

Today was no different as she sat on the black leather couch in his large office. Wearing black leggings which stopped at her ankles and white heels, Rihanna crossed her legs and pulled the white t-shirt from her body as it was sticking due to the heat. Her long red hair was down her back as sunglasses shaded her eyes from being seen.

"I just can't stop thinking about it, I can't trust any other man now."
John Smith was a happy man. He lead both public and private lives, both of which were satisfying. In his public life, he was a therapist, mainly dealing with celebrities. In his private life, he was the rapist, though no one heard of it.

The reason no one knows of him being a rapist, is because of a handy technique called Hypnosis. With it, he would turn unknowing people into his willing sex slaves. He smirked as he remembered all his conquests, such as Megan Fox and Emma Stone.

He looked at the celebrity in his current appointment, Rihanna, as she said all her problems. She was a very beautiful woman, and one he planned on making a sex slave just like the others. Even better, she just gave him the perfect opportunity.

"Well, there are several ways we can go about this. One method we could try, is Hypnosis. With it, we can get you to forget all of this ever happened and be able to sleep peacefully. Does that sound alright?" He asked the troubled singer. He got out his trusty medallion that he used for hypnosis.
"I'm not to sure. You have mentioned it on previous occasions, I don't see why this is any different." Rihanna was going to be harder to convince than her other celebrity friends. "I don't believe in it. I don't understand how it works. Could you not just give me sleeping pills? Please John?"

Rihanna was looking desperate, taking off her sunglasses, her eyes looked really tired. The singer had cancelled her tour which angered her fans, even though they knew the trouble she had been through. Tapping her leg on the floor, she was getting restless, her mood had changed dramatically at times and at this moment she started to burst in to tears whilst looking at his medallion. "Ok...ok...I'll try the hypnosis."
He looked genuinely concerned for her but could only just resist rolling his eyes at the ask of sleeping pills "Remember, I am a therapist, not a doctor or pharmacist." He said gently, putting his hand gently on her own.

He got a few tissues for her and handed them to her so she could wipe her eyes. "Okay, stare at my medallion. Think and see nothing else but the medallion... You are getting sleepy, very sleepy" He said gently, watching her closely
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