Cornered (Mercenary+dkitty)


May 21, 2013
Sillis was following a large imperial force. Apparently they were following a single target, most likely a Jedi or two. They were having obvious trouble catching them, and if he did, there would probably be a large reward for him. The trandoshan liked large rewards. Besides, even if he didn't catch the big prize, there was the possibility of decent supplies to scavenge after the battle.
It had been months since the fall of the Jedi Temple on Ossus and Jaria Kathson had finally started to feel safe. She had been away on assignment with Master Krona when the attack had occurred but both of them had felt the great disturbance in the Force as so many of their friends had died at the hands of the new Sith empire. They had fled to the out of the way system of Alus to try and hide until they could find other Jedi that had escaped. The Force had guided them to Alus 4 were the inheritance had quickly took them in and hid them in a village miles from the main spaceport. There the two of them had found peace and quiet to wait for the Force to tell them what to do next.

Jaria liked Alus 4. The sun was almost the same color as her home world of Klameda which made the seasons and temperature close enough to make her think of home. Her home world didn’t look the way she had remember it as a child thanks to the Yuuzhan Vong. The planet had been ravaged during the Vong war over a hundred years ago making the inheritance have to live in domes to survive the toxic environment. The change to the environment had changed Jarias race slightly by making them loss all their body hair. Through the decades the Klameda scientist had restored the hair on their head, eyebrows and eyelashes but still hadn’t found a way to make any of the rest start to grow in their race. After the success of the Ossus Project Klameda was one of the new planets asking for Vong terraforming and the people of Klameda were hopeful that the new terraforming would bring it back to its former beauty. It had worked at first and Jaria enjoyed the renewed planet before she left for the Jedi Academy. But after the terraforming had gone horribly wrong the Klamedian people had to return to their domes to survive the new Vong treachery and soon after cut off relations with the new republic. That was the last Jaria had heard from her family.

The morning was beautiful so Jaria didn’t mind when her master had sent her out to meditate before breakfast. The last two days she had been getting feelings that something wasn’t right but her master had thought she was letting her emotions control her again. That was her biggest problem with her Jedi training, her emotions. When she was happy or at peace they worked fine but when she felt fear or anger her force talent would manifest in odd ways. So when she showed agitation her master would send her away to clam herself.

Having finished her meditation Jaria walked back from the field she would mediate in. She had some fresh flowers she had picked for the kitchen and a smile on her pretty young face. Humming as she walked she waved and said hello to some of the people in the village as she made her way toward the villa she shared with her master. It wasn’t a large villa but it was a nice place to live. Rounding a corner she saw the villa ahead, the sun catching in her light blue eyes made them sparkle. She looked down at the flowers and smelled them hoped her master would like them.

But as her light blue eyes looked up she felt something hit her like a fist. It wasn’t physical but a tremor in the Force. Horror gripped her heart as she started to run toward the villa screaming for her master. But before she was half way to the front door what had made the tremor in the Force made itself real as a large blaster bolt slammed into the top of the villa. The next thing that Jaira knew was her body flying backwards as the villa exploded in flame and bits of duracrete. Jaria felt a burning pain in her thigh but before she could scream she landed hard on the stone road in front of the now ruined villa. The last thing Jaria heard before the darkness of unconsciousness took her was the scream of wounded villagers and the scream of TIE fighters.

Jaria Kathson
Species: Human apprentice Jedi
Age: 18 Height: 5’8” Physical Characteristics: She has long honey blonde hair down past her shoulder blades. Her skin is a light golden tan with freckles on her shoulders and nose. Thanks to toxins on her planet she was born with no body hair, except on her head, eyebrows and eyelashes, so her skin is smooth and soft. Her eyes are big and light blue. Her body is a mixture of athletic and curvy with firm breast between a large B and a small C and pretty youthful face.
Jaria she from a backwater plant that few have heard of. She has spent almost all her life at the Jedi academy and is a bit naive to the rest of the galaxy. When she gets upset her Jedi powers do unforeseen things. She is sweet and kind but protective to those she care for.
Sillis landed near the village the imperials were bombarding. With a quick scan of the surrounding area, he found five bodies. Four where dead. Dead would be worse than alive, so he check them last. Sillis got the area coordinates and walked out with rifle in hand, running there. He would get there first while the stormtroopers dealt with the villagers.
As consciousness slowly came back to Jaria she first noticed her head felt like it was about to split open. Slowly she blinked open her light blue eyes and realized she had a fine dust of duracrete on her eyelids. Reaching up with her hands she felt that her face was covered with the dust. As her slender hands touched her forehead she winced in pain from where a chunk of rock had hit her head. But how? Oh, no! She tried to sit up quickly and just as quickly wished she hadn’t as her head began to swim making her lay her head back down. Jaria closed her eyes and tried to use the force to help remove the dizziness and thanked the stars that it worked. As her head stopped spinning she slowly started to sit up.

Lifting herself up enough that she could place her palms on the ground Jaria opened her eyes and looked at the villa. Or what was left of it. The roof was gone and some of the outer walls had collapsed. Everywhere she could see fire or smoke coming for the ruined villa. “Oh, master.” She sobbed as tears started to streak her dust cover cheeks. She started to stand up but a sharp pain made her look down at her right thigh. Her pants leg was ripped open and there was a big gash halfway up her thigh. As she looked at it she felt something tickle as if something was running down the left side of her face. Reaching up she felt something wet on her face and as she looked at her fingers she realized it was blood, her blood. ‘So that’s why my head hurts.’

Using the Force to help her Jaria stood up slowly putting most of her weight in her left foot. As she straightened up she felt another wave of dizziness wash over her making her stumble. Pain shot through her right thigh as she tried to find something to lean against to keep from falling. Finally she felt hardness of a wall against her left shoulder and leaded against it to help with her balance until the dizziness had passed. As her head cleared Jaria looked up at the ruined villa again. More tears started to run down her face as she watched the ruins burn and smolder. Her pour master had been waiting for her inside when the villa had been hit and now he was no more.

Her grief was quickly replaced as a new wave of sickness washed over her. But this wasn’t from her injuries it was something far worse. Sith! Jaria turned her head in the direction she felt the Sith coming from and heard the hard foot falls of Stormtroopers. She had to hide. Looking around her she saw that a portion of the wall she was leaning against had fallen down. As quick as her wounds let her she hobbled to the opening and crouched down behind the wall. Trying her best to calm herself she pull the Forse around her to mask herself and watched as a Rodian Sith, his once green skin was now a crimson red under a black hood, and a squad of Stormtroopers entered the square in front of the ruined villa. She had to run, there was no way in her condition she could fight a Sith and Stormtroopers. So Jaria hid and watched waiting for the right time to make her getaway.
Sillis had to stay away from the village. He would most likely be shot on sight by any of the stormtroopers, like the villagers were. This made it difficult, since the trail of blood lead back into the village. Well, none of the villagers had weapons, and he had a rifle. Hopefully they would recognize that and not attack. And he really wanted that reward. His business hadn't been going so well recently. His last three employers had just back stabbed him and gotten away without paying him. And in all honesty, he was starting to run low on money and supplies. Yeah, he needed this. He followed the trail to a crumbling wall. The trail had actually stopped a little farther back, but the scent hadn't. He set his rifle to stun, and burst around the corner, pulling the trigger.
Jaria listened from her hiding place as she waited for the Rodian Sith and the Stormtroopers to leave. The pain in her thigh and head was a dull throbs now and her thigh burned. But the worst was her dizziness it was threating to make her lose focus on her Force bubble making it easy for the Sith to sense her. She had to get way before she was caught but she couldn’t move until they had gone away.

“You’re sure both were inside?” Said the Sith to the Stormtrooper next to him. The Sith’s voice was a heavily accented Basic thanks to him being a Rodian.

“Yes, my lord. Scans of the area said that both were within the blast radius of the first bombardment.” The Stormtrooper voice sounded mechanical as he talked. He was looking at readout as he spoke. Jaria could feel his fear as he talked to the Sith.

“Then why do I only feel the deliciousness of one Jedi’s extinguished life.” The Sith Rodian’s voice hissed with anger as he walked closure to the ruined villa.

“I don’t know, my lord.” The Stormtrooper said with a tremble in his voice.

The Rodian Sith turned his head enough that Jaria could see more of his crimson red face. “Then I suggest you go and find the other Jedi.” The Stormtrooper nodded and started giving orders to the rest to fan out and find her slowly moving to one side of the villa or the other. After they had moved a little away from the Sith he slowly turned and looked around then he walked into the villa.

It wasn’t long before the Sith and Stormtroopers had moved far enough away from her hiding place that Jarie breathed a sigh of relief. Seeing her chance she slowly made her way throw the ruined building away from the villa. Before she lost sight of the Villa she turned to look at it one more time. “I’m sorry, Master.” With a tear in her light blue eyes she turned back and hobbled away.

It was a hard and long trip but soon Jaria was far enough away from the Sith that she felt comfortable to let her Force bubble down. Unfortunately she still had to deal with patrols of Stormtroopers searching for survivors, killing them when they found them. As she hopped on her good leg to try and get away from one patrol she noticed that her wounded thigh was bleeding and her blood was leaving a trail behind her. Ducking behind another ruined wall Jarie made sure the Stormtroopers couldn’t see her. Next she tore off a strip of her robe and wrapped it around her wounded thigh. She had to greet her teeth to keep from screaming in pain as she tied the strip of robe around her thigh but soon the bleeding was stop. Jaria rested for a bit as sweet ran down her light tan face and body soaking her soiled robe. Taking a deep breath she slowly worked her way deeper into the ruin building.

Soon she saw trees over the top of a wall Jarie knew if she could get to the other side of this building she would be on the edge of the forest. Just as she was about to step out from around the wall she felt a group of Stormtroopers heading her way. So she ducted back and knelt down to waited for them to pass.

She was about to stand up, long after the Stormtroopers had left, when she felt someone new in the Force. Thanks to her fear at being caught and her dizziness she hadn’t noticed them until now. Who was this new person and what did they want? She stood up to look over the wall to try and see them. That’s when she heard something scrap in the rubble behind her. Turning Jarie and reached for the Lightsaber on her belt as she saw the shape behind her. But before she could tell who it was she saw the blue rings of a blaster on stun. The stun beam hit her square in the chest knocking her back again the wall. As she felt unconscious start to calm her she felt sad she hadn’t been able to get away then everything went dark.
Sillis smirked. What a lucky break, he didn't even have to try that hard. Unfortunately, he nor realized that now would be a bad time for a ransom. The troopers would probably shoot him in sight and take the Jedi. He would take her back to his ship and wait for a couple of days, maybe a week. Then he would offer the ransom. I'm going to be rich! Sillis thought to himself, a toothy smile on his face. He pulled her out by the legs, then hoisted her over his shoulder. A couple minutes of walking and easily dodging stormtrooper patrols, and he was walking up the ramp and into his ship, the Sharp Talon. He payed her down gently into his one holding cell, and put a force cuff on her. He didn't need her using the force to escape. That would make a whole lot of things go wrong. Sillis started the engines and of they went. He put the ship's nav. computer in for the middle of space that near Nar Shadaa and soon the bright streaks of hyperspace travel could be seen. He walked over to the small kitchen un the ship and started cooking some leftover wamprat. The kitchen was across the hall from the holding cell through an open doorway.
As she slowly regained consciousness Jaria felt the familiar vibration of a star ship in flight. Knocked out twice in one day, what bad luck she had. Slowly she realized that she was lying flat of her belly with her bruised tan face against the cold metal of the floor. Taking a deep breath she squinted her eyes shut tight then slowly fluttered them open. Her light blue eyes had trouble focusing thanks to a concussion and being shot with a blaster on stun. As her vision became clear the first thing she saw was metal bars like a cage. Jaria sighed at the realization she was now a prisoner. From the stories she had heard soon the Sith torturer would show up.

Slightly accepting her new fate she looked passed the bars and was surprised at what she saw. Creates and boxes were stack here and there. Where was she? This place didn’t look like a Star Destroyer holding area it looked more like a cargo hold. Frowning Jaria tried to put her hands to her side to lift herself up but found she couldn’t move her arms. What? She tried to pull her arms in front of herself again to see what was wrong and that’s when she felt the cool metal on her wrist. Cuffs? Her shoulders slumped as she realized her hands were cuffed behind her back. Shaking her head, Jaria smiled. Not smart to try and cuff a Jedi, she thought. Then she closed her light blue eyes and concentrated.

Jaria blue eyes popped open. What the?? She closed her blue eyes again and tried to concentrate harder, still nothing. Why was she not able to feel the Force?? A groan escaped her dry lips as it dawned on her why she couldn’t connect with the Force, the cuffs. Jaria had heard of specially made restrains that would block a Jedi from connecting with the Force. Now she couldn’t use the Force to break free or use mind tricks to get her captor to let her go. With her hands behind her back she was helpless, maybe she could talk her way out of this.

With a sigh she started moving around until she was able to get on her side then with some difficulty and a lot of pain she sat up. Next she scooted on her firm ass over to the bars and gently touched one with her fingers behind her back. She blew out a sigh of relief as she felt that the bars weren’t electrified. Placing head against the bars in front of her she tried to push her feet under her so she could stand up. But as soon she tried to put weight on her wounded thigh she screamed out in pain and fell backwards. Catching herself with her elbows Jaria straighten her legs out again. Sweet was beading up on her tan skin from the effort and her thigh throbbed with every heartbeat.

Trying to catch her breath Jaria caught the first smile of cooking food. Her tummy growled at the welcoming smile and if her mouth wasn’t so dry it would have started watering. “Hey.” She said weakly. She needed to get whoevers attention. Taking a deep breath Jaria kicked the bars with her good leg and yelled as loud as she could with a dry throat. “HEY!!!”
Sillis was just finishing when he heard a scream. Well, she was awake. Sillis cut some pieces of meat off and put them on a plate. He walked in and heard her the second time she shouted to get his attention. "What?" he asked walking in with the meat and a cup of water. He was standing right by the cage, looking her over before opening it and walking in. She was in no condition to try and escape, and if she did, he would catch her in a few second. But just in case, he closed the door behind him. "Hungry?" he asked, already knowing the answer.
Jaria closed her eyes to fight the pain in her right thigh as she kicked the bars of her cage with her left foot. Each hit of her foot sent a shock from the impact through her making her bursed and battered body hurt but she had to get her captures attention. Her voice cracked from lack of water and dust from the exploding villa as she screamed again. Between breaths she thought she heard footsteps coming her away but before she could scream again she heard her capture speak.

The first thing she noticed was an accented basic that she hadn’t heard before. Opening her light blue eyes she saw a sight that confirmed what had captured her. A Bounty Hunter and not just any Bounty Hunter but a Trandoshan, Jaria had heard stories of how ruthless a Trandoshan Bounty Hunter could be. She had a sinking feeling deep inside as she watched him looking her over. She could tell that he was sizing her up and making a decision. As he opened the door Jaria scooted away from him on her firm ass until her back was against the bars opposite the cage door. She was about to open her mouth to speak when her freckled nose smiled something wonderful and her stomach growled. Where was it coming from, then she saw the plate in his hand. Licking her lips she stretched up as much as she could to see what he had on the plate.

“Um, yes. It’s been awhile since I’ve eaten.” She looked back over her shoulder then back up at him. “Are you going to free my hands or do you want me to eat like an animal?” As she talked to him her blue eyes were looking him over for a way to get the upper hand.
"I'm not that stupid." he said to her, giving her a glare. "I can feed you." he told her, picking up a slice of the meat and holding it to her face. "And you're also thirsty, I presume?" he asked, setting down a cup of water next to him that he would offer her after she took the bite. He was also debating something in his head, that had to do with Jaria, and a buttload of credits that he was determined to collect.
Jaria sighed she had hoped he was that stupid. Wouldn’t you know she had to be captured by a smart bounty hunter. “Okay, if that’s the only way I can eat.” She felt and heard her tummy growl at the smell of the cooked meat before her face. She tried to lick her dry lips and felt how rough they were. Her throat was dry and it made talking hurt a little. Her eyes followed the cup of water as he sat it down. “Could I have a drink of water first? It will make eating easier.” At least he wanted his bounty alive, probably because she would bring more money that way.
"Okay." Sillis said, putting the glass up to her lips for her to drink. "So," he started, still looking like he was in thought. "Do you know if there are any republic rebellions near here? Or do you not know?" he asked her. Sillis had been thinking about also offering her to the New Republic, or at least, what was left of it. They would pay a large price to get a Jedi back, and Sillis knew that they wouldn't betray him, unlike the Empire. He knew they had no problems with taking the prize and killing the hunter.
Jaria held her dry mouth open as he put the cup of water to her lips. As the water poured into her mouth she closed her light blue eyes and enjoyed the cool liquid as it worked on her thirst. She greedily drank the water down letting it take the dust in her throat away as she listened to what he had to say. She was a bit too eager to drink and some of the water got into her lungs making her cough. Turning her head to let him know she had enough she coughed again. Coughing a little more she licked her soft wet lips and looked up at him. “No, I’ve been on Alus 4 ever since the fall of Ossus and anyway I wouldn’t tell you if I did know of any place.” Her blue eyes forked. “Why should I help you capture more Jedi for you to sell to the Empire, Hutts or whoever else owns you?”
"He pulled the glass away with a chuckle. "Ha, you do think I'm done. There's no way I'm going to push my luck and GI for more Jedi when one is enough. I was going to see if I could sell you to the rebels or the republic or whatever they're calling themselves. But now that you mention the hutts, they do pay well for most things, including Jedi. Not to mention they have less of a chance to stab me in the back." Sillus said in thought. He looked back at her and put a slice of meat up to her mouth. "Still hungry, right?" he asked.
Jaria kept a groan from escaping her mouth as she listened to the bounty hunter. It would be her luck to give him the idea of selling her to the Hutts. She knew if she had not been injured he would’ve had a much harder time catching her. She also knew if her fellow Jedi knew she was a prisoner they would try to rescue her. “Maybe I could help you find some Republic forces to help you ransom me.” She really didn’t want to be sold to the Hutt’s because she knew she would either have to fight in an arena for their enjoyment or wear some skimpy outfit so she could be showed off as a trophy.

She looked at the slice of meat. It smelled good and it had been so long a time since she had eaten that her stomach growled. “Yes I do.” She looked down at her leg then back up at her captor. “Is there any way I can get a Bacta patch or something for my wounds.” With that Jaria leaned forward and let her pink little tongue come out as she opened her mouth for the slice of meat. Her big light blue eyes looked up at him as she waited for the food.
"Nah. I already know where to find a Hutt. I won't waste my time to look for people with less money." Sillis said to her. When she asked for a bacta pack, Sillis thought for a bit before remembering that he had some in the cargo hold, where they were. "I'll see what I can do after you're done eating. I think I have some medical kits in here somewhere." The trandoshan told her as he put the slice in her mouth for her. "And stop trying to trick me into setting you free, it won't work. I doubt there's anything you have that I could want." Sillis added, giving her a look.
Jaria slowly chewed the meat she was given. She wasn’t sure what it was but right then it tasted wonderful. From listening to her captor she could tell he was smart and smart for a bounty hunter meant he had been doing this for a while because the dumb ones died quickly. She would have to think of some other way to get him to release her. But what? If he had been a humanoid she could use her looks to try to get her freedom. But she had never heard of a Trandoshan being interested to anyone outside their own species.

She wasn’t a speciest who wouldn’t date or mate outside her own species, her last relationship with a Twi’lek Jedi Knight back on Ossus had been fun with a good amount of sex but he died trying to stop a group of slavers a few years ago. She had mourned him for a time but knew she couldn’t risk giving over to the Dark Side with her grief so she had moved on. More recently there was a not too bright Gamorrean guy that worked on a smugglers ship, he had had a big crush on her and she had kind of used it to have him get special things for her and her master while they were hiding on Alus 4. She still felt bad for what she had done after finding out he had died on Nar Shaddaa. Apparently he had saved up some credits and bought her a necklace from someone in a bar. What he didn’t know was the necklace was stolen and on his way back to the ship the real owners wanted it back. Instead of letting them have it he tried to fight them off and was shot died. Even thou she hadn’t felt the same way toward him but she still didn’t want him to get killed try to impress her.

Swallowing part of the meat Jaria looked up into her captor in the eyes. “You know since I’m your prisoner I have to try to get free. But thank you for the food and water. And I could real use a medical kit.” She looked down at her wounded thigh. She swallowed the rest and looked back up at him. “What would keep the Hutt’s from killing you then taking me and your ship?” She licked her soft lips tasting the meats juices then leaned forward again for another piece of meat. “Maybe I do, maybe I don’t have something you could want. But if you sell me to the Hutt’s you’ll never find out.” With that she opened her mouth again and held out her pink little tongue for another piece of meat.
"Or you could make it easy on me and not." Sillis replied with a sigh as he stood up. He walked around the cargo hold, looking as he listened to her. "I'm looking for a medkit right now, so hold your dewbacks." Sillis said as he looked through the shelves on the walls. "And the Hutts wouldn't stab me in the back, they've known me for a decent amount of time. They know I'm a valuable resource, and Hutts don't waste valuables." he said as he started walking back. "And what would that thing be, exactly?" Sillis asked as he held the food to her mouth, a medkit in his other hand. "If you promise to behave, I can let you eat this yourself while I work on your leg." he offered.
Jaria closed her mouth as she watch the bounty hunter walk away. She was about to ask where he was going when he said he was looking for a medkit. At least he wanted to keep her wealthy probably so he could get top credits for her from the Hutt’s. Hutt’s weren’t known for their trustworthiness unless there was a wager on a game involved. But listening to the bounty hunter let her know that his trust in them would make it very hard for her to win him over and not sell her to them. She would have to use a different tactic.

What could she use to make him not sell her to the Hutt’s? He was a male after all but she still had never heard of a Trandoshan looking at a non-Trandoshan in a sexual way so that may not work. But maybe if she could show how valuable she could be he wouldn’t sell her and she would have time to heal up then escape. Looking up at him with her big light blue eyes as he held another piece of meat up to her mouth. “You know a Jedi could come in handy to someone in your line of work. I could let you know if someone is trying to double cross you or if there was an ambush ahead.” She held her pink little tongue out as he placed the meat in her mouth. She nodded yes to behaving herself as she chewed the meat and scooted toward him a bit more so he could get to her wounded thigh and without wanting to making the fabric of her pants bunch up enough to get in the way of her wound.
"But I'd have to give you your force powers back, and that's not happening." he told Jaria as he reached behind her, using a small key to unlock the cuffs, this made them seperate, but not come of. Now she could move her arms freely, though she still couldn't use the force. Sillis went back to her leg, starting to take off her bottom clothing to get a good look at the wound. When he did, all she was wearing was basically her under-garments below her waist. Sillis stick the bacta pack over the wound and wrapped it in bandages. He only know realized what he had done when he started to look up, seeing the barely concealing underwear. He felt the strange and unfamiliar yet well known feeling of his mor private area growing harder, making a very slight tent in his pants. "Well, I think you can help yourself to whatever you want now. I assume you have enough meat for your liking?" Sillis said quickly as he turned around, though it was too slow to hide it.
Jaria felt his body close to hers as he reached behind her to unlock her cuffs. Despite the fact that he was a Trandoshan and her force powers weren’t working she could feel something there between them. Could he think she was attractive? Could she be attracted to him?

She felt the cuffs open and her arms come free of each other. As she brought her hands in front Jaria knew without the Force she wouldn’t be able to fight him thanks to not begin very strong. So she would have to wait for her chance. Now that her wrists were free she could look at what he used to keep her from her force powers. Around her slender wrist were two bracelets made of metal, she had heard of such things like them could keep her from using the force and knew that he could fasten them together again easily if she tried to use them against him. She would have to find another way to get free.

Her attention was brought back to what he was doing as soon as she felt him unfasten her pants. Lifting up her hips she let him pull them over her smooth tan legs and off her feet. Her face blushed a bit as she remembered it had been her turn to wash her masters and her clothes. She had run out of the more modest panties she owned and had to use a little more reveling pair until she had a chance to wash more. Now those clothes were nothing more than a pile of smoldering fabric thanks to the Imperials. As she sat back down Jaria felt the cold metal on her tight firm ass. Maybe she could get him to give her something warm to sit on.

As he wrapped bandages over the bacta pack she felt the welcoming tingle of the bacta healing her wound and a numbness spread through her thigh taking away the pain. Breathing a sigh of relief Jaria was about to say thank you when she saw something that made her stop. There was a noticeable tent in his pants right where his cock should be. Maybe he did find her attractive and she could use this against him. Moving her slender tan legs apart more she reached and picked up the plate of meat. As she leaned back she gave him a better look at what her thin panties were covering, just enough to get his attention but not enough to let him see what he may want to see.

“Thank you. I’m Jaria by the way.” She slowly picked up a piece of meat and placed it in her mouth, a little more seductively then she would have before. After chewing up the piece of meat enough to let her talk she looked up at him with her big light blue eyes. “I wished we could find something to make you not want to sell me.”
"Sillis." he replied quickly, feeling stupid right now. Why did he tell her his name?! What kind of dumb aides was that? What was he thinking?! Then he relished, he was too busy thinking about her.

Here was a girl. She was very attractive to him, he knew he couldn't deny it. And the truth was, he could do whatever he wanted to do to her! But no, ha couldn't let himself get attached to her, he needed the credits. But what could one time hurt?

"And what are you willing to bargain for it?" Sillis asked her, turning his head back to look at her. Noticing what she was doing made his tent grow even a little more, but at the moment Sillis wasn't worried about it. He could tel through her actions what she was suggesting, or at least he thought he did. Sillis was assuming that Humana were that way when being seductive as well.
“Well, Sillis.” Jaria looked down at her food as she took another piece in her fingers and slowly moved it to her mouth. This time she let her pink little tongue play over the end of the piece of meat before she placed it onto her mouth. She looked up and down his body. She had never seen a Trandoshan naked before and she realized that it wasn’t just a ploy to get free that made her act the way she was right now. She had to admit she was curious to see what a Trandoshan’s cock would look like. Would it be reptilian or more humanoid like a Twi’lek? Would his body be warm or cold against her warm body? What would his scaly skin feel like against her hairless tan skin? And what would it feel like to have his clawed hands rubbing and touching her naked body?

As she finished chewing up the piece of meat she looked at the noticeable tent in his pants. With a slight nodded of her chin in that direction she looked up into his eyes. A sweet smile came to her pretty tan face as she said, “I think you already have an idea of what you want to bargain with.” Jaria sat the bowl down and moved until she was on her knees. Thanks to the Bacta patch her thigh wasn’t hurting as she sat down on her heels facing him. “It must get lonely out here by yourself.”
Sillis looked her over one more time. He knew that this was going to happen, and he wasn't complaining."You're right, its a pretty lonely job. Theres no time or safety fir anyone else, so why bother? But hey, here you are, offering something that I could definitely use. The question is, is it worth the credits and trouble." Sillis said, seeming to ponder it in his mind. She seemed rather talented, but he wasn't about to make a rash decision. "How about you give me a little 'demonstration', and then I'll decide." Sillis offered in return.

The trandoshan reached down and unzipped the zipper of his pants, but didn't take his clothes off. This wa his sign to tell her that if she decided to accept his offer, that she could start and do whatever she needed to do to convince him. Sillis was expecting a good time, but he would probably sell her afterwards. But if she really was that good, he might just keep her.
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