Scrubs: Felicia Florence / yahoo_roleplay_man

Felicia Florence

Starlight Brigade
Jun 29, 2012
She was a child prodigy, age 18, Angelica Chiffon was just as her named had put Angel. Kind, loving, caring, everything a girl her age should be, everything you'd expect a nurse to be..not a doctor. But oddly enough, a doctor was the profession she'd produce. It didn't take the girl long to reach her goal, but in doing this, she lost her childhood...only making matters stranger as she'd usually be caught zoning out with ideas of men or more commonly sex with men. It was a nasty habit but no one had caught her wondering eyes starting to undress each men she'd selected as her possible mate.

But today was a very very different day as it was the first day of her new job. She'd gotten a job working at a place known as Sacred Heart. She'd thought the name was the most romantic one she'd ever heard of for a hospital, so being just caught on that fact, she took the job...not knowing until she'd opened the letter that morning as she walked through the door that she'd have a mentor. This caught Angelica in a very awkward position as she didn't take to kindly to being controlled, especially with that whole "Female Power!" thing she had going on....Equal work equal pay...but in this business there really was no equality..which is one of the many reasons she didn't want to be mentored. "How could those neon pricks do this to me...I hate being talked to like i'm a little peon...especially by some smart ass who think I probably took a wrong turn from a Junior High." As she talked to the paper, reading over her mentors name...Dr. Cox...she had neglected to watch where she was going....being lucky enough to avoiding various hazards, but her luck ran out as she literally smacked into someone, well...collided as he seemed to be walking somewhere too. As she fell to the ground her tittes jiggled lightly, falling on her bumb she looked up at the idiot who'd not even offered a helping hand to pick her up.
Dr. Cox was not having a good morning. Well, he rarely had a good morning, but today was particularly frustrating. He had explained to his superiors over and over that he was Chief of Medicine now and he took this task to not have to directly deal with residents anymore. They tried explaining to him that this was a special situation, that Dr. Chiffon was not quite a resident, but was a prodigy. She had completed her training, but due to her age, probably still needed a mentor until she got the hang of things. "Oh just lovely, I just..." he chuckled at his boss, "I just love that old show Doogie Howser, why not just play that out in real life?"

He walked briskly down the hall to his office, Dr. Chiffon's file under his arm. He just wanted to lay low for the day and not deal with this new doctor. "Doctor," he thought, "That's a laugh. Apparently they are just selling those titles at Urban Outfitters now." He turned the corner...almost safely in his office...when the young girl ran smack into him and fell to the floor. He looked down at her, recognized her photo from the file under his arm and groaned. He folded his muscular arms and shook his head. "I'm sorry Dr. Chiffon, but is walking is just too difficult, this might not be the hospital for you."
Oh this guy was an asshole...a real asshole....first off he was mean to her half older brother Dorian the whole time he was mentioning him, despite Dorian's affectionate ways and how he looked up to Dr. Cox and ignored the fact that he didn't like to be called a mentor or think about mentoring anyone in general. Then there was that temper he had that Dorian told her so much about. But the one thing she couldn't stand was his sarcastic remarks...He'd called her brother every female name in the book, never a dressing him as a him...degrading and narcissistic and a sarcastic smart ass..was Dr. Cox...that was the light definition she'd bestowed to him from the letters her brother sent...and come to find out it was all true. It was one thing to push a Chiffon around, it was completely another to degrade get into a battle of wits with one.

As she got up off the floor, keeping eye contact as her mind raced, a few doctors and nurses had stopped to watch what would be the show of a lifetime. With a small smile she said in an irish accent. "Well hi me boy oh, I had no idea I was in Ireland or...or maybe it's Saint Patties Day because there's be a giant leprechaun in front of me eyes." Snickers and giggles were trying to be held back from the spectators around...knowing Dr. Cox had a short temper and would go off like a rocket at anyone or anything that dared stood up to him. Angelica made this observation while looking at his obvious Irish features, curly extremely subtle ginger mixed with a brown hugh, his skin tone was light enough to maybe make him turn a different shade if excited aka angered, as she'd seen from other's with a similar tone, but what stuck out were his baby blue eyes...they were quite gorgeous. The man towered over the small teenager, she noticed his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows which showed a little of what probably was a lot of muscle that was built on his body. Despite the fact he might have been old enough to be...hell he probably was old enough to be her father...she didn't back down.
Dr. Cox's strong neck muscles tightened, his lips pursed and he was livid. He didn't particularly have any pride or attachment to his Irish heritage, but he could not believe some young girl who thinks she's a doctor because she managed to get some through tests would dare speak to him in this manner...on her first day no less. However, his lips soon turned into a smile. As much as hated having people attempt to stand up to him, he loved doling out punishment to those who did.

"Thaaaaaat's right, princess. I'm a giant-sized leprechaun." He gently grabbed her shoulder with just the right amount of force...strong enough to show her that he upset, but light enough that she couldn't really validly file a complaint against him for doing so. It was a grip strength he had perfected over the years. He led her through the doors of the ER and his eyes darted around. "And look what's over there at the end of my rainbow...why, its bed 4! And you get to sponge bathe Mr. Jones who came in intoxicated late last night." He laughed, "oh, and have fun...i don't think he's bathed in a--ha-at least 2 weeks."
"Ow, my shoulder." One thing that her and Dorian did have in common was their sensitivity, they both bruised like Bananas. Lucky for her this would come in handy for her next little task...because she definitely wasn't washing that old man. She turned to him as soon as the door closed in the room and said as she punched her shoulder really hard, the shoulder he held so tightly, making the bruise that hid under her scrubs even bigger. "If you think you can get away with this you got another thing coming...You don't manhandle women you suck twisted fruit loop." She looked at the man who seemed like he had just to much to drink last night and was clearly out cold then back at Dr. Cox. "If you think I'm washing that man with a sponge, your crazy...I'd rather be spanked then degrade myself to that level...oh's where you're not going to get away with it." She punched her shoulder again, this time so hard that she cringed in pain...and tears started streaming from her eyes...she grip her scrubs and pulled them back to reveal a large bruise. She walked out of the room and started to call for a nurse until a Carla came rushing to her aid from her nurses station. "Sweetie what's wrong?" Angelica told her that she'd been manhandle by Doctor Cox after she was just playing around with him..not knowing he was going to be so mean..she was unusually playful with people she likes. Going on to explaining her affiliation with Dorian and showing her the bruise.

"Dr. Cox!" Carla rushed to him in a wave of fury, like a mother protecting her wounded child. "How could you do that to Bambie's sister? Look at her, look at that bruise, have you no shame...I mean seriously, she'd crying...poor thing. A-a-a-and don't don't give me any crap excuses on how she was rude to you, she's just a child, she's being playful...she doesn't know better...she may be a doctor...but she'd still a little girl...she has feelings." As she calmed down and her town became more scolding she continued. "You know what surprises me most, the fact you'd let a little girl get to you so easily....she could file a complaint about what you did to her , you know." All Carla saw of Angelica was a little girl, but she was indeed a young woman..curves and all....and yet she still managed to give off that childish look when needed due to her height and short bouncy almost curly hair.
"A child? she's not. She's a conniving little she-beast is what she is." Dr. Cox frowned at Angelica. "So, you're Samantha's sister, are you? I never would have don't seen as incompetent and you're certainly a bit more clever. Fine, just get your work done...and don't think that you can still be smart with me and get away with it. The review board wasn't sure about hiring someone straight from Lemonade Stand Medical College, so I still get final approval as to whether or not we keep you on board."

"Come by my office at 11 to discuss your patients, we'll see if your..." he almost said 'cute fuckable' but managed to shake this image, "if your little face has any semblance of brain inside of it." He huffed off to his office, furious. How dare this little thing ruin his morning in such a way. He also had been quite sexually frustrated. He and Jordan continued to have sex on occasion, but now she was on a European vacation with her latest man-toy, so Dr. Cox had not had sex in weeks.

He was a little concerned. He knew how bad the bruise would look to anyone who wanted him out of the hospital. He would have to find another way to put Angelica in her place.
It was a three hours till eleven o'clock and in that time span Angelica had managed to read twelve patients files and help three intensive care patience. It was only until she saw Dorian that she stopped to take a rest, running into his arms. "Dorian!!!!" She ran up to him and practically tackled him to the ground. Dorian was more surprised than anything to see his sister here, he had expected to see her next week. "Honey, what are you doing here!" Angelica had told Dorian about what had happened a hour back and showed him the Dorian was a very kind soul, but as an older brother he decided he'd say something...he wasn't completely was for the best that he needed to have a backbone...but before he could even get to the Dr. Cox office, he was paged.

Angelica understood he was busy...she knew he'd take care of it...and take personal delight in watching both men argue over her...if it came to that..either way Dr. Cox was going to get yelled at on some sort of level...the confrontation alone will raise further questions in his mind about who else she told in her span of free time, making him that much more paranoid and easier to poke at...or prod...either way. As she walked to his office, she came in with a smile, warm and sweet like the summer sun's honey glow..."Hey Doctor...wanna walk around with me to see what i've learned so far?" Just as she exited the office with Dr. Cox, in swooped in Dorian...Looking rather timid now, sheepish infact...He did seem to be sort of intimidated by Dr. Cox. His usual smile and kind eyes that smiled alone with him were filled with a concern. "Umm...Dr. Cox." He took a long pause to see if he had anything to say..which he did...but the Dorian went on. "I just wanted to say...please...if I ever see my sister with another bruise on her...I'll never forgive you...I mean....she's my BABY sister...that's not right...I maybe her half brother but i'm still her can only imagine how disturbing this is for me to hear that you did this to her..." Dorian now turned to Angelica with a little frustration in his eyes, now chewing her out. "And you, don't disrespect Dr. Cox, he has a lot on his plate, more than any of us..he works really hard and theres a lot you can learn from him..have some respect."
Dr. Cox looked at Dorian and nodded, "Yes...I understand that you are upset, you have every right to--" and then he burst out laughing. "Oh Bethenny, don't you get it by now? I really don't give a damn if you're disappointed in me or not or whether or not I get your forgiveness, as long as this hospital runs in a way that i find acceptable." He turned to look at Angelica, found himself staring down at her breasts pushing through the scrub top and then darted up to her eyes. "And don't let your kid sister fool you...she's not as innocent as she looks. Now get out of my office!"

Dorian fled off and Cox frowned at Angelica. He was furious that she was trying to manipulate everyone around her to rush to her aid. But, he was willing to see if she had half a brain. "Okay, Teen People. Let's see what you were able to do. Lead the way."
As Dr. Cox's eyes skimmed her form, Angelica had been giving him a dirty look the whole dare he disrespect her older brother...he was a concerned sibling, this was not exactly beyond the hospital because their lives practically revolved around this place and the people who were in it....but the bases of the argument and worry held meaning. She knew she could be a bit of a hand full, but with the way Dr. Cox acted, like a bruit, grabbing her like she belonged to him. A shiver ran down her body at the thought...the very idea made her quiver in want...belonging to someone, being was more than that though, it was the animalistic want to be dominated by a better, an alpha, to be put in her place....then to be cared for deeply by learn to be loved and love someone on a deeper level...It all ran through her mind as the rest of Dorian's speech few into one ear and out the other...but it's meaning still lingering in her young mind even as Dorian retreated away to his duties.

"You know...he wasn't talking to you as a colleague...he was talking to you as a man...or in your case...a woman..because that's what you think he is but he isn' was a warning to both of us...he stood up to you in his own girly way, give him some thought..and think about this.." She turned around, walking a little ways away before saying loudly. "If it was your sister, who you loved..wouldn't you be concerned?" She walked to a nearby nurses station and picked up a previous patient's chart...and about five others. For at least three hours they walked to each patient. Everyone of them gave Angelica a good report, to Angelica's delight, which she didn't plainly show in front of Cox. As they neared the last patient and he gave a behavioral report the clock had struck 8...She hadn't even realized it was that late until she felt her cheek pressing against Dr. Cox's firm chest...her breasts smooshing against his muscular form as well...she knew he was talking to a patient..a colleague...someone, but didn't bother to opened her eyes or move, it was too comfortable for her. When she knew that man talking to Cox had walked away..she couldn't help but wonder what was stopping him from shoving her off of his...mmmm, damn. She suddenly inhaled his scent...he was so was nice..different than Dorian..WAY different....not to mention his fit form..he looked young, but she knew he was almost in his prime..god, that mean he must be a master in the bedroom. A small moan escaped her lips as she thought of this...but as soon as she remembered where she was she quickly pulled herself off him.

"i'm sorry...must have dozed worked late here..ummm...Do you wanna take a breather...with me.." WHAT THE HELL WAS SHE DOING? was she...was she actually flirting with him. What was going through her mind of the things that we're going through her mind was having him sit on the couch with his arms wrapped around her...cuddling into his side...she felt like she needed a little rest after all the walking..if she wanted to get through the night at least.
He was rolling his eyes as she was defending J.D....until she admitted that he was standing up to him in "his own girly way." For years, Carla and others got after him for calling J.D. womanly and here, finally, was someone that was Dorian's own flesh and blood and she agreed! He smiled as she referred to him as girly, and it was the first time that Angelica had seen him give a smile that wasn't puncutated by a sarcastic comment.

Dr. Cox followed her from patient to patient, fuming at her confident attitude. But with each patient presentation, his fury diminished. This young girl, despite her age, and despite having to share DNA fragments with a fool like John Dorian...was brilliant. Just when he thought that she was going to screw up, that she would forget came out of her mouth. She took care of the patients flawlessly and did absolutely nothing different than he would have done. The reason that he was always frustrated and angry with other doctors is because he felt them to be inferior to him and because they just added to his workload, having to go chasing after them. But Angelica seemed too good to be true. For once, there was a doctor who would actually make his life easier. Not to mention that she was pleasing to the eyes.

As she nodded off, he felt her soft breasts push against his muscular body, and it felt wonderful. For the first time in years, he felt his heart soften. "Come on, Dr. Chiffon, we gotta get you a strict diet of coffee and Red Bull if you keep that up." He looked at his watch, his muscular arm pushing against the fabric of his sleeve. "It's kind of late, but I still have to review your computer notes. Why don't you come to my office and rest on the couch while I do that?"
"I'd love that doctor..."she wanted to say more but was embarrassed...she was aware of her faint blushing cheeks and the fact that a very attractive older man had just invited her over to his office..alone. Her mind was screaming no...but when she she saw him flex his muscles...oh her pussy said yes. "I...I'd really like it if you'd help me pass the time a litte..if we could have a litte time to ourselves." as they entered the office she sat one the couch shifting in her seat of her pussy cried out for was only until shr saw the picture on his desk that she got up to look...and she was hurt by what she saw. "your..your married." it was more of a question as she sat back down on the couch a frown etched in her features.
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