A Forced Apprenticeship (Star Wars RP: Kitsune and Ecchi)

Jun 21, 2013
It has been over two centuries since Darth Sidious' reign had ended and the archaic rule of two ceased to exist. In the void after Sidious death, both the Jedi and the Sith grew in numbers. For two hundred years the orders reformed, until the galaxy no longer resembled what it once was. Now, both Jedi and Sith roam the star systems. For the Jedi, they ally themselves with free planets to help them remain untainted by the Sith. The Sith on the other hand, play the role of conquerors, taking entire systems by fear and by force until they rule with an iron fist. As such, there are no shortage of rebellious enemies for the Sith, but due to their over whelming power it is hard to pry freedom from their iron grasp.

Darth Jaffari is one of the Sith Lords from this age. He is a Farghul, standing 2 meters tall with golden fur and a sandy colored mane. His body shows his intimidating physical strength as he has a well sculpted, lean and muscular figure. As with most Farghuls, he wears loose fitting, trousers, with a cloth sash wrapped around his waist. His chest is bare, but also adored with traditional jewelry of heavy gold beaded necklaces and golden bracers. Farghuls are known for being vain about their appearance and Jaffari was no exception as he gazed into his mirror with his piercing yellow eyes. Unlike most Farghuls, Darth Jaffari carried a gold and blue light saber, with a curved handle on his hip.

As a Sith Lord, Darth Jaffari had conquered his fair share of the galaxy around his home system. His base was his home planet of Farrfin and had control of all the systems in the Farrfin Sector, as well as a few of the surrounding systems in adjacent sectors. From his conquests, Darth Jaffari had set up quite a nice foot hold in his part of the galaxy. He had the allegiance of many planetary militaries and an economy to match. With such riches, Jaffari was able to live in a lavish palace on Farrfin, decorated liberally with precious metals such as gold, and semi-precious stones of lapis lazuli.

It was in the magnificently decorated master bedroom where Darth Jaffar currently resided. He had just returned home from a long voyage from an allighned sector and was in need of some rest and relaxation. After spending some time, gazing at his reflection in the mirror. Jaffari rung up for a servant to come draw him a hot bath in the chamber's lavish bathroom, while he relaxed on a sofa in the bedroom.
Such a powerful conquering Sith Lord surely had his fair share of enemies, within and without his territories. Such enemies would like to see him dead and gone so that they might try and reclaim their systems before another Sith moved in to take his place. However, few were bold enough to face a powerful Sith themselves, not when whole armies could be laid low by a single Sith. That's where those who kill for money come in, mercenaries and bounty hunters that will take the risk for the reward. Such a risk as this would surely provide a reward of great wealth.

Saphara was such a bounty hunter, and willing to go after the Dark Lord, Darth Jaffari. She'd been promised a payment that she could just about retire on, or else buy a very expensive ship and new equipment. She'd heard stories of the Sith and their fearsome power, but she'd also heard stories of Sith being killed, and not only by Jedi, but by others as well. She felt confident in her abilities and that she could take on a single Sith Lord alone.

The bounty hunter's form was obscured by layers, a full body suit covered by armor pieces at her chest, shoulders, forearms and thighs, with armored boots as well. Her face was hidden behind a combination of an armored visor with four small camera lenses visible, and a metal breather mask that completely covered her nose and mouth. Finally a thick ragged looking cloak with the hood drawn up covered all of this, leaving no part of her visible, beyond a few strands of dark brown hair inside the hood.

Saphara had scaled the wall which led to a window looking into the main chambers of the palace. She climbed in carefully, making sure not to be notice by any roaming servants or any guards which might be present. She made her way around, peeking carefully into each room, checking for heat signatures with her visor. Finally she reached the bedroom in which Darth Jaffari relaxed, slipping out a blaster rifle which she brought up to aim. The only way to get the upper hand with these force users was to take them by surprise, and be sure not to miss the first time.

She had a perfect shot lined up toward the Sith Lord's head, her finger slipping over the trigger as she prepared to fire and take him down. Her timing was unfortunate however, as a servant had approached behind her, heading for the bedroom where her master rested to tell him his bath had been drawn. Seeing the mysterious cloaked figure by the doorway aiming a rifle, she shrieked out. "Who are you?!" This caused Saphara to jerk, twisting around, her finger tightening on the trigger and sending the shot into a wall as she twisted to face the servant. Her element of surprise was blown now and she knew it. She simply kicked out at the servant to knock her away before turning to rush into the room, hoping she could still catch the Sith off guard.
As he waited for his bath to be drawn, Darth Jaffari lounged lazily on his sofa while he was lost in his own thoughts. He had never had anyone dare attempt to assassinate him during his rule, so he had grown accustomed to lowering his guard while in his home. It was due to this negligence that he failed to hear the approach of one such stealth assassin as they aimed a rifle at his head.

Fortunately, as if through the will of the force, he head a scream of one of his servants and the zap of a bolt hitting the wall behind him. In under a second, Jaffari went from lounging on his sofa to leaping into the air with a snarl on his face. As he flew through the air, his lightsaber flew to his hand and with a flick of a switch, the characteristic crimson blade of a Sith was drawn.

By the time the intruder entered the room, Darth Jaffari was already dropping down from the air above the door way. As he fell, Jaffari made a swing at the barrel of the blaster rifle he saw in his enemy's hands. After the swing, he landed and reflexively jumped back holding his lightsaber at the ready as he assessed the situation to see if he hit.
Saphara staggered back a bit as the Sith landed and his red blade sliced through the barrel of her blaster, rendering it unsafe to fire. She tossed it away and drew out a pair of twin blaster pistols, beginning to fire them both quickly, one a second after the other in a continuous stream of heated blaster bolts. She knew this was going to get dangerous quickly, as a full frontal tactic against a force user was sure to fail. She didn't stop firing though, determined to try and break through Jaffari's defenses.
Jaffari was satisfied at the sight of the heated, red hot metal where he had sliced through the blaster rifle and caused the intruder to discard it to the side. As the opponent reached into their heavy covering, the farghul Sith, had a glimmer of excitement in his eyes. Even though the assassin came for him, they are now Jaffari's prey.

With the appearance of two blaster pistols, Jaffari took to note the angle of the barrels and let the force guide his hand as he parried the first volley of bolts. As his blade swung to and fro in front of him to meet the bolts of energy, Jaffari jumped back, creating a little distance to hamper the accuracy of the duel wielded pistols.

After he had jumped back about 4 meters, the Sith used his free hand to call upon the force. By pulling his hand towards his body, he would subject a force on the intruder that would feel like they are being pulled forward. In most cases this would cause someone to stumble forward. He was not done, however, because as soon as he used his force pull, he thrust his hand forward in the motion of a quick jab which caused a very powerful force push to in act itself on the assassin. If his force pull was like a strong tug, his force push would feel like being hit by a charging bantha.
Saphara expected the deflection of her bolts via the lightsaber, she'd seen it done many times to others fighting Jedi or Sith. She had to keep up her barrage of blaster bolts to keep him occupied, prevent him from getting closer. Just before he used that force pull on her though, one blaster seemed to stop firing, while the other fired a few more times in its place. The other hand along with the blaster had vanished into her cloak as she turned to put her right side more forward and continue to fire with that single blaster.

She wasn't expecting the pull, and did indeed stumble forward from it. She certainly wasn't ready for the push either, however she did manage to do one thing before she was shoved. The reason that other blaster had stopped firing became apparent now as a metallic object was dropped to the floor, rolling in Jaffari's direction, just as Saphara was shoved hard back, and right through the doorway out of the room.

If Jaffari looked to the object on the floor, he would notice it was a metal sphere with lights running around the center of it, making a whirring sound that picked up speed with each pulse of the lights. It was in fact a thermal detonator the bounty hunter dropped, just as she was being pushed and thrown out of the room. Good for her, bad for Jaffari.
Though the force push knocked the bounty hunter out into the hall and stopped the hail of blaster bolts, she had left Jaffari a present on the floor. A small metal sphere that was easily recognizable by anyone worth their salt as a thermal detonator. Quickly, Jaffari used the force to roll the explosive device under his bed. It exploded moments later showering the room with a confetti of feathers, strips of cloth, and splinters of wood as the large, plush bed was blown to pieces.

The Sith Lord wasn't phased, however, as he leaped out into the hallway to chase after the assailant. His golden eyes darted around, while his ears flicked and the bridge of his nose curled. Jaffari was using all of his heightened senses to locate his prey so that he wouldn't be surprised again.
Saphara had managed to get herself back up on her feet again by the time the explosion had passed. She wasn't interested in waiting around, knowing the Sith would be after her at this point. She had run down the hall to find another room to slip into and hide. Along the way she'd planted some motion detection mines along the base of the walls out in the hall, hoping to catch the Sith Lord off guard with them while he searched for her. If those were to fail, she'd found a place to duck down, twin blaster pistols at the ready.
Since the maid had gotten away when the bounty hunter first appeared, she was able to get to some of the guards stationed down the hall. With the addition of the loud explosion coming from Jaffari's quarters, even more of the palace's security forces were alerted to the problem. By the time Jaffari had made it out to the hall, there was already shouting coming from down both ends of the hall as two antique, but still quite deadly, Q series Droideka, rolled down from each end of the hall way.

The one coming from Jaffari's right rolled up next to him before deploying its tripod stance and trade mark deflector shield. The one coming down the hall on Jaffari's left, however, was not so lucky. As it sped down the hall, several explosions occurred and totaled the droid, leaving nothing but a pile of smoldering scrap.

Jaffari snarled in annoyance as he looked down the hall past the flaming droid to see a pair of his Farghulian guards run around the corner and stop. Given that the explosions occurred down the hallway, that must of been the direction the assailant ran to escape. They also could not have gotten far, as they would of ran into the droid and guards. That likely meant they were probably in one of the halls many rooms. This of course was just a logical guess, but there was always a chance that the mines were there to act as decoys.

Raising his hands into the air, Jaffari let out a bellowing shout as he emitted a pulse of the force to swing all the doors in the hallway open. Cautiously Jaffari went to the closest doorway and peered inside, the red light of his lightsaber blanketing the otherwise dark room. "Come out, come out where ever you are," he growled as he went to check the next room, his droideka following closely behind. Meanwhile the two guards at the end of the hall started looking in the rooms near them as well.
Saphara remained hidden, crouched down behind some metal crates. Seems she'd ended up in a storage room of some kind, crates, barrels and shelves all around. The door was rigged with a small explosive, likely not enough to be lethal, but certainly enough to throw someone off guard, and it would leave a lingering smoke screen. It would be enough, she hoped, to give her the element of surprise and blast whoever came through that doorway. She switched her visor to thermal vision, waiting for someone to open that door. With this vision mode she would be able to track their heat signature through the smoke of the blast. She would be able to see them, while they couldn't see her.
Since the doors had been opened, by Jaffari's force powers, the two guards began by looking into the rooms on their side of the hall. One of the guards took a step inside of the room in front of him. As he was taking a step inside, a blast went off and threw the guard against the wall causing him to drop his stun spear. Fortunately for the guard, his light armor protected his life, but he was rendered unconscious.

Hearing the explosion, the other guard reflexively turned and looked into the room, but his body was frozen stiff. On the other hand, the Sith Lord Darth Jaffari dashed down the hallway, his lightsaber swinging by his side.

Standing in the threshold of the door, Jaffari peered into the cluttered storage room. His lightsaber was held at the ready, while he started to throw crates around with the force.
When the explosive went off, it left a lingering cloud of smoke hanging in the air, obscuring the doorway and part of the room. It would leave the guards, and the Sith blinded, unable to see Saphara... but she could see them. The thermal vision mode on her visor allowed her to see their heat signatures and track them.

As soon as she saw someone stepping into the doorway, she began blasting away with her twin blasters. She could only hope to take them by surprise and get a few good shots in to take them down.
Due to the smoke, Jaffari's vision was hindered as he tried to locate the assailant inside the storage room. Feeling an uncanny and instinctual urge to pull back, Jaffari jerked his head just as a blaster bolt came whizzing past, singing his whiskers. Raising the blade of his lightsaber, he started to deflect the oncoming volley of bolts.

Knowing that he could not keep this defense up forever, Jaffari decided that it was time to show the intruder why the Sith were so feared. Waiting the short opening right after he deflected one of the blaster bolts, the Sith Lord raised his hand into the air. Suddenly, lightning spewed from his finger tips as a web of electricity filled the room, arcing across the storage crates and bathing everything in the white hot light.
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