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Literate? Kinky? Google Searches for You!

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Sep 9, 2010
So you were caught by the moderately clever title of the thread? Excellent...

So straight off I want to say that I enjoy roleplays that take on a darker aspect of one kind or another. NC, abuse, corruption, age gaps, incest... and so many other permutations there of entertain me immensely. I can be cruel and heartless but I prefer to play something a little more complex then just the average sociopath,

Now I have a few plot ideas backed up in my skull but rather then fill the page with a wall of text I am just going to post a few rough ideas or cravings that I have. Perhaps later plots will come, if one of the ideas or cravings appeals to you then you can PM me and I can share different plots I have for that idea, or you can share your plots... or preferably we can work out a plot together from out own cravings, after all when we both contribute to the plot the writing tends to flow better.

Of course Master/Slave can be fun but I like to change it up a bit, just going straight into master and slave is almost a little predictable and without a twist its hard to have some fun with it.

Now I enjoy ageplay but I like it to go both ends. I am perfectly content and in fact I love playing the older man taking advantage of a younger woman... but I also like to twist that a little bit, playing a younger man who takes advantage of an older woman. Perhaps a 15 year old man who resents having a babysitter and takes control of the situation, or a young high school student who rapes a teacher after school one day.

Playing with an abusive relationship allows for some exploration of the darker side of things, both physically and of course emotionally darker as well, exploring the twisted love that some people feel even as they are abused by the one whom they adore.

I have been craving a bit of multiple young woman play recently, perhaps a mother and daughter combination, perhaps full blown harem if my partner thinks she is up to it. Of course the best way to do that sort of thing in my opinion is to have one of the young ladies already broken and come to adore the man while the other perhaps still hasn't accepted the situation she is in, still trying to struggle and get away from the Dominant man.

A strong women stripped of her power or authority can always be fun, playing with a slut who is shown her proper place always entertains, and who doesn't enjoy innocence being corrupted?

In terms of settings I am good with modern, med-evil/dark ages (and perhaps earlier)/and future. All of these can work for either realistic or some level of fantasy, low fantasy or high fantasy are both an option... and I won't turn down a good science fiction story.

Fandoms, now there are some fandoms I am fond of but I tend to be on the pickier side of things when it comes to them... Some of them follow.
Harry Potter
Mass Effect
Marvel/DC Comics, in fact I would love a good Supervillian/heronine story
True Bloodverse
Game of Thrones (for this one it would be more of a roughly based upon story rather then using the Canon Characters... sorry but I kind of have mixed feelings having anyone play this because of how great I find the books)
Avatar (Both TLA and LOK)
Of course there are some others I will think of later but if you have a fandom I am curious about then feel free to ask me about them... questions never hurt anyone.

Now I am of course looking for a literate and detailed partner. Preferably 3 strong paragraphs with each post at the very least but if you can write more don't hold back. It isn't just about the sex, its about developing the characters, writing a story together with emotional insight, all 5 senses, perhaps even an aspect of spirituality to it...

So if any of this catches you interest then you should PM me and let me know, perhaps later on some pictures will be added but for now this will have to suffice as I am heading out to work soon.

Two plot ideas have occurred to me though it would require either 2 partners or a person who can double.

The first plot revolves around two young women, friends for a few years and room mates who share a small flat while they are finishing up their senior year. The first girl is wild, crazy, a slut but she doesn't care if anyone thinks that about her because she is having fun. The second girl is more reserved, when her room mate is out partying on a weekend she normally stays in, enjoying a good book, maybe playing a video game... not a virgin but not much experience and never really enjoyed the sex she had. Well the first girl is tired of her room mate silently judging her for the one night stands and wild behaviors, going online she searches for a dominant guy who will put her shy room mate in her place and maybe open her up a little to the world around her. What she doesn't know is that she has gotten in touch with the wrong man, an extreme dominant who will break the shy girl and then set his eyes on conquering her friend. Themes involved can of course be discussed but if this interests you then let me know.

The second plot also has two female central roles in it, though the set up is different. The first is a woman in her late thirties, recently divorced mother of one who never enjoyed sex with her ex husband, cutting it off rather quickly after her daughter was born... something the man put up with for fifteen years until divorcing her... now she lives on the money that he earned for years and her sixteen year old daughter resents her, blaming her for ruining the marriage. Of course daughter is finding a way to act out and recently started dating an older guy (now this guy could be any age from 17 to mid 40s), sneaking out at night, breaking curfew, and starting to dress in an exceedingly provocative manner. Mommy of course tries to put a stop to things when she finds out about the boyfriend only to quickly be drawn in and put in her place, as her daughter and her boyfriend swiftly take control of the house hold. In this one the boyfriend would be the most dominant member of the RP, the daughter would take a somewhat dominant role with the mother and enjoy the chance to get even for what she feels was the ruining of her life in the divorce, and the mother becomes their bitch.

Image I found... inspirational, would love to see if anyone else enjoyed the image and had some sort of story come to mind. Not Even Nearly SFW

Looking for some M/FF involving degradation at this point, got ideas running through my mind, maybe you have an idea or two, lets see if we can match anything up.

PM me if interested in either or you have your own idea.

July 30 Update

Kind of craving some inhuman characters to play against, humanoid but not entirely human.
Below are some examples of what I am thinking of... however it need not take place in a particular fandom just because the image is part of a fandom...

Things that are a part of this recent craving are a female in heat, breeding, and different species with compatibility in terms of physical form... open to all sorts of sci fi or fantasy settings so if any of this catches your interest then just let me know through a PM.
My day will be ending in a few hours... but lets bump this like a fist


If you just bumped it then you win
Why not take a look, see what you think, what ideas you have
Looking for some M/FF involving degradation at this point, got ideas running through my mind, maybe you have an idea or two, lets see if we can match anything up.
Updated with a craving for breeding and different species

July 30 Update

Kind of craving some inhuman characters to play against, humanoid but not entirely human.
Below are some examples of what I am thinking of... however it need not take place in a particular fandom just because the image is part of a fandom...

Things that are a part of this recent craving are a female in heat, breeding, and different species with compatibility in terms of physical form... open to all sorts of sci fi or fantasy settings so if any of this catches your interest then just let me know through a PM.
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