City Of Angels (Snake Plissken & Kika)


Nov 23, 2011
Rhode Island
It had been a long day to say the least and Rikki just wanted to get out of the garage and go meet up with her new friend Alice at the Planet for a nice hot cup of coffee then finish the night off partying. Alice had mentioned that the Planet turned into a night club of sorts at night and Rikki was excited to actually go out and have fun for once. Rikki wasn't used to having many friends and she was surprised her and Alice had hit it off so quickly.

Rikki finished up the last bit of work she had to do on the old Buick that had been dropped off earlier in the day then slid herself out from underneath the car and reached for a rag. "You really need to get cleaned up before you meet the gang, you're all sweaty and's kinda hot" ,Alice stated with a small laugh as she looked down at Rikki.

"Who let you back here?" ,Rikki asked before standing up and making her way over to the sink to wash the grease off of her hands and face.

"I....just....walked back here, didn't know I needed permission" ,Alice stated in response. "Come on hurry up everyone's waiting".

"You know Alice I'm not sure about this, I'm not really a people person, I mean what if your friends don't like me?" ,Rikki asked as she finished washing up.

"Oh don't be stupid they're gonna love you and besides this is LA you're gonna need to learn how to be a people person" ,Alice stated before grabbing Rikki by the arm and practically dragging her to the car.

When the two got to the Planet it was already packed with people and already Rikki was feeling nervous. She was about to protest going inside but Alice put her hand up and shushed her, "I don't wanna hear it, let's go" ,Alice stated simply before opening Rikki's door and again grabbed the woman by her arm and practically dragged her into the Planet.

As the two walked inside they were greeted by what appeared to be one of Alice's friends. "Hey Alice honey, how you been girl?" ,the woman asked before her eyes went to Rikki. "And who's this, hmm?" ,the woman asked giving Alice a look.

"Hey Kit this is Rikki we met about a month ago when she fixed my car and we're just friends so stop wiggling your eyebrows at me" ,Alice stated in response. "And Rikki this is Kit she runs the place".

"Hi" ,Rikki said shyly before her hand was grabbed by Kit.

"It's a pleasure to meet you honey any friend of Alice is a friend of mine" ,Kit told Rikki with a smile. "If you need anything just let me know".

Rikki nodded her head and gave the woman a shy smile before she was being dragged by the arm again. "SHANE!" ,Alice shouted making Rikki jump a little. "SHANE WHERE THE FUCK ARE YOU?!"

"Hi Alice, I haven't seen Shane yet so you might wanna calm down a bit and just wait for her to show up you know she will" ,another woman had come up to talk to Alice, she looked sophisticated and had a British accent.

"Oh Helena hi, this is Rikki, she's hanging out with us tonight" ,Alice stated as she looked around the club to see if she could find Shane anywhere.

Helena extended her hand and gave Rikki a seductive little smile, "The pleasure is mine, I'm Helena, come sit with us" ,she stated as she took Rikki's hand and led her over to a table where three other people were sitting. "Rikki, this is Bette, Tina, and Max, guys this is Rikki she's Alice's friend" ,Helena told everyone. "Well don't be shy sit down".

After sitting down Alice shoved a drink into Rikki's hand then took a sip of her own, "So have any of you seen Shane she was supposed to meet me outside but like usual she wasn't there" ,Alice asked. The group simply shook their heads and laughed, "Oh well when she gets here she get here I guess".

Rikki took a sip from the drink Alice handed her as she looked around nervously at everyone else. She definitely wasn't used to being around so many people and she sure as hell never talked to many people so she was clueless on what to do so she simply sat there and sipped at her drink while listening to the music the DJ was playing.
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