Caught Undercover (Cerberus and InuMinzy5)


Jan 9, 2009
They had been running and prepping for this op for Months. The SVU team had gotten word of a well-known human trafficker had come into port and was using his large ship as a floating casino as a front to store the people below deck that he was smuggling. It had been decided that Olivia and Ziva would be brought into the ship as a “gift” to the leader so that she could get close to him and learn his secrets of how he avoided being caught before bringing him down on charges. But what they didn’t know is that the leader of the smuggling ring had known about their little investigation and had allowed one of his men to be caught then flipped so he could lead detective Olivia Benson into his own little trap and feed false information to the rest of the team.

Omaro gave a little whistle as he looked at Oliva and nodded. She would certainly be able to get the leader’s attention. She was dressed in a flowwy black silk dress which stopped around mid thigh. Her legs were clad in black silk stockings and she was given strappy heels. “well you are certainly going to be able to hold his attention.”

Tony just kept looking Ziva over as he handed her the file of the dealer. "well with that Dress you'll certainly turn some heads." He smirked looking ziva over in a long black silk dress with a slit up along her sides damn near exposing her. Her long lovely legs were clad in silk stockings. "but with a dress like that i don't know where you'll be able to hide a gun without them knowing." Gibbs walked down and gave Tony the usual smack to the back of the head. 'If all works out she wont need to hide one. This is a simple infiltration and intel retrival. Once we have enough we can pull her out and go in ourselves."
Olivia and Ziva finished up their make-up for their big mission. They went over the details of what to do and what to expect. Since this was their first time really working together on a case they didnt know exactly how the other worked. After a while they talked casually about their partners. They laughed as they realized that their partners are almost the same.

After about 20 minutes of prepping the ladies finally came out of the bathroom. Oliva smiled as she walked over to Omaro. "You really think so? I just hope he really goes for me is all. We really need to get this guy."

Ziva smiled at Tony"Like what you see?" she asked walking past him a bit the stopped" might want to close you mother before you drool." She went to her desk" and why exactly do you care where I hide m gun Tony?" she asked grabbing her gun and strapping it to her thigh. She gave him a small smirk before going to him and whispering" i have other hiding places where things can go Tony." she went walking off towards Olivia

(sorry the reply is late and a bit short. I've been working most of the day)
Omaro grabbed a file and handed it over to Olivia and nodded. “The Ship is docked in the pier and is holding while more cargo and supplies are being loaded on and while guests go in for his Casino. That is when you will go in and from our flip you will be expected so I don’t think you’ll run into any opposition that will give you any trouble. Once there you’ll have to cozy up to their leader, get the information and find out where he is holding all of the people. Once you have what we need we shall be able to move in on him and we shall have him shut down once and for all. But don’t estimate him this man may be young but somehow he has evaded arrest for quite some time. Well you’ve got all you need so time to go.”

Gibbs handed Ziva the keys to a car that was taken from their catch. and handed her a small piece of paper that had the address of where she was to go. "You know you are on your own for this until we get the information we need So be careful in there." Gibbs then was silent as the elevator reached the garage and he walked with her until she got to the car. "you've got the bug so plant it when you can." He gave a soft smile before turning away and heading back to the elevator to let her go. He had absolute confidence in Ziva and that she could get this done and dealt with.

Vao looked over the "Casino" that was built into the lower decks of a large ship. It was one of the ways he was able to keep moving and never get caught. He was able to get away quickly and quietly. His family had been running this buisness for generations and now he had inherited it all. He laughed abit and walked through the grounds as he watched everyone. "well lets see if our little guests of honor makes it here. I would hate to leave without them." He grinned just thinking about all he would do with the lovely Ziva David and Detective Olivia Benson
Olivia takes the file looking it over as she listened to Omaro. "Alright I got it. We wont let you guys down." she looked at Omaro one last time before she followed Ziva and Gibbs to the elevator to the garage. She continued to look over the file as they descended so she could know what to ask this guy when they met up. She half listened to what Gibbs said to Ziva as they walked out of the elevator to the car.

Ziva smiled taking the car keys from Gibbs"I know Gibbs and I promise to be careful." she said to him as she got in the car. She watched as Gibbs got back into the elevator and she looked at Olivia. "Are you ready?" Olivia nods" lets do this." she said buckling up. She gave Ziva a little run down as they drove to the place.

Upon arriving to the docks Ziva parked the car where the rest of the "casino" goers parked. Olivia and Ziva got out of the car and headed towards the long line of people. There was no problem getting into the place. Olivia nodded towards Ziva and they both went their separate ways to scoop out the place.
The guard looked at Ziva and Olivia as he blocked them from entering the curtained area but it seemed that their names had gotten through to the radio and the guard nodded and pulled the curtain aside for her to walk through and into the auction room. As soon as she walked in her name was called from above. "You are a tad late my pet." Vao watched Ziva and Olivia and grinned as he walked down the stairs and onto the main floor. He walked around her for a second before running a hand down their sides then over their rears as he was inspecting them. "Late but none the less pleased that you were able to make it." He licked his lips and grinned. "your previous master wasn't kidding when he said you were quite the sight to behold." He then lead them to a private room and sat down on a small couch with them on either him.

He grinned and looked at Ziva and ran a hand against her cheek. "tell me my dear how you can please your new master and how you look and feel in your dress." Vao leaned back on the couch wanting to see how loyal she would be and how well she could do her new job.

He knew that his man had given the NCIS team a false lead so that they would be going in the wrong direction and as soon as they were ready the ship would leave port and they would be headed off and he would have the lovely Ziva David as his new personal toy. "You do know as well that you belong to me to do with as I see fit, that your life now revolves around making sure I am pleased with your performance."
Olivia and Ziva looked at the guard as they were stopped then all of a sudden let through. When they heard someone talking to them Ziva looked at Olivia"I dont like the looks of this." She said sneaking the tracer under a table before they were lead towards a back room. Oliva and Ziva sat on wither side of the young man looking at him curiously.

Ziva looked at the man"I didn't know I was supposed to be a toy for anyone. I thought I was just here to look around at the merchandise you already have." She glanced at Olivia quickly. She slightly got uncomfortable when he started saying that she was his to do as he sees fit. Something was definitely wrong here and she didnt like it.

Olivia looked at Ziva's face and she knew something was off. she smiled at the man"Can i use the little girl's room?" she asked wanting to call Omaro as soon as she could to let him know something was up.
Vao looked to Olivia and Ziva and laughed abit. "I had spoken to your previous master that you were to be turned over to me because of some outstanding debt he has with me." Vao ran a hand along the silk stockings that adorned Ziva's long legs. "He assured me that you would obey with the best of your abilities and that you were coming in tonight." Vao really knew who they were but knew they would hold their cover to their utmost so that they could "close" this case but what they didn't know is that they were also fed false information and that when the team would come to try and rescue them they would arrive at the wrong place. "yes my pets go freshen up." He also knew that no cell reception would get through, it was to keep the privacy of the guests that were on this boat.
Ziva smiled a Vao"oh yes we will do anything to please you." She said seductively running her hand down his torso. She was staring to hate this guy and this assignment. Of course she couldn't do anything to blow their cover or Gibbs would be pissed. She watched as Olivia got up to leave"go on ill handle pleasing our new owner until you get back" she said with a giggle, clearly acting. Olivia smiled at her and nods"try not to have too much fun without me" she said leaving the room. She almost ran to the bathroom. When she got in there she took out her phone and immediately dialed Omaro's number. She cursed when she got a dial tone. "Shot work you piece of shit." She growled dialing again and again. Still nothing went through.
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