Spike Want! (ShoXLenora)


Jul 1, 2010
Spike huffed soundly asleep as the pile of objects failed to disturb him. He growled and snored a bit; his mouth was dry and he would soon need to drink/eat something the moment he woke up. His body may have grown since yesterday, but it was somehow able to fit on his small bed which was at the foot of Twilight's bed. Spike would have awoken to see his new form had the sunlight that poured through the window found a way to get through the pile of objects that covered him. However, he did carry the typical 'morning woody' that all males suffered when having to choose between staying warm and cozy, or getting up to go to the bathroom where it was likely colder.

(fbubuh no...) he thought in his mind as he did wake up but not by a woody; he felt numb on his left arm. Thus, he simply continued to keep his eyes closes in a attempt to sleep it off.

His greed may have gotten the best of him and yes, he would likely get lectured by Twilight, but it did not matter when he still got what he wanted in the end. He thought like a dragon and he honestly loved that. It was who he was, and what he was, never wanting to feel less of what he was naturally born to be. Of course, that did not mean that he did not like to enjoy the pleasures of pony-company.
Twilight was curled up on her bed and covered by her warm blanket. She slept soundly as her faithful dragon friend slept below. She drempt of her days when Spike was just born. Oh how they used to play together, just a unicorn filly and her tiny dragon. This had started to change recently. Spike was starting to collect a trove of his own treasure and Twilight didn't like it. His new found greed had begun to change him into a hoarder as most dragons become as they age. She had been able to keep this from happening but that gem that Rarity gave him changed his mind and his attitude in seconds. The time of confrontation was approaching. She knew she would have to talk to him about his greed eventually. Little did she know that time would be here sooner then she planned and little did she know Spike's greed would be too much for her to handle.

Twilight heard Spike move and slowly opened her eyes. Looking down, she saw her dragon sleeping on a pile of stuff that wasn't there last night. "Spike! What is all this?!" She crawled out of bed and walked down to his bed.
"HGg?" he growled as Twilight woke him up. When he started to open his eyes, he saw the familiar purple aura that indicated Twilight's magic. "I don't want to..." he whined as he was trying to fall asleep but failed to do so. "Gyahwhwhh..." he yawned as his tongue 'danced'. "What is it Twilight?" he grumbled as he stood...TALL. Spike failed to notice as he stretched his new body. It felt the same and he did not feel any different, given by the sole reason that he kept his eyes closed. "Can't you ever let me sleep in...?" he blinked as he then saw Twilight's reaction.
"Spike! What have you done!" Twilight looked at Spike and her eyes grew large. He stood about as tall as her and his tongue was long and lizard like. It was shocking. Her gaze turned to his mini hoard forming on his bed. "And what is that?! Spike, you have been changing and I don't like it. You need to return all this stuff. Right now." Twilight looked at him with concern and started to gather up the things she didn't recognize, using her magic to pile them up near the door.
"What-?" he started as he was still just waking up. "GAhg...WHY are you yelling-" he started. Then he finally realized his change. Looking at his claws, he felt his entire body and spun around. "Holy buck-" he started. "What happened to me????" he yelped as he was now getting scared. "Twilight!" he turned to her. He stopped as he suddenly got a better look at Twilight.

"Hey...why do you look so good this morning...?" he blinked as he found her to be 'cute' in her current appearance. Her PJs really shaped out her body in a causal non-serious/professional type of way. "I don't know why but you really look VERY NICE..." Spike remarked as he walked forward. Since he grew, his PJ shorts were on the verge of ripping. It got worse as his erection began to grow and form into something 'scary'.
"Spi.. Spike..." Twilight took a step back. "This isn't you Spike. This is the greed speaking. Don't come any closer." Twilight took a spin and slid behind her bed. Her body began to shiver in slight fear as he grew closer and she spotted his barbed erection growing. (This can't end well...) She thought as she put her hoof down and lit her horn up. "Spike, don't make me use magic on you...."
But Spike was not listening; he just stared at the purple mare that was trying to hide from him. "Why are you running?" he asked as he blinked. He did not realize it, but his erection now decided to present itself to the maximum length that it could grow; while certain species like dogs and stallions carried a 'lipstick' penis separated by 2 layers, Spike's penis was one layered; the skin from the base of his penis covered the entire length in green/purple scales. It throbbed in a impressive matter as he came closer.

"Twilight...why do you smell so good...?" he asked as he 'sniffed' the air, apparently catching a whiff of her scent.
"Spike, snap out of it. You're greed is getting to you. Just listen to yourself." She shivered again and heard his words. She used her magic to teleport herself to the library portion of her house. She started searching for ways to either hide or snap him out of it. She knew Spike could smell her and to teenage dragons, the smell of something sweet and "new" is exciting. Before this happened, he couldn't pick up on the full scent so it wasn't a big issue. Now, she didn't know how to react and what to expect. Would he lash out at her? Would he snap out of it and realize what was happening? Twilight looked towards the door and waited.

Spike 'lazily' kicked the door opened; his dragon instincts were apparently a lot sharper than expected given by his growth. That and despite being by the spot where she slept all night, her 'fresher' scent naturally drove his nose to where she was now. Only this time, his spikes were standing up and he appeared to be in an 'aggressive' mode as he lashed out at her. While she managed to avoid him a few times, he finally managed to pin her down and set her in a position where he could mount her right there and now.
"Spike! What are you...?" Twilight dodged him as best as possible but quickly was pinned. She struggled to try and get out from under him but it was no use. He was too strong. "Spike... Don't. Please don't do this..." She pleaded as a tear dripped down her face. She laid there, still trying to pull away. She saw his full length and closed her eyes tight as hoping this was all a dream and some how she would wake up.
As her flank was exposed, he pressed his big cold snout against her crotch. Spike's mind was only thinking of sex as he took in her scent. When he finished smelling her, he rubbed his nose against her even darker purple flesh, in order to create a flow of juices. He then slowly lapped the outer layer.
"Spike! Stop!" Twilight felt as Spike violated her nether area and began to lap it up. She gasped from surprise and closed her eyes. Her body was torn. His dragon tongue felt good against her skin but this was so wrong. She didn't want this and she knew he didn't either. It was his greed. "Spike... Please don't..." She tried to tell him to stop but he wouldn't listen.
Spike simply continued. He dug his tongue even deeper and pulled it out before lapping the outer layer entirely. Up and down, he touched her anus slightly but focused on her flower. When he was pleased with the results, he pulled away, and probed his penis against the entrance.
A small tear fell to Twilight's cheek as he continued. She groaned lightly from his tongue entering her deeper. She felt him pull away and then his erect length probing. "Spike!" Her body shook lightly as the feeling of want and excitement came over here. She was slowly breaking against her will. She had only ever felt her own hoof down there and with the heat of his penis so near, it was hard for her to resist. She groaned again lightly and then cried out. "Please Spike..." She paused hoping he would hear her and stop. Sadly, her cry didn't sound like a cry for help. Her voice rang with want and desire.
As he entered her entirely, he let out a steady growl. The tightness was amazing as he pressed all the way into her. When he was settled, he enjoyed this. "AH...buck Twilight..." he moaned as he started to move in and out of her. She was really pleasurable for a creature that was different from dragons.
"Ahh!" Twilight felt Spike fill her and cried out. She was broken and there was no going back. The dragon's length felt amazing. With each thrust, Twilight moaned loudly and her body bucked up against him, making his penis push deeper. "Oh Spike! That feels amazing! Buck yes!" She called out his name and her tail began to wag.
((I am attacking you from behind, how can your tail be under us?))

He thrusted and banged with as much vigor as he could possibly give. It felt so good. "Ah Twilight...why does it feel so....GOoOoooooooD?!" Spike increased the speed as he pulling her even closer. Her body was small and gentle, while his bigger body took advantage and continued to move in and out of her. Because the arousal came so fast, he was likely not going to last long and likely release a large amount into her womb.
"Just.... Don't stop. Buck me hard Spike!" Twilight called out and moaned out loud. She felt him hitting her in every spot, especially her back walls. His hips hitting hers pushed her closer and closer to climaxing. She had never experienced this before and she wanted more and more. "I'm going to cum!"
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