Konan's pain~mature~ <~Homonus~Nocturna~ & yajirobe>


May 25, 2013
Konan entered the hideout after a long mission, cracking her neck noisily. She had been out for a whole week, posing as a wealthy businessman's assistant, observing the businessman's partner. At the end of the mission, she had used her stealthy origami to track the man wherever he went and found that the mad had been stealing from the company. With a small sigh, her hands went to straighten the ridiculous business skirt she had worn for the mission. Hell, she hadn't even wanted to change, she just wanted to get home, though she had at least worn her long cloak over it. Right now, though, all she wanted to do was stand by her own partner's desk, somewhere in his relative presence, even if all he did was frown at his papers the whole time.

Damn, though, that skirt was really misbehaving. It didn't help that the skirt was barely of decent length, the tiny thing brushing her upper thighs constantly. The fabric clung to her legs snugly, accentuating every curve. That had been perfect for the mission, though. Show a little smile, let the flirty skirt do its wonders... it hadn't taken long to get the man to spill the rest of his secrets. Her loose jacket was of a similar style, businesslike and open all the way down to just under her chest. Underneath, she had a button-down clingy collared shirt, though she had left enough of the buttons open to show cleavage. Honestly, it worked on men every time. A small smile crept across her face suddenly. She would have to test this theory... yes, test it on the most stoic man she knew.

For a long time, there had been tension between them. Sexual tension. She knew he felt it just as keenly as she did, even if he hardly budged a facial muscle. That look in his eyes told her everything. However, she wasn't about to bring up the subject first, and she had always been the shy, conservative type. All this time, she had been too nervous to even make a move, but somehow the different clothes gave her a sense of empowerment. Maybe it was the notion of acting like a powerful businesswoman, maybe it was the act of being someone other than herself, but whatever it was, she was going to use it to her advantage.

She didn't knock, knowing he could sense her already. After all, she was the only one who didn't need to knock, he just knew her chakra signature too well. Her entrance was more or less unnoticed, and he didn't even look up until she was halfway to his desk, her languorous pace catching most of his attention. Her walk held just a slight sway to it, the tiny skirt clinging to her dangerous curves mercilessly. She walked into the light, her right hand poised at her hip, her deep red lips smirking mischievously. Shady blue-gray and black eyeshadow tinged her eyes, bringing out the natural blue hues in both eyes and hair.
Paperwork, and more paperwork, oh how the stuff loved to pile up on his desk, when he really didn't want anything at all to do with it. The orange haired young man, hated having to sit in a damn office and look at paperwork, so and so going here, so and so going there, working being done on this, and so forth, It was one of those things that he hated the most about his job, and the situation that he was in. There was never ending supply of the stuff as well, no matter how much he got done, there would be more as surely as the rain would fall outside. It was just a fact of nature it seemed, something that wouldn't change anytime soon.

The orange haired man was the leader of Akatasuki, which meant daybreak, a term he came up with, when he wanted to end the suffering of Rain Country and the suffering of the world. To put the ideas he had, as well as the ideas that his great sensei Jiraya-sama had showed the three of them into action. To be there to support Nagato the the path, he and his two friend had towards a better future, one that was one of peace. So many other wanted war, so many wanted trouble, it was enough to drive the smile form the lips of the once happy go lucky young man. Even defeating Hanzo meant nothing, others rose up in other places, the mysterious groups in Kirigalure behind their leader. The force whom supported Danzo, and his dark group, and many others.

Yahiko looked up and he knew that the third member of that packed of friends had arrived back at home, she, was home, he knew it was her long before she arrived in his office. Their friendship went back so long, he still remembered when they meet, and trained with Jiraya-sama when they were little, and how they were no responsible for supporting each other now more then ever. He didn't even look up at first when he heard her come in, his eyes still very much on his paperwork as she walked in.

Yahiko, let his eyes glance upwards looking at Konan for a moment, she was as appealing to the eye as they came, dangerous as they got, and as smart and loyal as any female in the world. He knew that she had some sort of feelings for him, but if they were brotherly or different from that, he wasn't sure. He was also sure about his own feelings in the same way. They had known each other so long, it was hard to not see the little girl he played with when he was younger, once in a while.

Still as he looked he could tell the outfit she had chosen today was different then normal, no robe with red clouds on it at all. He raised an eyebrow as he looked at her, it was most likely the suit she had worn in her last mission, it seemed most likely at least. He calmly looked up into her beautiful eyes for a moment, "how did the mission go, was it successful, Konan-chan?" he asked dryly as he looked at her.
He had only glanced up at first, but now that she was fully in the light, he couldn't help but stare. His usually prim and modest partner was practically leering at him from under the dim light, tiny pinstripe skirt barely covering enough to remain decent, her open front all but letting her spill out. At first this was enough of a surprise in itself, and he paused in his writing, watching her every move. After staring at him for a moment, she placed both her hands on the edge of his desk, leaning forward just enough to bring her chest into full view, her face only a foot away from his. Before he even had time to react she gracefully pushed herself up onto his desk, sitting on her knees with her hands placed in between, tilting her shoulders just so as she smiled enticingly. Her right hand slid to his cheek slowly, lightly brushing as her low voice finally sounded.

"Pein-sama," she said breathlessly, tilting her lower body just enough to slide her legs out to one side, noticing that he glanced at them ever so briefly. "You look so tense. Why don't you take a moment to relax?" He tried to get back the ability to talk, glancing around at all the work he had left to do. However, her hand slammed down on the paper he had paused to glance at, returning his attention back to her. "Such a diligent worker..." She leaned closer, holding his gaze with her captivating eyes. "But even you need your rest. Surely you can give your precious flower some attention..." Her hand cleared the desk quickly, sending the papers flying in every direction, all landing in a neat pile in the corner thanks to her talent with paper.

She pursed her lips seductively, sliding to cross her legs in front of her, letting them linger apart just enough for him to get a glimpse of what was under the skirt. Though he tried to refrain from showing weakness, his eyes darted for just the briefest second to that space she left open before she crossed one leg over the other in front of her, letting her high heels just barely brush against his lower chest. From his vantage point, he could see that the dark pantyhose she wore only reached her upper thigh, just above the short skirt. His eyes kept drifting down despite his best efforts, but when she uncrossed her legs and put her mouth so close to his ear, his gaze went to a higher part of her anatomy. With a smirk, she whispered to him softly. "What's wrong? Afraid you can't handle me?" She grabbed his collar suddenly, making sure that when she spoke again, their cheeks were touching. "I'm sick of your crap, Pein. I'm sick of standing there in the corner, being ignored while you poke away at your paperwork all day long. I'm sick of feeling this tension between us and having no resolve." Her breathing grew desperate, her fist at his cloak tightening. "I want you, and I want you now. Don't deny me any longer."
He looked up and he saw Konan, he was surprised by her actions, it was something he never would of expected from her. Konan was so reserved so conservative, so private, and so shy. To see her acting like this, For her to use his code name in such a way as to make it so seductive and hot in the same moment. He had tried to focus back on his endless work, but she was having nothing of that at all. Each time, he looked at her as she acted, a sense of amazement as well as other emotions were easily seen. He had not expected her to want him as she seemed too. He somehow missed the signals a number of times before forcing her in the direct route. He could tell this was a woman trying this, not the girl he grew up with.

He heard her words, as he was amazed by the simple boldness of them, her declaration of wanting him at that moment, he knew the tension was there, in the background, something he ignored, but now he couldn't. It was right front an center exploding into large scales and degrees as well as he knew she wanted him, and he always knew he had wanted her as well. He found her hand grasping his cloak, He had a choose her, maybe, really it wasn't a choose at all. It was something he had to do, and a large part of him wanted to do as well.

He moved his head back from Konan as he looked at her, his nose just a few inches from her own nose, "You must of felt this way for a while, didn't think you would ever say anything about it," he mused calmly, in his normal almost now emotionless tone. He then made a move, his lips moving forward quickly and bridging the gap between himself and Konan, pressing firmly against the woman's lips as his hand pressed against the table around her body, himself leaving his chair as he kissed to be more on a even level with Konan. He let this kiss develop, deepen and go on, as long as he could make it go on, which was a considerable amount of time. Using his hand to hold himself, he was leaning forward, his body pressing slightly against Konan's body as the kiss continued, his emotions present more in the kiss with her, then any statement or sign he had made since a long time before.
Before he could react, her hands were suddenly at his shoulders, pinning her down to the chair in one swift motion ,one hand running up the side of Him. Her hands made quick work of the already strained jacket, stripping down to the tight shirt underneath. Frustrated with all the buttons, she snapped each one, brushing her exposed flesh gently against him. Her hands grabbed at his cloak, unsnapping the front of the long garment quickly. Before long, one hand trailed up his chest while the other ran up his neck, twisting into his thick auburn hair. She kissed him furiously, the tension building even as they released the pent-up frustration.

She shoved away her clingy shirt, fingers gripping the ridiculously sexy black lace bra as she shoved him down harder. Her hands tugged at his cloak and he relinquished his grip on her long enough for her shed it from him , leaving him in just his fishnet shirt. She seemed to appreciate this and ran her fingers down his chest, feeling the texture of the material. It seemed she enjoyed making him squirm, and when her hands drifted to the bottom of his shirt, she broke the kiss long enough to shrug him out of it. Suddenly, their eyes locked.

When she looked at him, his eyes were hazy, the Rin'negan spinning wildly. It was as if he were trying to memorize every detail of her face, whatever it was about her that captivated him so deeply. Neither said a word even as the remainder of their clothing fell on the floor, both too distracted by the other's gaze to notice much else. Her hands wrapped around his neck again and pulled him closer, kissing him softly before releasing him, watching as his hands grazed her sides.
He found himself soon right back in the seat that he had started in, it seemed, that Konan was really prepared for this> It was easy to tell by just how fast she was moving, still he wasn't going to complain about it, to have someone whom he felt so connected want you so much, was a feeling that had so many emotions running though his mind, that he wasn't sure which one to focus on and which one to let go of. He soon found himself sort of out of it, in a matter of speaking. As he knees that she was kissing him, ad undressing, but it seemed to good to be true.

When her hands touched his body only after his cloak was on the flower besides him, did he snap out of it, he could felt her hands, they told him, she wasn't play at all, his own hands were on her back holding her up as he kissed her, and then over his hands, moving with the will of the moment, moving as he lost even his undershirt. His body was in a state, that caused his own adopted Rin'negan to active as he looked at her. He could see things that he normally couldn't. It was a way for him to help his friend, but they were a way to see much more when looking at something. He looked at Konnan, and could see her differently. It was as if he was looking on someone for the first time, ever angle, every bit of her different somehow.

He let his hands pull her closer on that chair, his hands holding her tightly to himself as he let his own lips make their move. He leaned right towards her lips lips pressing softly against her soft flesh as he kissed her neck for a moment, and then sucked on her neck as his body was pressed up right against her own, his strong body against her soft one, nothing standing between the two of them, as his lips focused on that spot for a moment. Slowly his lips trailed upwards, each kiss slow, and purposeful, working slowly towards her lips which were found not to long after. His body pressing towards her in small burst even pulling her towards him, to feel what it felt like to feel her body devoid of clothes against his own, like it was a feeling he wanted for a long time.
With one glance, he asked a single question. Was this what she wanted? When she smirked up at him, tracing his lips with her finger, that said to him to claim her as his. She bit her lip sharply, eyes squinting at the short pain. She knew it would hurt. They had waited so long, what was a little longer? Soon she arched up into him, grasping his shoulders when he dared to move, her head tilting back onto the solid wood. Both started breathing heavily, finally allowing noises to escape. She held him close, whispering encouragement as he increased his pace, driving them both mad with desire.

She suddenly arched higher, uttering his name as he felt her tense around him. All at once, her voice rose a pitch and she clung to him tightly, hitting her climax. He followed soon after, the pressure too much to bear any longer, his head resting on her shoulder as he tensed. When she felt him move again, she put his arm around her waist, her thoughts suddenly roaming. Perhaps one of these days he should send her on another interesting mission... and just see what she comes dressed up as next.
He knew she wanted him when he saw the smirk on her lips and then he felt her finger, and knew it had been time, he had taken her, going pretty much all out on the paper shinobi, it was glorious each and every moment, of him being unified with her was something out of this world, beyond what he would of considered as possible with this woman, of course, he had not so much experience to compare it to, but it had to be special unique and great. He knew that this feeling however no matter how wonderful couldn't last forever.

As he remained there with her in his arms, his mind wondered at what he could do to make something like this happen again. He knew this time it was the sexual frustration that naturally came with flirting with numerous males at a office, he would have to think of the next place for her to work, perhaps a beach, there she would be in a bikini again, or maybe he would send her to spy on one of the academies, and be the sexy teacher, there were so many possibilities, he knew that it would happen again, the tension between them would come to a point where one of them would just need the other far to much, it was so easy to see and predict as well.
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