Stick With Me Now; My Story Gets Better (NobodysAngel80 x Collector of Rarities)


Jun 23, 2013
Kimonos itched.

This wasn't normally a conclusion that Shineiki Kietsu would have normally found herself coming to, since she didn't wear kimonos as a general rule. In fact, until this point in time the closest she had ever come to a kimono was when her parents made her wear a yukata for festival times in the district. She'd never had a reason to wear a yukata since entering the Academy and didn't even own one of her own anymore, having outgrown them when she hit that last growth spurt and shot up to just a little shy of six feet. Even still, she had a vaguely coltish look to her, all arms and legs and messy brown hair. She was exactly the sort that would look utterly out of place in a kimono. It didn't dissuade her newly introduced clan from trying to stuff her into one, but she at least had the satisfaction of knowing that she was right.

Kietsu, or Kiki as she preferred to be called (but noooo, try telling those nobles anything!) had certainly not known that instead of drilling the new recruits in sword forms or even kido, she'd be spending her day having someone poke at her face and hair, trying to pluck at her eyebrows and she swore they were trying to wash her freckles right off of her nose. Of course, that was after she had received a letter from a very official looking person asking her to come to the Nayumichi estate that morning. Komamura-taicho had been very understanding, though she imagined that he was just as confused as she was. Noble houses didn't typically have an interest in the rank and file shinigami, and even as a fourth seat, she wasn't high enough on the totem pole to really warrant anyone paying any attention to her. It wasn't like she was a genius or anything, she wasn't a captain, and she was just a commoner from Western Rukongai. However, when she arrived to the Nayumichi manor, she discovered that all that wasn't entirely accurate.

The Nayumichi clan was a lesser noble clan, but like all noble houses, they were always seeking ways to rise in status. There were only certain ways for a house to rise in rank. Conquering and wiping out another house was extremely frowned upon in these more civilized times; that was a barbaric custom from back in the day. They could attempt to curry favor with the Soul King but that could take thousands of years to come to fruition, and that was assuming that anything at all came of it. There was a third way of course, and Kiki was looking for the door as soon as they started to speak about it. Ohh, they had been very nice and polite, a little stiff for her tastes up until that point, but they were nobles so she didn't pay it much mind. She had manners; they might not be the best, but she could at least appear civilized. Well, up until the point that they explained why she was there and outlined their master plan for her.

It had never occurred to Kiki that her parents might have had a life before her. Ohh, she knew on a fundamental level that her parents were people with their own lives and everything that didn't include her, but they'd never talked about it, and whenever she'd asked, they told her stories about their lives here in the district before she was born. To be told that her father was a noble who had abdicated his place in the clan to marry her mother, a soul from Rukongai who had been a maid on the family estate, had been enough of a shock. It didn't make any sense to her. Her father wasn't at all what someone would have thought of when they imagined a noble. And her mother…if she had ever pegged one of them for being secret nobility, it'd have been her mother. Graceful and beautiful, she carried herself with a regal sort of bearing even when doing the simplest tasks. Her father was a carpenter, and one of the district elders, and her mother owned a restaurant. How…how could they have hidden something like that? She was still in shell shock when they went on to explain why they had sent for her.

She had known that she should have run as soon as they mentioned that they were working towards an alliance with one of the high noble houses. The heiress of the clan was supposed to be meeting with a clan leader to see if they would suit well and if his family would accept her into their clan. However, it seemed that there was one in every generation, and the daughter who was supposed to be doing her duty by the clan had found herself in a most compromised position with another man, and thus was…unsuitable for the task. Kiki wasn't sure why this was any use to her, she wasn't political savvy in the least and the ever shifting ranks of power in the noble houses hadn't ever interested her. It wasn't until they started throwing around words like "marriage" and "producing heirs" that she started to get an idea of what they wanted. Apparently, she was the only other woman in the clan of an age to fulfill any sort of marital obligations. And looking around, she noticed…yeah. She was the only female that she had seen that was older than a preteen and younger than a grandmother. At least, the only single one, they had explained. It had taken months of careful negotiations to arrange a meeting between the heiress and the clan leader, and to not have a daughter to present them, well…that was a quick way to fall from grace. A VERY quick way.

It was a no-brainer. She was just about to thank them for the tea and the little cakes with the seeds on them (which she was sure were firmly lodged between her teeth at this point!) and beat a hasty retreat...when they sweetened the deal. Her father would have his position in the clan restored. Her mother would be accepted and welcomed as a noble lady. They could return to live in the clan manor if they wished. All she had to do was just meet with the clan leader. It was too good of a deal. She didn't know how happy her parents would be about something like that, but…there were times when she could remember her mother looking at her father sadly, times when her father would simply hold her mother and pet her hair and say it was alright, that it was worth it. Times that she would watch her father hold an old medallion with a wistful expression, and when she asked about it, he said it was nothing, and distract her with a new joke or idea for a prank. But now it all made sense.

They had said all she had to do was show up; that they would handle the rest. She wouldn't actually have to marry anyone, they wouldn't force her into that, but it would save much more face to have a daughter to present and be refused than to have no daughter at all and have to explain what had happened. She supposed she could see the reason behind that. And so she found herself subjected to the tortures of face painting and hair pinning and nails being filed and scrubbed and lotioned. They had tried to pluck her brows even and brandished some odd metal wand at her eyelashes like they were going to try and rip them out, but she drew the line at that. After all, it was just a simple matter of going there, meeting whatever noble it was that they were talking about, be polite for a few minutes, and then she could wash the gunk off her face, go back to her uniform and her duty as far as her clan was done. Easy peasy.

At least, it would have been if the clan head head was anyone other than Kuchiki Byakuya. Yeah. That would have been nice to know.

When they had dropped THAT little bombshell on her, they had been nearly to the gates of the Kuchiki estate. They'd had to grab her by the obi and hold her in place because the idea of showing up and having to make small talk with the stoic, quiet captain of the 6th division was enough to give Kiki a serious case of the heebie jeebies. She'd tried to bolt, but unfortunately for her, a couple of her clan elders had apparently been working out because all she managed to do was nearly trip in her sandals. She hadn't ever met the man before, though she had seen him in passing a few times, and that was more than enough. The man practically oozed "noble" from his pores – if he even had them, that is. He was…well, everything that she had always prayed never to be stuck in a room with for a long time, and so meeting him to talk about… ohh sweet Soul King, they were gonna try and marry her to Kuchiki-taicho! Kiki wasn't much for fainting, but that was just about all it would take to do it for a girl. She felt decidedly more like she was going to the gallows than to a meeting with a possible husband (and she had a very hard time not laughing hysterically at that idea). However, she might have felt a bit better had she known that at that moment, Kuchiki Byakuya was feeling rather the same way.
Kuchiki Byakuya had known that this day would come. For most of his life, he'd always put duty before everything else, but after encountering Kurosaki Ichigo, he'd been reconsidering that stance. While his duties as the head of the Kuchiki family and the captain of Squad Six of Soul Society were always present in his mind, he'd started to take time for himself every now and then. That had been easier said than done the past few years, what with his sister's almost-execution, the fight with Aizen and his Espada and, finally, the fight with the quincies that had nearly destroyed Soul Society and the mortal world. Now that that was all behind him, though, things were much more peaceful and he had time to truly look inward. He prayed daily at the shrine of his previous wife, Hisana, ensured that his squad was helping with the repairs to Soul Society and spent the rest of his time relaxing. It was strange: he hadn't felt relaxed in quite some time. He'd certainly felt happy, especially having Rukia around, but he'd never really felt relaxed ever since Hisana died.

And now he was to be remarried. He wasn't particularly thrilled by the idea: he still loved Hisana, but after much consideration, he came to the conclusion that she wouldn't have wanted herself to become a roadblock to his happiness. He remembered the times he had with her fondly, but he supposed that now was as good a time as any to start making new memories with someone else. And besides, it was his duty as the leader of the clan. All of the arrangements had been made and the Nayumichi family had gone through great lengths to even set up this meeting. The clan didn't have much to offer politically, but they'd put together an impressive dowry; impressive enough that Byakuya couldn't simply turn them down. So, he put on a formal kimono, left Senbonzakura in his quarters and went out to meet the Nayumichi family.

He could tell that something was wrong the moment he laid eyes on the girl he was supposed to marry. She was many things, but what she wasn't was the woman the family had claimed she would be. The girl he was expecting to meet was a noble who hadn't seen a day's hard work in her life; the girl before him not only bore obvious callouses on her hands from manual labor of some variety, but her spiritual pressure was also far too high for her to be a mere noble. In fact, it was quite obvious that she was a shinigami, even if she didn't currently have her zanpakuto with her. His expression stayed the same as he examined the girl, but his eyes narrowed ever so slightly and suspicion bled into his gaze. There were many possible reasons why the Nayumichi family could have swapped out the daughter they'd told him he'd be meeting with this new girl, but none of them seemed to fit. The girl obviously wasn't powerful enough to be an actual threat to him, so she would be a poor choice of assassin. Furthermore, it made no sense for them to hire her to kill him: they could have easily spent the dowry just to buy a more corrupt and more powerful shinigami to try and kill him. Furthermore, an assassination attempt would make no sense since it would easily be traced back to them. Each possible reason for the switch he ran through his mind made progressively less sense, so he decided to stop guessing and get the truth from her directly.

After a long moment of silently regarding the girl before him, he turned to the Nayumichi elders. "You may leave," he said, his voice calm and polite, yet somehow conveying that staying would be a very bad idea for them. He turned to Kiki. "Come with me." Again, his voice remained calm and polite, but he had not made a request: his words were a command. Without waiting for her response, he turned and walked back towards his house. He lead her to the tearoom and made the smallest of gestures with his hand for her to sit. It was strange: the gesture was so slight that Kiki should have missed it, but it somehow came across clear as daylight. Byakuya sat across from her and regarded her silently for several long, uncomfortable minutes. In that time, it seemed like he never blinked; his gaze was constant and intense, focused entirely on her and refusing to let her look away. Finally, a servant entered, performed a tea ceremony and poured them both a cup of tea before leaving. Byakuya did not touch his cup and continued starring at Kiki until he could no longer hear the servant's footsteps.

"You are not Nayumichi Sasaki," he said. "Who are you?"
Uh oh. He didn't seem pleased. She wasn't a member of the Stealth Force or anything but even she knew that look, the look that meant that things were Not According To Plan. She was used to seeing that look; it had come up pretty frequently when she'd worked with the Fourth Division, and occasionally had been on her own face when things during her times assigned to the world of the living went drastically sideways. However, she didn't know what could be causing it this time, unless Kuchiki-taicho was looking forward to meeting and courting her heretofor unseen cousin Sasaki. He was polite though, very commanding, which kind of went without saying; she'd had to deliver papers to the Sixth Division before and she ran those guys like a freakin' machine! Walking around in this tight, ill fitting kimono, all this makeup and all these pins in her did anyone stand it? It was damned unnatural is what it was!

Once they were in the tea room (and to her credit, she didn't gawp at the lovely, simplistic elegance that surrounded her) she sat down as he instructed, resting her hands on her knees. She squirmed a little here and there, as sif she was trying to find a comfortable position and was having a very hard time doing so. She didn't seem to notice that he was staring at her, seeming to be too busy concentrating on what the servant was doing. Mentally, she was trying to go over all of the rules for proper behavior that they had tried to drill into her head before she came. She was a perfectly acceptable shinigami; as a noblewoman, her social graces left much to be desired. When the tea was poured she started to reach for her own cup, then glanced up to see that he was not taking his and was rather staring at her with this suspicious, accusatory look on his face. She recogized that look. She'd seen it before, that look that led the officers to gigglingly call him 'Captain Better-Than-You' behind his back, marveling at how a man could look so elegant while maintaining the expression that indicated he smelled something offensive all the time. However, his question took her aback and she blinked, her more arched eyebrow raising even higher.

"Sasaki? She's my cousin, apparently. I don't know the details or anything, but apparently she couldn't come today but...well, it'd be kinda rude after all of the negotiations that the clan apparently went through with the Kuchiki clan to just say 'eh, we lost our daughter, sorry about that'. So, they dressed me up and asked me to stand in. Something about saving face and all." She shrugged a bit, then paused, her eyes going wide. "Ohh! Ohh but no, you don't have to actually marry me or anything! No, no! They said that you could just say that we didn't get along together well or something and no one loses any face or anything like that! know, you can go back to running your division and I can go back to my paperwork." She shifted a little, smoothing her kimono, trying not to think about how unbelievably awful it would be for either of them to have to marry the other. Good lord, Kuchiki-taicho would have a high-class conniption every time she went to the noodle shop and slurped her soup, and she'd die if she had to wear this getup all the time. This was just to save face, that was all. Nothing else to it.
Byakuya regarded Kiki for a while longer in silence, although the suspicion was gone from his eyes. He picked up his tea, blew on it once, and then took a long sip. Each of his movements were calculated and practiced, but also graceful. This wasn't the mechanical nature of someone who had had a specific set of movements drilled into his head: these were the fluid movements of someone who lived and breathed elegance. All the while Byakuya drank his tea, he kept his eyes on Kiki and when he set his cup down, it was empty. This was particularly impressive because Kiki hadn't heard him sipping the drink and had hardly seen his throat move while he swallowed. Then something very unexpected happened.

Byakuya smiled. It was a slight smile, a barely perceptible curl of his lips, but it was there. His unreadable eyes betrayed a faint glimmer of amusement and interest.

"I think you misunderstand," he said, placing his hands back in his lap once more. "I am not going to dismiss you; not yet. I had expected a young woman who had spent months, if not years preparing to marry me, not you. This does not mean that you are unacceptable, I simply hadn't expected you." He shifted slightly, relaxing his stance into something still refined, but far less rigid. Again, it was a subtle shift, but even that slight change made him seem far less intimidating. "You see, I would have married your cousin out of duty, provided that I could stand to be around her, but you're something different. You I might actually be interested in."

Byakuya liked the way this girl presented herself; it reminded him of his first wife. Granted, Hisana was much softer and gentler than this girl, but they both caught his eye for the same reason: they were unrefined. Hisana had been like seaglass: a beauty shaped by her rough surrounding. She was gentle, kind and lovely, but she was also delicate due to her sickly state. The sickness had eventually been the death of her; her glass had shattered. Kiki, on the other hand, was unrefined iron. She was certainly rough and most certainly raised in a less privileged environment, but she had none of the frailty that Hisana had. Even if he could not come to love Kiki like he loved Hisana, she would at the very least be fun to forge into the shape he desired. If nothing else, she would be enjoyable to pass his copious free time shaping her.

"We shall see if I can make you marriageable," he said, something predatory glinting in his eye for a split second. "You will inform the Nayumichi family that they have lost no face, but this is not the last that you have seen of me. You are to inform Komamura-taicho that I have begun courting you and, as such, I would appreciate it if you were given shorter work hours without a pay reduction. You are to come here after your shift ends each day and we will spend time getting to know each other. You should expect to spend nights here as well. I will teach you, shape you into the wife I desire and, if you are receptive, we will eventually marry. If it is not to be, then we will go our separate ways."
She felt more than a little uncomfortable to be under his scrutinizing gaze; to be entirely honest, she felt like a bug under a microscope in the 12th Division's labs. That was a deeply uncomfortable place to be; having had to deliver paperwork there before she knew better than most that the smell of disinfectant and terror just didn't get out of your nose for weeks. When he picked up his own cup, she hurried to do the same, not wanting to seem rude or anything. After all, she had to put on a good show and she remembered someone say that it was rude to not drink if your host was drinking. She wasn't anywhere near as graceful as he was and he began to speak before she was finished. However, when she heard what he had to say, she wished she had risked the rudeness and not drank anything at all.

She coughed, choking on the tea when he said that he might actually be interested in her. It felt like the very nice, very fine green tea had suddenly gone down the wrong pipe and was threatening to drown her, and she'd had to grab the handkerchief hidden in her kimono sleeve to keep from spitting the tea back up over her kimono. Her eyes stared at him, wide and horrified at the prospect of having to marry a nobleman and actually be a noble lady. "W-wait! Kuchiki-taicho! Forgive me please for being rude but...are you crazy? I'd be a terrible wife! I can't...I've never learned how to act noble or talk noble or even dress noble! My crash course this morning was the only training I've ever had! I mean...until I got the letter this morning asking me to come to the Nayumichi house, I had no idea that my mom and dad were anything but a cook and a carpenter! S-so you'd probably be much better off finding someone else who wasn't...wasn't me." She sat the empty cup down, placing her hands on her thighs and looking at him with a very serious face. No one had said she was going to have to get married! She'd never even kissed someone before! And she wasn't about to start learning with Kuchiki-taicho! Most eligible bachelor in Soul Society or not, she had zero interest in this sort of thing. Her clan had needed a favor, she did them a solid, end of story. And if he thought he was going to make her marriageable by pulling her away from her squad duties, he had another thing coming!"

And then he mentioned courting and spending nights here at the Kuchiki manor and she felt the color creeping into her cheeks under the white makeup she'd been painted up with. He couldn't mean what he seemed to be meaning! He couldn't! And then, a wonderful thought dawned on her and she grinned, bright as the sun. "Ohh! Ohh I get it now! You're trying to make me freak out and refuse you, right? That's a great plan! I mean, no one would agree to show up at your house and spend the night and stuff, that's just...I'm from Rukongai and even I know that's not proper at all! You don't gotta go so overboard with it though, I don't want to get married anymore than you do, but we could definitely help each other out of this!" She smiled, feeling quite pleased with herself for figuring things out so quickly.
"No, I am quite serious," said Byakuya, chuckling silently to himself as he watched Kiki blush. "My first wife was from the Rukongai district and I lived quite happily with her for five years before she passed away. Try to ignore any preconceived notions you might have of me; I think you might be pleasantly surprised. I believe that Komamura-taicho will understand if you ask him for slightly shorter work hours on my behalf. And if he does take issue with it, then he is free to come discuss it with me."

Byakuya waited a moment to see if she would finish her tea, then stood. "Now, I believe you have places that you'd rather be than here. Please deliver my message to Komamura-taicho as soon as you can and ask him to send me a messenger with his reply. Now, if you'll come with me, I would be glad to show you out." He walked around the table and offered Kiki his arm, giving her a gentle smile to assure her that he wouldn't bite her if she took it. "It's alright to be nervous; I am aware that I have quite a reputation. I hope that you will come to see me differently in a few weeks in my company."
She stared at him in disbelief; she knew about his wife of course. Every woman in Soul Society knew about the tragic love affair of Kuchiki Byakuya and his beautiful, frail wife. The story had made women swoon over such a display of romanticism from so stony and stoic a man. Kiki had never paid much attention to it. She'd never fancied herself to be the sort to wind up in a situation where Kuchiki Byakuya's romantic endeavours would have made a bit of difference to her. Har har, the irony was just about choking her. How did this kind of stuff end up happening to her? She had work to do, her captain had claws for heaven's sake! Did Kuchiki-taicho even know what claws did to paper edges? It gave the term 'dog eared' a whole new meaning!

Still, after a moment's hesitation she placed her hand on his arm, resolving that surely someone would discover that the Sixth Dvision captain was feeling under the weather and would take care of this and nothing more need be said. She gave him a slightly unconvinced look as he escorted her through the manor, which could have fit about forty of her parents' houses in it comfortably with closet and bathroom space to spare. "You realize that no one's going to believe this, right? They're going to think that this is some kind of prank." She said, glancing over at him. "They're going to think you were drugged, or hypnotized or that you've got an imposter or something."
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