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I'm Picky. Are you still with me?

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Jun 4, 2013
CLOSED - Not taking on anymore stories.

Hello, fellow storytellers!

I am guessing that I will get one, maybe two responses to this. This is kind of long, and it is very rulesy. (That is my word for the day. Like it?) I figured that it was easier to write this out than to have to answer the same questions and waste everyone's time. I'm doing you a favor! (How kind of me!)

1. Please care enough about the story to make an effort to use proper spelling and grammar.

2. I don’t expect multiple paragraphs in every response, but if you’re not interested in writing detailed descriptions and developing a character, I might not be the right writing partner for you.

3. I don’t do AIM – This may change when I get to know someone. For now, I prefer PMs.

4. I would prefer to play with a male roleplaying a male.

5. Plot and character development are the most important to me. Well thought out characters and background stories make me all warm and melty inside. If you just want sex RP, you should look elsewhere. (I made that bold so you don't have to read on! See how nice I am?? :))

6. I am open to a variety of settings. Not crazy about fandom RP. I like to write my own stories. I love historical settings (I don’t expect them to be 100% realistic, meaning I don’t expect someone to spend hours researching Victorian England to play in that world, but rather, an attempt be made to understand how life was different back then, and to avoid modern slang and conveniences in the storytelling.) Fantasy, alternate history, sci-fi & interesting modern settings are good, as well.

7. I love conflict. Our characters don’t have to fall in love on day one. Or day thirty. I am all about developing a plot and a relationship from the ground up, if necessary. On the other hand, I won’t participate storylines that involve abuse; verbal or sexual. It’s just not my thing. I understand the difference between conflict and abuse, and I won’t cross that line.

8. Humor! I love humor in a story. It doesn’t have to be all glum and serious all the time.

9. Romance is pretty much a must. It doesn’t have to happen right away, but it needs to happen.

10. Plotlines! Ok, if you’re still reading, that’s awesome. I know I’m very picky, but it saves both of us time to know these things in advance, right?

11. I love to take a cliché idea and make it spectacular with good writing, interesting characters and a challenging plot.

12. Not interested in incest. Sorry.

I’m open (but not limited to) the following:

• Friends become lovers. They’ve always been there for each other, but are they willing to risk their friendship to take it further?

• Enemies become lovers. Thrown together and forced to deal with a situation against their will? Sparks fly?

• Arranged marriages. – I’m particularly interested in a situation where the characters can’t speak each others language and have to learn to communicate.

• Time/Space Travel – Bring your knowledge of how space ships work. I’ll bring the drama. ;)

• Fantasy/Adventure – Dragons & Treasure and Glory? Sure!

• Bring your own story. Have an interesting plot idea? Run it past me. I love hearing people’s ideas!
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