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A craving that's bugging me... [FxF]

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Sep 12, 2012
I have a peculiar desire at the moment, and I'm hoping I can find a partner who would be interested in sating that desire. Namely, I am looking to play a human woman who is turned into an insect monster-girl. This would mean the partner would be playing other insect-girls, while I play the human woman.

There's a few ideas I've love to include, and any combination of these can be worked into the RP:
  • The human woman could be in love with an insect-girl, who leads her on the path to becoming an insect-girl herself. Or the insect-girls could seek to transform her against her will.
  • There's a few different ways she could be transformed. Perhaps she is cocooned. Perhaps an insect-girl's sting starts to turn her into an insect-girl. Perhaps feeding from the breast (or pussy) of the insect-girls or their Queen starts to transform her. Perhaps the insect-girl queen unbirths her.
  • Oviposition could certainly be included. She could have eggs laid in her by another insect-girl, pre-transformation or post-transformation. Another idea I'd like is the woman laying eggs herself after her transformation—her experiencing the pleasure, and perhaps even laying eggs in other human women in time.
  • I like the idea of the insect-girls being openly lustful, where casual sex is common among them. And with such, if the woman ends up gradually transformed, I'd love for her to find herself getting hornier and hornier...
  • Hypnosis is welcome, particularly if her hypnotizer is quite the seductress.

My F-list is here.
RE: Lamia lovin'! (FxF)

Damn, I love lamias, even though I personally enjoy plot+sex rps with my character sleeping with a lamia..I'm not sure on playing a 'femme' though <:\ Can we compromise? Starting off with the possible fusion of plot idea 2, 3, 4 and 5 as well as a possible involvement of a single male among the numerous girls, it won't turn into a harem or anything, I'm planning on making the male...'effeminate' though fairly masculine as well.
RE: Oviposition/Pregnancy scenarios! (FxF)


I would be interested in any one of those scenarios! So which ever you would prefer.

Although, I might want a bit more info on how you picture one of the scenarios to go, and I"ll apologize in advance, for this will be my first time RPing and adult situation, so if that's a problem... well, sorry... :s
RE: Succubus seeking women to join her harm... (F x F/Futa)

I would be up for this aside form the only issue of me wanting t play one character rather then multiple. If you can tweak your plot to you succubus having one victim i would be up for it.

i could possibly play two characters but that is about the most i can get.
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