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Watch your head! Low over hang...

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Jul 21, 2010
On a hill, in the woods
Hiddenvet here.

A little about myself -​
Been mostly a PM role player with no shortage of experience. We've all had those stories where we get interested then things fall apart.
I do enjoy being given a heads up or notified if you're not enjoying the story. Things can be re-arranged or if you wish; Cancelled.
Not a grammar nazi, though I try to keep myself somewhat together.
If I'm trying to throw my thoughts at the screen there will be (self-admitting) times where I get into a jumble or in to much of a rush.
I don't mind if that happens. We're humans we make mistakes. Well most of us...?
Oh and I don't mind making new friends but I am a heterosexual male. Still have similar interests.

I tend to be more of a supportive role. Comes naturally one might say. I'm a good person at heart with few reasons to lash our or be angry. But we all have an aggressive side. If anything I'm the guy that tries putting duct-tape on everything broken. Even Gorilla-tape if need be.

Only thing I'm not into ( I really should update my rabbit hole or make a new kinks listing) is the human-waste side of things. Really don't understand it, not for me. Keep it in the bathroom!

Everything else I'm willing to try and tend to be fairly vanilla about my own 'favorite' kinks.

Been lurking and answering a few requests here and the but there's been a bit of a urge in recent days for a few stories I've been kicking around my head.


Iron-maiden: ( Based off of the Iron-man movies and franchise - Thanks Marvel! )

Your character will be the daughter of Pepper-pots and Tony Stark.
Free will and control on how you choose to set up your character. Perhaps she's just testing the waters with a toe, or is a genius with tech like her father?
Either way, one night while the Avenger is away with his wife old enemies show up to try and take young Ms. Stark.
My character shows up to try and help with his own motives.
( Will also of course play Jarvis as needed)
Have an idea of how the first few 'acts' will play out.

Hello Neighbor: Spaaaaaace!
A new telecommunications antenna has been built and the relay connected to it is so powerful that it accidentally makes first contact with an advanced form of life.
So as things go human/ alien bonds are brought into question.
While still in the 'getting to know you' phase a program comes up that selects people from random to meet and get to know the new neighbors.

Two ways to go about this one!

1.) You're selected to get to know our community outside of the planet earth and have to explain things less than familiar to visitors of a certain species. How will you handle your assigned 'partner'. For all you know you're getting a green blob that communicates by making bubbling noises.
Or something from your dreams...
( Yes, you can choose the appearance of them... best to keep nerves from getting stretched )

2.) I've been selected to be apart of a program to greet our neighbors? Alright well who might I be getting to know?
( similar to above but the roles of extra-terrestrial are swapped... how alien would you like to be? )

Knight in rusty armor: - Fantasy/ye'old times.

While on your own independent adventure, perhaps something goes out of control or your not quite ready to be on the open roads by yourself?
Here comes some champion without a cause. Obviously been threw a lot judging his battle riddled armor. Even noticeably the replacement parts upon him that might be mismatched.
But never fear because upon opening the helm, he's about your age!
Come to find the guy is just roaming about sending things at random back to his home keep.
Perhaps after enough adventure, you'll be invited back and find out if he's a noble.
Possible Happy ending here!

I don't want to set the world on fire - Post-apocalyptic / Fallout-ish / not having good times.
Self-explanatory, will be random.
Thinking more then likely survivors finding other survivors. Odd stand offish moments and obviously constant tension between characters.
I find you or you find me... your choice.

Tastes like chicken! - Zombies
Run... just keep moving and don't look back.
Also pack light, bring a friend and make as little noise as possible.
Think similar to the last story idea but all we are now is fair game.
Stay close!

I can heal, but some things still hurt- Superhero ish. abilities and trying to live with them. Will you abuse them?

Totally able to play the superhero thing off, just be warned. Some people don't like being the hero!
Some people want to be normal.
You can choose or I can ( will be at random ) your super power.
Either by accident or some odd mutation you find one morning you have (insert earth shattering ability ) and now you must adapt to it. Will you become stronger or try to hide it?

This one can be fun to say the least...

This is going to be more than a bumpy landing! - Two survivors.
Thinking a little more of a futuristic spin on this one.
Start the story off in the middle - room for character development -
During an attempt to keep their craft from crashing we open on two characters going through every step possible only to still spiral to the ground.
( can be aircraft or space craft )
After the dust settles only those two who tried to keep the now twisted metal in the air are left. Stranded but on a fair enough sized island with more than enough to keep them alive.
( think cast away but not so lonely )

I'm thinking if we go the futuristic route perhaps my character is an engineer of sorts - now totally out of his element without things to fix. Perhaps he adapts and changes to his environment?
Looking for a strong female character to interact with on this one.

Well with that... let me just say -
Thanks for looking over my ideas and feel free to pm at any time.
I tend to lean still towards role playing via PMs.
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