I love to hate you (Gashnaw x MissBubbles)

Sep 3, 2011
Lexi's tightened her grip on her bag as she moved through the train station towards the platform. The amount of people around her were making her stomach growl. Running quickly through the brick wall she almost toppled over running right into a person. "Watch it" she growled moving past some girl. She could hear the girls heart beating but she tried to be good and kept on moving. Once inside her own compartment she removed her hoodie. Lexi was a tall thin girl with big brown eyes. Right now that were practically black, the hunger always did that. Dressed in a pair of short jean shorts and a t-shirt that read "I bite", she kicked her long legs up onto the bench across from her. Although she was thin Lexi was thick in all the right places. She always used it to her advantage when she was hungry. Speaking of hunger Lexi smiled at a boy walking past her compartment. She was warned over and over again not to feed on any student, she was hoping to find someone who was willing to be quiet. The school was willing to give her an alternative but it was no where near as delicious as the real thing. Lexi decided to try and get her mind off of the blood and take a nap.
"What it mudblood" One kid said pushing the boy as he toppled over. Six years he had been at hogwats, Six years tormented for being muggle born and six years unable to look at the moon without his eyes burning. Although he was originally not going to be a wizard, the night he was bitten by a lycan was when the Hogwarts staff decided to take a particular interest in the boy. Apparently since the lycan was form the wizard world they decided to help the boy and bring him into a life where he could live without the fear of hurting muggles. Of coarse, Wizards didn't take to kindly to Lycans either, they just knew how to deal with it better.

"Oh what is the doggy gonna cry. boo hoo" The Slytherins laughed as she shoved him again. All Bryan did was snarl viciously before calming himself and walked into a compartment, one he had originally though to be empty until he saw a girl napping. She probably wouldn't have minded so much, she was asleep after all.

he put his backpack on the track above her head and looked over at her. She dressed pretty casually for a Wizard, and her scent didn't give off a new kid vibe. No she was older, at least his age, aside form the slight smell of decay. Dead, he doubted it, though he couldn't hear her breathing. Still in her slumber she moved slightly which let him know she was alive, or at least as alive as a vampire could be, though he didn't know she was afflicted. He brushed it off though, she was okay and he needed place to ride. It still bothered him wondering why he had never seen her before.
Lexi's eyes snapped open when the boy moved close putting something in the compartment above her head. She couldn't help but inhale when he was so close and she looked slightly to the side. "What is that smell?" She said looking the boy over slightly confused. She had never smelled anything like it before and she was unsure of what she felt about it.

The boy looked to be about her age and she took no time looking him over, he was kind of cute. She wondered why he chose this compartment of all compartment, weird smell or not she wouldn't mind a taste. She knew he could see her teeth when she spoke and she wondered if he was going to be afraid. The blood always tasted better when they were afraid. Lexi couldn't help but smile at the thought, the girl was much more hungry than she had first thought. He was going to be a snack whether he liked it or not and he better had not tell anyone. She couldn't get kicked out of Hogwarts on her first day.
"Vampire" He sighed as he slouched a bit. "that's new. we don;t get may of those at Hogwarts" He laughed finally putting is finge ron the smell. He remembered it form his first year when a teacher turned out to be a vampire. Although the girls fawning over him couldn't pick up teh scent of death Bryan smelled all too clearly. That and the constant smell of sex. A dark arts teacher who had more fun fucking his students than actually teaching them. He didn't show up the next year, probably fired. Still he could reconize the scent of this girl easily.

"You must be thirsty." He laughed. He could tell just form her look that she needed a drink. He knew he could feed her and he would remain uneffected, but he wasn't going to just give up his blood regardless of how much she craved it. He wasn't a normal student, she could try but unlike most others, his Lycan side could keep her at bay. Keep her from overpowering him. "I'm pretty sure they already told you not to feed off of students. It sucks because I am sure you'd kill to feed right now."
Just hearing the word thirsty almost caused her to jump him, but she stopped herself. His smell was beginning to over power her and she was still unsure what it was. "What are you? You smell kind of funny." Lexi wanted to drink from him right that second but she wasnted to know what she was getting herself into first. "No I am not allowed to feed on students, that would be rude." She smiled at him before licking her lips. "If you didn't say anything though it would be ok. What they don't know won't hurt them. And the less fighting you do the less you will get hurt"

She meant her words. She hated becoming a vampire at first but now she loved it. The hunt and feed were the most important things to her now. She would never admit it out loud but she loved the fear in people when she was chasing them down and then the moment she finally got what she wanted. Just thinking about all of this was making her mouth water.
"Oh you can't tell?" he laughed as he stood up. "Trust me of all teh students in this school, i may be teh only one who could hold my own against you." He said as he grabbed his bag. He kept himself Alert in case she tried to get him form behind and pulled out a small baggy. It looked like weed.
"Wolf's Bane" He said calmly tossing it to her. "Now use some thought, why would anyone have wolf's bane on them?" He licked his lips giving her a very cocky smile. She was a vampire and she could pick up a different scent. The cloud outside were quite threatening as the sky darkened. He could hear the thunder in teh distance and sighed as he shut the window. With that he also pulled teh blinds of their compartment closed. He would let her feed if she wanted and if she did he wanted privacy, but still, he wasn't going to just let her do it easily, she would have to make it worth while.
She caught it quickly and looked it over before smiling up at him, "You're a werewolf? They will just let anything in this school these days huh?" She laughed a little before tossing it back to him. Lexi never once met a werewolf before and wondered how one would taste, he smelled pretty good so far. "I bet you taste delicious." Biting her lip Lexi wondered why he was shutting the blinds, was he accepting that she was going to drink from him?

As Lexi thought over how she was going to do this she watched the wolf cautiously. Even if he told anyone he's just a werewolf so she was sure they would let it slide. "So are we going to do this the hard way or the easy way. I'm going to get what I want either way so it's your choice?" Lexi smiled at him sweetly as she waited for his reply.
"I don;t like storms" He said calmly. "I can hear the thunder. As for teh blinds, This school is full of idiots, I rather like the privacy."
When she spoke threatening him, saying she would feed weather he wanted it or not he laughed. "What makes you think I'll let you? You really suck at bargaining. You're not suppose to threaten. You need to make the deal worthwhile for me. So you want my blood, why would i let you have it?"

He shifted in his feet some as the thunder cashed again now audible by human ears, which was amplified by his own. "Seriously, give me an offer that i can't refuse, or fuck off. Because I am not going to willingly give in, most wouldn't, but sadly, i can stop you if i want."
"I have nothing to really offer you sadly. Also no need for all the rudeness I'm just hungry." She couldn't help but giggle a little, if anything the wolf was at least fun to argue with. "I'm quite hungry and if a fight is what you are going to give then I'm just going to have to fight. I'm pretty sure that the teachers here wouldn't like to hear that the dumb dog attacked a new student. Wouldn't sound very good at all." Lexi smiled showing her fangs, she was beginning to get annoyed with him.

Staying calm in her seat Lexi heard all about werewolves and she was well aware that he could probably kick her ass. Even in knowing that she wasn't going to back down, the dog smelled delicious and the scent was almost intoxicating. "Maybe I will try and be nicer about this. How about I don't try and kick your ass and you just let me drink from you. I promise I'll be gentle unless you want me to be rough. Some people are into that kinda thing."
He almost wished he also fed on blood just so it would be a fair trade. Instead hit was actual meat he fed on, raw meat, and in order for her to provide that he would actually have to take a chunk out of her, thus trading bodies as a source of nourishment was not really the best trade off for her. He thought over he rthreat about teh dumb dog attacking the new girl. Well she was a vampire trying to feed off him.
"You are probably right. A dumb dog wouldn't want that. But I'm not dumb, they would understand if I protect myself when you are trying to drain my blood. "you're starving I get that. but Hold off, We can make it fun." He said calmly. he got up and sat down next to her, she needed the blood, whatever crap Hogwarts was planning to give her would not suffice. she would constantly crave blood form students, at least he could be a source of nourishment that would not accept the affliction from her bites.
"You really don't have much to offer me, and you're kind of a bitch." he began. "I would say sex but..." And he simply gestured to her, it was however meant to piss her off, he was wondering what her limits were. "Listen there is a forest by Hogwarts, if you are starving after the feast, then we can go hunting, or more, so, i'll let you hunt me." He paused then added "Its forbidden but we should be able to get there easily, we move faster than anyone, and chances are, they will choose me to escort you around, since I can tolerate your bites without side effects."

Holding out his hands he smiled "Bryan earns. Sixth year Hufflepuff." The one good thing about her nose against is own, is that she would not know of his muggle born blood until she actually fed form him. he however could tell from her scent alone that she was pureblood.
Lexi listened to him and glared at him slightly when he motioned to her, assuming he was calling her ugly. She was moments away from yelling at him when he continued on about hunting him in the woods after the feast. As much as she disliked this boy already that did sound like a pretty good deal. She loved to hunt her meal almost as much as the blood when she finally got it.

He finally moved to her side and reached out to shake her hand. She looked at his hand before taking it. "Alexia Carter. Sixth year slytherin. I guess it's ok to meet you." She pulled her hand back still holding on to his. "Can I at least have a taste now? You might not even taste that good" Lexi smiled at him knowing he was going to be delicious if he tasted anything like what he smelled. She wouldn't admit it but she was kind of excited, she was sure she wasn't going to get to hunt until the winter break. Although the wolf was annoying he could be her permanent snack for the school year.
"Fuck you're a Slytherin? Well that explains why i haven't seen you around. I tend to avoid your kind." He sighed and pulled his hand away. He kind of regretted teh deal now, he would have been all right with her being any house but Slytherin. "Sorry, but if you had been any house but Slyherin i would have allowed you to have a taste, just to make your mouth water, but no. if you want a taste, you now have to make it worth while. Ha i known you were slyheirn to begin with the whole hunting things wouldn't even be on the table."

He knew it was unfair to judge her by her house, but in most cases, when it came to Slytherins, they were all the same, even those who claimed to be different still ended up being spoiled, arrogant, self-righteous, narcissistic brats. He wasn't about to give her a free taste, even if she was different she was going to have to prove it.
"Oh and I'm the jerk? You're the one who just denied me because of the house I'm in. I thought judging others for their house was my job," Lexi giggled softly and watched him back away. "I'm still hungry though." She grabbed his hand and grabbed it, pulling it to her mouth biting down immediately. She knew he wasn't going to to let her do this long so sucked quickly before he pushed her off. A moan escaped her lips immediately when she tasted his blood, it was by far the most delicious thing she ever tasted.

Lexi meant to just let go all she wanted was a taste, but she couldn't stop herself. Her grip tightened on his arm and she refused to let go of the werewolf. She was more than turned on by the taste of his blood. At that very moment she was more than willing to have him. It was kind of a draw with that, drinking blood always turned her on.
"Let go" He said angrily after letting her have a fair amount more than a taste. He knew some people found vampire bites erotic, but at the same time those people found bites erotic period, he however was not fond of them. He blamed it on being bitten in the first place, and although wound had healed if one looked teh could still find the scars on his shoulder. The reason he even offered her teh chance t hunt him was because it was fun, playing hide and seek, tag, just childhood games he never really got to have fun with after he was bitten. Everyone was too slow for him and his nose made it easy to find them when they hid. And when it was his turn to hide, he was too good since he could make up more distance than anyone else allowing him to hide in unthinkable spots.

"Listen, I am okay with letting you feed off of me if you earn it, but you didn't earn this one, you stole it." He quickly placed his hand around her neck, Glaring at her, a threat in his eyes. "So what are you going to do to make this fair?"
Lexi was shocked at him for letting her feed as long as she did but reluctantly released his arm when she felt his hand around her neck. "Sorry," Lexi smiled at him as sweetly as she possibly could, "I just couldn't help myself." Licking her lips she moaned again softly at the taste of his blood, "You sure are delicious for a dog." Lexi could tell he was a little pissed off, she could see it in his eyes.

Staring in his eyes Lexi continued to smile at him hoping he wouldn't make a huge scene, "I already told you I have nothing for you so I really don't know what you want." Moving her hand to his on her neck she tried to push it away.
He narrowed his eyes and gave one look over and Smirked.
"Can't figure it out can you?" He knew she could taste the muggle born blood coursing through his veins and that only made him even happier. "Lets put it this way. I can't be with anyone as my curse transfers through sex." He began. "You are a vampire, immune to it much like I am immune to your bites. However the difference is, you don't have to worry about it that way. All you have to remember is that you cannot feed from students. So we can help each other. A food source, and in payment, put out."

If she still had not figured it out he was just going to give up. He still got sex every now and then, but it wasn't from the girls he wanted. Usually he would go feral and find wolves in the woods to mate with. Tat was his only form of release, and luckily they didn't turn into lycans when having sex such as the students would. In fact, Lexi was a great find, a vampire who could take care of his needs, while took care of her need to feed.
"I'm not sure how I feel about having sex with a dog, let alone a muggle." Her eyes moved over the boy and she couldn't deny that he was attractive and the fact that he was a werwewolf turned her on for some reason. "I'll think about it. You may not even be that great in bed. You're not a virgin are you?" Lexi was already pretty sure she was going to agree, he may annoy her but it sounded like a pretty good deal. It was almost impossible for her not to bite when she was having sex anyway.

Lexi glanced at him again and smiled, "I guess I'll give it a try but if you're awful I'm not doing it again but I'm still going to feed from you whether you like it or not." She sure hoped he was good because his blood tasted amazing. Was it the muggle or werewolf blood that mad it so delicious, she could always taste the differences in people's blood and his was by far the most delicious.
She liked pushing buttons. Dog, muggle. At least she didn't say mudblood, but had she done so he would have gone off on her. He heard them all, mutt was the most common. He hated it, he also hated being called a dog, mdblod hold even a deeper wound as although it meant muggle born, to him , one who would never even had gone to hogwarts intially, it meant didrty blod, as in dirty fom being a lycan.

He wasn't a virgin, but he also wasn't about to tell her he had sex with animal's in teh forbidden forest. He wasn't proud of that fact, but it still beat breaking the laws and mating with humans and afflicting them with teh curse.
"I was bitten when i was ten, before i was sexually active, so what do you think?" He asked sounding annoyed. It was teh best he could do to not tell her the truth.

"It doesn't count as bestiality" He said with a smirk. "Unless you want it to" he added his face shifting to resemble that of a wolf for a second before returning to that of a human. As soon as he did another loud clash of thunder rang overhead of the train making the car vibrate. It made him cringe, his sensitive ears amplifying the sound making it painful.
"Screw this we have about an hour." He growled as he undid his pants. "Let's get to work."

((Not sure if you are into beast or not. Asking if later on you want him to wolf out for sex or not.))
Lexi smiled in amazement when he shifted his face and thought it was pretty cool, she would never admit that to him. Watching him undo his pants she scooted away from him, "I never agreed to anything now did I?" Although she was more than interested in the deal and quite excited about it who did he think he was just undressing. "How do i even know if you can get me wet enough to want to touch you." She could never deny he wasn't good looking and he could clearly handle her. It might be nice to have sex with someone and not have to worry about anything.

Glancing towards his crotch when he was undoing them she wasn't not going to look, she just couldn't help it. "Will I be able to feed during?" Just thinking about that made her wet. Nothing turned her on more than sex and feeding on someone.
Although this was suppose to be payment for stealing his blood he figured if feeding made her horny it would help, after all he wasn't use to pleasing another. Animals were not about orgasms, so when he fucked it was for his own pleasure, this time he had to worry about her satisfaction.
"I dunno" He began. "Should you be allowed to feed? The reason this is happening is because you took my blood when i said no, its payment for it, if i let you feed its as though you still owe me." He thought for a moment and smirked. "Tell you what. Suck me off, swallowed a load of my cum, and when i am satisfied, we can fuck and you can feed."

He knew that there would not be enough time for both by time they got to school. So he would erupt inside her minutes before arriving and she would be left hung and dry. However he would show her around, find a nice area away form other students in which they could have some peace. the Room of requirements was useful, he found it his second year, to get away form bullies. It had been his haven since then, but he didn't want her to know of it just yet. They also had teh prefect washroom, all he had to do was use his ears to gab the password, Prefects were kind of stupid as they said it out loud way too often. It was too easy to get the password. The dungeons had a few empty rooms, those were pretty much free reign and where he would probably first take her, and finally the forbidden forest, which he didn't want to head into tonight, mainly due to the rain.

"So yea why not get on your knees and suck"
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