Push it to the Limit (Shani x Cnt)


Jun 14, 2013
(The name can be changed per request.)

The snake faced, bald man sat in the small, dark, dusty room, breathing in the smell of the old and rotting wood, as well as watching the particles float in the small glimpses of sunlight offered by the windows to the outside. His slender fingers strummed the arm of the chair, as he impatiently waited for the one that he had beckoned to show her face. The Death Eaters had recently come across an unusual string of failures and that in itself made the man frustrated, toss in the fact that he hadn't been intimate with a woman in quite some time, and the fact that Harry Potter wasn't dead yet, Lord Voldemort was a very cooped up and frustrated individual.

The crazed woman known as Bellatrix Lestrange was one that was able to get more of Voldemort's respect than some of the others that were involved with the Death Eaters, but she still had her own string of failures that followed her. One thing that she did have going for her though, was the fact that she was a loyal and devout woman to his cause. If one thing was fact, it was that he needed to start thinking about making a child. An heir to his apparent throne, should he be bested in a magical duel by Harry Potter. Prophecies foretold that only one of them would walk away from the battle, and God forbid that it be Potter, he and his Death Eaters needed to be ready. He had no doubt that Bellatrix would be able to raise the child and help him hone his skills and perhaps even turn him into one of the more powerful wizards in history. Maybe even more powerful than his old man.

The man looked towards the door as he heard the sounds of footsteps coming closer and closer. The Death Eaters really didn't have a secure, permanent hideout and the ability to pack up and move to a different location helped the make them so elusive. It wasn't that Voldemort was afraid of the Aurors coming and taking him down, it was more so the fact that he didn't want the war to start quite yet. Still, he waited for Bellatrix, and he was unsure about how she would feel about his proposal.
(The name is fine I'm not picky :) )

Bellatrix was currently on a spy mission for the Dark Lord, she had failed with a few others on there last mission and knew she would be punished, they all would. Bellatrix rarely made mistakes, but when she did she was punished harder than the others. She had been personally trained by Voldemort himself. The last big mission they were on was retrieving the prophecy from Potter. Bellatrix did her chore she kept most away from Lucius she killed her cousin, it wasn't her fault her brother in law dropped it. Bella was grateful that Voldemort saved her at the Department of Ministry.

Being the only true woman death eater, sure her sister helped them but she wasn't marked. Bella had to prove herself worthy, granted she struck fear in the other death eaters. When The Dark Lord first went missing she had gone to find him, torturing Alice and Fran Longbottom for information. Auror's had come to the scene before she was finished and took her and those with her to Azkaban. For 14 years she sat in the dark, dank, lonely cell. Until he came to free her, Bellatrix had been in love with Voldemort ever since she first joined the cause, before she was forced to marry her husband, and all through the years, though back then she hid it better now to most it was obvious that she loved him and would do just about anything even die for him.

Bellatrix arrived as soon as her mission was over, she was tired and wanted to go to her sister's manor and go to bed But the Dark Lord summoned her and she would obey. Bellatrix walked inside and made her way toward the door. She was a little frightened not exactly sure what was in store for her. She knocked softly upon the door, once given the okay she entered giving her low bow that nearly reached the floor. "You wished to see me My Lord?"
The man pondered to himself when Bellatrix emerged in the doorway, and started making her way towards him. He wondered if she had any idea what he had in store for her, and furthermore, he wondered how much of a fight she would put up against him. He figured that there would be little to no fight from her. He knew that she was loyal, and she knew that she would do almost anything for the cause and anything for him. Besides, what the fuck was Rudolphus going to say or do to him?

"I imagine the mission went well."

The man spoke, thought it was more of a rhetorical question. He knew that it went well because there was no way that she would show up to his mansion. Let alone, if she had failed or something were to happen, he doubt that he would know. He decided that even if she had failed, he wouldn't punish her as long as long as she fulfilled her duty to him as the most easily accessible woman. That being said, Voldemort didn't find many things beautiful, but he supposed that she was beautiful in her own right.

"As you are well aware, I am a human male, and we human males have certain needs."

Voldemort started, hoping that he wouldn't have to get more blunt than that. He was hoping that she would just drop her robes and allow him to take her right there, but he knew that that was a fairly big longshot. He knew Bellatrix quite well, and there was no doubt in his mind that she would question what he meant. It wasn't like she had many options in the matter, either way, he was was going to fuck her and after awhile and a bit of fun, he would use the potentiality of an heir to keep her interested.
Bellatrix stayed at her low bow for a minute or two before standing back up fairly straight. She hadn't any idea to what the Dark Lord could want, maybe he just wanted to know how the mission went. hearing him ask about the mission she looked at him, not realizing it was a rhetorical question. "Yes, my Lord the mission went well, sadly there is no new information to report, they are still on their guards. Some still don't believe that you have returned." Bellatrix gave her mission report. She was tired from it being at it most of the day.

Thankfully the mission went well, for if it didn't she wouldn't have come back right away. But she was summoned so here she was wondering what he needed her for. Bellatrix lost a bit of her beauty in Azkaban still trying to fully regain her looks. She was at least healthy again she just couldn't eat all at once. Her dark eyes watched him, and her pinned raven curls hung down her mid back, her body still held it's hour glass figure. For a 47 year old woman who spent a chunk of her life in prison she didn't look half bad.

"Oh...My Lord?" she stated softly curiously where was he going with this?

She didn't understand, for he was incapable of love and most feelings at least to her knowledge. Bellatrix was his no matter what, before Azkaban she wanted to be with him, instead of marrying her husband Rudolphus whim she was forced to marry. Granted she still wanted to be with him but each time she tried to be closer to him she was pushed away. The only downfall was that she was married granted that didn't matter too much to her sure she cared for her husband but she could never love him. "How may I be of assistance my Lord?" She asked not quite sure what he wanted her to do.
When she gave her response to how the mission went, the man slowly shook his head. He wasn't looking for a response to the question, although he let it by. Still, his long, slender white fingers beckoned her to come closer to him. Perhaps he wouldn't tell her what he wanted, perhaps he would show her. It would be easier for him and for her, mainly because they would spend much less time actually talking about it and more time doing it.

It was true. Voldemort had lost the need for feelings and for love long, long ago. That being said, his primitive and more carnal needs still needed to be satisfied. When she finally reached him, his arms snatched her up and held her tight. Her back was pressed against his chest, and he was behind her. His snake-like tongue flickered out into her hair and her neck as the Dark Lord took in the woman's scent. She smelt like hard work, sweat, but most of all, she smelt like a woman. Something that the creature hadn't been in much contact with for quite some time.

With one hand holding her, the other was free to roam her body. His tongue flicked out and went up her cheek. He hoped that this would make things perfectly clear to her, and if she was still playing the naive card, he would just take her right here on his throne.
Bellatrix waited for a response from him, watching him. As he shook his head she wasn't sure what he was thinking, wondering if it was something she said. Noticing his bony pale finger motioned for her to come closer to him. Bella hesitantly moved closer to him walking over in his reach. Still watching him curiously trying to figure out what he wanted.

As his arms wrapped tightly around her, her body tensed. Not saying a single word nor did she try to fight him the thought not even entering her head. She could feel something move her hair slightly, then feeling his snake like tongue on her neck. Letting out a soft sigh, her heart beating quickly. Feeling his hand exploring, roaming about her body.

Bellatrix though not laying with a man for a little over 14 years, she caught on to the message he was giving her. The last time she had sex was her wedding night, being devoted to the cause keeping herself busy plus not really wanting her husband to touch her. Bella tilted her head slightly as he licked her cheek.
It didn't take much for him to sense the tenseness in her. Her heartbeat starting to accelerate, as well as her body tensing as he was making physical contact with her. Reaching really quick for her wand, he grabbed in and flicked it, and the door let out an audible locking noise. It was just them now, and the door had been magically locked from the inside. Even if she wanted to get away, she was stuck now.

The long and slender hands struggled with her robes for a bit, before he just got flat frustrated and and his long nails started to cut into the fabric like a knife. He knew just exactly how to use them as a weapon or as a tool, and it was clear that it had been awhile since Voldemort had actually done anything for his personal hygiene.

When she was down to her knickers, he ran his nail down her exposed stomach now. Snaking his head around with his neck, he claimed her mouth finally, his snake like tongue pushing and slithering into her mouth. The Dark Lord was in complete control, and while normally he would have liked his victims to struggle a little bit, it was a nice change to have someone that was just letting him do what he wanted.
Bellatrix wasn't used to being touched and handled from having no contact for 14 years. Bellatrix flinched as he quickly snatched her wand locking the door, so no one could get in and she couldn't get out. Now stuck with him in the dimly lit room. She wasn't sure if that was a bad thing, just yet. She was nervous and a little scared with him acting this way, never seeing him in this light before. Sure she always wanted to be his and be with him.

This all seemed like a dream, but it was real. Feeling as he cut through her robes, she was glad she wasn't a fan of these ones. Bella's claw like hands pushed the fabric off of her as he cut it away leaving herself in her knickers. A black bra with matching panties. She quivered feeling his nails on her soft flesh.

Watching him closely feeling his lips meet hers she nearly melted her tongue meeting his as they kissed. Bellatrix had been wanting this for Merlin knows how long, plus she was afraid to fight against him or reject him not knowing what he would do to her in that sense. Bellatrix let him do as he pleased neither of them having relations in a long time, he longer than her.
The crazed witch sat before him in her knickers now, and quite frankly, the sight alone was beautiful to Voldemort. It had been so many years since he had been intimate with a woman, and she was smart in allowing in to do whatever it was that he wished. The woman was insane, that was true, but she wasn't stupid. She knew what she was dealing with, and she knew the consequences of what would happen if she resisted or fought back. When she kissed him back, Voldemort took that as a great sign.

His cold hands were on her bare body know, and they still roamed. One of them slipping inside of those black panties of hers. The fabric stretched, trying to accomodate his slender hands, and his fingers found her slit. Running his middle finger along the outside, this was very much a head game for the wizard. Like anything else he did, sex had to be a head game. Even if it was with one of his better Death Eaters. Voldemort did not feel awkward or angst, only anger and lust.

His snake like tongue slithered into her mouth, and claimed it for his own, and his other hand found her breasts. She was sitting on his lap now, and part of him wondered if they would be heard from the outside. The only other person who was here was Lucius Malfoy, and a few others. They wouldn't even know, unless Voldemort let them know.
On top of being in her knickers, she also removed the pins in her hair,her long raven curled locks went down her back. She wasn't about ti deny or reject the man she loved. For her love and her fear kept her from doing anything negative in his presence. Bella's backed tensed upon feeling his cold hands on her warm flesh. Bellatrix quivered slightly as he touched her slit, feeling his finger rub against her. Feeling his tongue claim her mouth as he was soon to claim her body as well. She sighed into the kiss as he rubbed her breasts.
The man's slender hands pulled her closer to him still, enough so where she was sitting on his robed lap. Finally, he pushed his middle finger into her and his pointer finger soon joined. Slithering his tongue down her throat, the man heard her sigh and pulled away. Pushing and pulling his fingers in her pink the man gazed into her eyes and smiled. "What's wrong dear. I thought you wanted this? Why the sigh?" He said, words spilling out of his mouth like molasses. He really just wanted to toy with her, currently, make her writhe and beg for him to finish the job.
Bellatrix was as close as she could be to him, sitting in his lap. Bella gasped as he pushed his fingers into her, feeling his tongue down her throat. She softly moaned into there kiss, looking at him as he pulled away from her. When he asked what was wrong she replied, "Nothing...My Lord...I do...and have....it was a sigh on pleasure..My Lord." Her breathing was starting to get heavy as he fingered her.
The long fingered man let out a laugh. Bellatrix seemed so hot and bothered already, and he was barely doing anything. "What's wrong Bella. I thought you could handle yourself a little better. You seem, short of breath." The man teased her. It was simple, Voldemort loved being in charge and Bella made it too easy for it. "Don't you want to bare my child?" He said as he trailed his long separated tongue along the side of her cheek. His fingers started moving faster and faster.
Bellatrix figured she looked weak to the Dark Lord as he did this to her. Not having been touched in over 14 years made her sensitive almost virgin like. Trying to regain her composure as he fingered her pussy. She clenched her jaw as he teased her attempting to calm down. Taking a deep breath, "...Nothing, My Lord..." She replied when he asked her what was wrong. "No..I'm Fine..."She replied getting her mind back in control of her body. Bella would do anything for his attention and is affection, hearing his words her eyes widened slightly, "...More than anything my Lord..." She said nearly melting as his tongue licked her cheek feeling his fingers move faster trying to resist the pleasure.
It wouldn't be long before Bellatrix was putty in his hands. Well, more putty like that she normally was. "Why do you deserve to bare my kin." The man asked her. It was a serious question, an answer that related to her being the only woman around wouldn't work. He could have any woman he wanted, and he could take any woman that he wanted. He just needed to make sure that she had good reasoning. He knew that she was a strong enough witch, besides, most of the magical blood would likely come from him.

His fingers moved faster and faster in and out of her, his thumb on her clit, slowly moving and massaging it. Even in his deranged form, Voldemort still knew how to please a woman.
Bellatrix was already his in whatever why he wanted her, she'd do anything he wanted of her. Looking at him as he asked Why she deserved to bare his children. "I am, have been, and always will be you're most loyal servant. I followed you in your cause since I was a young girl...I looked for you after the first war...sent to Azkaban in the process staying loyal to you those 14 long years while others did not. I will follow you and the cause till the day I day...and raise the child to know t's place honing it'd power to do you're will." She spoke the truth, never once doubting him.

Bella moaned in pleasure as he continued her walls contracting against him, "My Lord...I'm going to release..." she whimpered softly.
"Don't." The man ordered, stopping his fingering of her for just a moment before he pulled them out and put them into her mouth so that she could taste her own sexual juices. "The fun part hasn't even come Bella." He said, trailing the last syllable of the last word out with his tongue. "Why don't you get up and show me your body." He said, releasing her and pushing her to her feet. Voldemort was still a man after all, not much of one granted, but he stil lwanted a show. She had been around for so long, and he had never thought about her in this way, but now he wanted an heir. There was no reason why it couldn't be fun. . .
Bellatrix was so close to her climax until he said don't and removed he fingers from her and her panties. She looked at him as he placed his fingers into her mouth, able to taste her juices. Though there was more to come and do it have been awhile since she did anything. Bella stumbled to her feet in her heels as she was pushed off of him. Still covered in her knickers she looked at him seductively, her hands gently roamed over her body before turning to show her backside, bending over slightly. Standing back up Bellatrix unclasped her bra turning around slowly pulling it off from her reveling her breasts. Tossing it with the rest of her clothes, she slipped her thumbs into her panties and gently began to pull them down while turning around so he could see every angle.
The man let out a sharp breath when they met eyes before she started to strip for him. Her body was something that the man hadn'e expected, it was curvy, bony, and beautiful. He smiled as his hands and arms opened, beckoning for her to return to him. He wasn't going to show her his frail body, but he was fairly well endowed when it came to his penis. When she made her way to him, he smiled a toothy smile before he pulled her between his legs. He forced her to his knees in front of him, and he smiled down at her. "Why don't you release my cock for me." He said, with a hiss. He really couldn't believe he was doing this with Bellatrix, but he had some idea of how it was going to go. She was going to enjoy it because she nearly worshiped the ground that he walked on, and he was going to enjoy the touch of a woman for the first time in a long time.
When he opened his arms for her, Bellatrix came to him stepping into his embrace. Her body jerked slightly as she was pulled to him, going to her knees as he placed her there. Looking up at him curiously, waiting for his word of what he wanted. Open hearing his request, Bella continued to look at him as she opened his robes getting to his pants, carefully undoing them to reveal his cock. Pulling it carefully out of the fabric being careful of her claw like nails. Bellatrix still couldn't believe this was happening she was to be with her Dark Lord wanting nothing more than to be close to him. To be loved by him even if it was for his own benefit, he must feel something for her if he was choosing her to carry his child...right..? Her hands moved along his thighs rubbing them tenderly.
When she pulled his cock out, he smiled down at her. Why would he do work when she was more than willing to do all of the work for him. Again, she worshipped the ground that he walked on, and now she got a chance to be intimate with him. She was probably chomping at the bit for this. "Now, get me a child." He said to her as he leaned back and moved his hands onto the arms of the chair. Now the ball was in her court. She would have to try pretty hard to make sure that she got what she wanted. He would help her at some point, but she would have to show him what she wanted.
Bellatrix watched him Seeing him smile she knew she was doing right, by him. She would pleasure him how every he wanted her to, just to keep him happy and her in his favor, as she excepted the honor of baring the Dark Lord a child. Bellatrix heard his words looking from him to his member. Leaning her head down, Taking his member in her hand licking his tip in slow sensual circles. Lowing her tongue to lick up and down his thick shaft, down to his balls nibbling and sucking on his flesh carefully. Looking back up at him moving back up to the tip wrapping her lips around his tip and began to suck him back and forth.
When the wicked witch took his cock into her mouth, the man's face showed that he wasn't impressed. Of course, it had felt wonderful, but he couldn't show Bellatrix how pleased he was with her. It would make her work that much harder for his affection, and if he could, his love. Voldemort was starting to get old. His spells weren't coming out nearly as crisp or as quickly, and things were starting to catch up to him. He needed an heir, and he needed it soon. Apparently, sectioning off those many pieces of his sould actually turned out to be a bad thing. When she looked up, she would see his face looking down at her expressionless, his means of telling her that she needed to work a little harder, maybe use another part of her body or something.
Looking at him she used to get arise with her mouth but he didn't seem interested at all with it. Getting the hint she removed her mouth and started to stroke him in her hand and with the other play with his balls. Trying to give him pleasure thinking of what else she could do. Moving closer to him she pressed her breasts on either side of his member, She bounced up and down stroking him with her breasts.
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