Devil May Cry (Saren Crimson & RebelMoon)


Rise Up; Resist and Disorder
Mar 21, 2013

Kate Sterling | Half-Devil | 25
(Nice! She looks beautiful, I approve. Let me start this thing off. :D)

Time did not flow in Hell, for Vergil, he didn't know how much time he spent down there. He had only just awoken to see that he was in his body. The last thing he remembered was fighting Dante and then nothing. How much time did he spend just laying in a thick pool of blood which he knew it wasn't his. The lowest part of Hell is nothing but blood and broken idol statues most likely seen so many pointless battles between demons. Vergil stood up against one of the statues and looked around. He couldn't see anything but pure darkness for miles on end. Did this shake him? No, it didn't. Just like Dante, Vergil knew how to escape this place and back to the human world. It wasn't going to be easy for him seeing as he did not have, Yamato. His one and only sword given to him by his father, Sparda. He felt it's energy, it was still in the world and the person who had it had powerful demonic energy. Wielding such a sword would require tremendous power but it was only that a Sparda could use but he wasn't so sure about this person who possessed it now.

Vergil's eyes narrowed but he couldn't stand there all day thinking about it. He had to move and he had to do it now. He didn't have a weapon, he wasn't defenseless but he wasn't going to be as effective without one. Despite that, he knew that his power was much more than it was before. Liking this newfound power of his, he was going to use it to his advantage to escape. He looked at the empty void in front of him and began walking forward. He was determined to get his katana back by any means nescessary. "It's time I reclaim what is mine and pay my little brother a visit. I won't let him interfere with my plans again. Then again..." He stopped for a brief second and stood there, thinking to himself. "Just...what would be the point in it?" He had wondered for a minute seeing if this was the way that he should go. Failing the first time made him think, Dante and he had defeated someone who had Sparda's full power. It made him think that maybe her surpassed him. Regardless, he thought it was about time he had felt just how powerful his father really was and from then on, whatever happened just happened. He shook his head and decided not to think about it.

Vergil started walking once more then turned into a full blown sprint into the nothingness of Hell. He had to find one of the territories that had a hell gate, his blood would be enough to power it for him to get through. With that in mind, he flew across the fields of Hell. If there was one strong point about Vergil, it would be his overall speed. The hunt for the hell gate continued but little did he know that forces in Hell were already beginning to move to the human world for one great assault that was bigger than anything both of the brothers ever faced. It would be unknown by everyone even Dante and the rest of the crew of Devil May Cry until that fateful day where Vergil would ultimately have to choose to help or destroy the world. With his views on what he should do starting to conflict with each other, from this point on would be a turning point for him. Could Vergil really change this time, he didn't know. He didn't want to know but something inside of him wanted to. Dante made a lasting impression on him but the thought of helping humans disgusted him to no end but to Dante, it was all he did. Just what was it about them that made Dante go against him. Not only that, Dante wanted to help his brother during their last duel. Vergil knew it was senseless for the both of them to be trapped and sacrificed himself. Why did he? Did he really care about Dante or wouldn't accept help from him? He wanted to know just that.

Meanwhile as Vergil was making away across Hell. Dante, just like everyday was sitting at his desk at Devil May Cry waiting for a job. He had a magazine on his head and leaning back in a chair, sleeping. You'd think that the world's greatest devil hunter would be actively searching for demons to kill but not him. He was only in it for the money if that were an option. If it wasn't for Lady and Trish, he probably would have a little money to use for himself and no doubt that would probably be pizza. To be honest, he hadn't been on many jobs. Demons weren't on the move as much. That would be fine if he didn't have to pay so many bills, mainly his food bill. Ever since his last trip which Lucia was waiting for him to return to the human world; Hell had been surprisingly tame. It was suspicious but Dante didn't care as long as they'd finally stop interrupting his naps. Unfortunately for him, he was going to have a lot more than he bargined for when he was going to see his brother come back on the scene. Between the both of them, they didn't know what kind of problem was going to spring up. They truly did not hate each other but their views on things never was the same and would always end up fighting. Dante had a dream that Vergil was still alive and was going to escape Hell but never thought that'd actually be true, unknowingly to him.
Night was falling quickly and the usual crowd was slowly pouring into the local bar. Some of the patrons were growing rowdy by the pool tables, already a little more than tipsy. They wouldn’t last much longer before Brandon, the bar’s bouncer, tossed them out on the street. It was preferred, as no one appreciated the smell of vomit in a place where they wanted to have a good time.

Kate was the new bartender there, but she was slowly becoming the men’s favorite. Brandon had quickly become her friend, taking her under his wing so to say, and making sure nothing happened. In the few months she had been there, he had quickly become an adopted big brother to her. When he glanced toward the bar, she flashed him a smile before setting up shot glassed for a few guys out on their bachelor party. Once they were taken care of, the redhead surveyed the bar and noted a man that hadn’t been helped yet near the end.

Grabbing a drink menu and approaching him, she smiled politely and placed it next to him. “What can I get for you, hun?” She asked. The man slowly looked up at her and answered her smile with one of his own.

“Just a beer, lass.” He replied.

In was in that moment that something seemed to happen with his skin. The man sitting in front of her twitched and it was almost as if his skin shivered around his muscles. It made her skin crawl and the tiny hairs on the back of her neck stood on end. Kate recovered quickly, trying to shake off the feeling, “Coming right up,” she told him as she turned her back to fetch his drink.

She returned quickly, feeling uncomfortable when she was close to him. “Here ya go,” she said with a smile as she placed the sweating bottle down in front of him. He smiled tightly, an edge to his eyes, but said nothing more. Kate turned to busy herself helping the other customers.

The night continued on as is usually would. Brandon threw disgruntled people out when they were getting too drunk and others would take their place. Closing time was approaching and the crowd was starting to thin. With Kate being the newest, she rarely closed down the bar. Tonight, she was let out early since it was a week night and she bid her fellow workers a goodnight before gathering her things.

“Kate, you want me to walk you to your car?” Brandon asked her as she made for the front door.

Kate smiled at him, her cobalt eyes shimmering in the low lighting, “That’s all right,” she answered him with a smile, “I’m just right outside.”

“Be careful and have a good night,” he said before giving her a hug.

Kate left the bar and made for her car. The stars were hidden from view by pollution of the city lights as well as a thick layer of cloud. There was a static on the air; a storm was fast approaching. Kate stopped at her car and stuck a hand in her purse as she searched for her keys. When her fingers finally wrapped around them, she heard the bar door close again, causing her to glance in that direction. Her heart skipped a beat when she saw the man that had twitched at the bar standing there, grinning at her.
Dante woke up out of his sleep when the magazine had fell from his face. He stood up and yawned, looking to see what the time was. He figured that it was way too boring just spending his time at the office. He decided to go out to get a pizza from the diner he usually goes to. He put Rebellion on his back, Ebony and Ivory in his holsters then kicked the door open and walked out. Going down the sidewalk with his hands in his pockets, whistling as if he hadn't a care in the world. He stopped when he got around the corner and raised his eyebrow when he felt demonic energy in the air.

"Oh, look at that. It looks like I'm going to have a bit of fun, after all. Don't want to miss it." he said before taking off down the street.

Upon getting to the place where he felt it, he was sitting on a lamp post. Having jumped on it from the low roof he jumped off of. He crossed his legs and kept out of sight. He whistle to himself when he saw the demon in disguise right in front of Kate. He pulled out Ivory and spinned it once. He just waited for the demon to make his move against her. He figured it'd be a lot more easier to kill him when he exposed himself, he might even put up a fight, he thought.

Just as this was going on, Vergil had gotten up from the bottom of Hell. He was in the place where he and Dante had fought before. Before he fell into the depths of Hell. He walked through the water and looked around a bit. He knew that the gate was here in the form of a mirror but it wasn't there, instead there was just a chalice floating in the middle of the water which he walked to.

"Maybe I put my blood in this chalice here..." he said curiously

Vergil conjured up a spirit sword to his hand then sliced his palm, pouring the blood in. As he did so, the water under him turned to blood then the ground began to shake. A huge black monolith began to rise out of the blood. Vergil narrowed his eyes at it and in the middle of it was a huge crack. It opened a bit to see the inside of a person's apartment. What it was showing him that someone was summoning a powerful demon and could get out this way.

"So be it then." He said walking through it with no regard to where he might end up.

When he had came through on the other side, he stood in front of a man. He had to be someone from higher standing because he was wearing a suit. The pentagram that was under Vergil stopped glowing and Vergil looked around then at the man who was looking at him back. The man showed him a photo.

"Please go kill this woman. I summoned you. I order you to do my bidding!" He said bluntly.

Vergil only looked at him and walked past him, not saying a word. The man watched him then ran to him. Grabbing Vergil's arm, determined to not let him get away unless he agreed to complete the contract. Then again, Vergil isn't one to be controlled especially having to be brought back by means unknown to him. He closed his eyes then with one swing of his arm, he smashed the man into the wall with blunt force. Nearly causing his backbone to shatter on impact.

"I don't take orders from a human." He simply put it and walked out of the apartment.

Vergil left him there even though he did that, he didn't kill him. No, he had bigger things to worry about. Suddenly Dante, felt an extremely strong power that was identical to his own come out of nowhere and it was in this city. He turned his head for a quick moment and he knew that he had to find out just what it was. So he decided to take care of this demon and he jumped down next to her.

"Everything okay over here? It seems that you attracted a unwanted stalker, lady. Friend of yours?" He was being sacrastic when he had said that.
The man watched Kate with a growing hunger in his beady little eyes. It was about this time the woman wished she had let Brandon walk her out. This kind of thing didn’t happen often, but when it did, he was usually there to see to it she was safe. Kate feigned a hesitant smile as she reached down to unlock her car door.

It was in that moment when she felt something stir on the air around her. “What the-?” Whatever the occurrence was, it caused her to drop her keys. A rush of panic flooded her system as she quickly reached down to grab them, but when she stood back up, she started.

A man with stark-white hair and a red jacket was standing at her side. “Everything okay over here? It seems that you attracted an unwanted stalker, lady. Friend of yours?” The man asked.

Kate’s glacial hues glanced around him. He had come out of nowhere. Frowning, she focused her attention back on him, though somewhat wary, “No,” she answered, noting the sarcasm and arching a brow, “I served him a couple drinks in the bar is all.”

The way he was positioned next to her kept his face almost completely in shadow, but stunning blues eyes shone through the darkness. They were arrogant, but full of mischief as well. Her gut told her that she didn’t need to be afraid of him, but her head usually overruled that feeling from past experiences. “Look, I don’t know if you’re some do-gooder, but I can just go back inside to get the bouncer to scare him off.”
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