Ashes of Gotham (Gashnaw x Vampirate2135)


Mar 10, 2010
In front of My computer
Alexandra hissed softly as she pulled the mask form her face, the fresh wound's blood had dried making the mask stick to her face. She didn't like that. It was not safe to run the streets of Gotham at night, and for Alex, it was even more dangerous being who she pretended to be. Sue the young girl did not portray as much of a threat to the psychopaths as The Batman. But with him missing, there was n one to pick up teh pieces that left Gotham in the shape it was. Someone had to step forward, Alex decided to idolize her hero and do just that.

Still, the role of Batgirl required a lot more skill and training than what Alex had to offer. Aside from some gymnastics Alex had nothing to rely on. Sure she could pull herself up a ledge and could jump from rooftop to rooftop, but so far all that had done for her was help her run away when things got too tough, multiple times she thought about giving up. Multiple times she thought of leaving, and had it not been for teh exits of gotham destroyed or blocked, she would have.

"Its the Batchick"
Quickly Alex pulled the mask back on to look over at who spoke. A couple of lowlife thugs, these she could take care of. Pulling out her makeshift baterang she held it at the ready.
"Cute toy girl." One laughed as he pulled out a knife, the other pulling out a chain. As the approached the moonlight showed them more clearly, Jokers. A simple gang of guys who worshiped the joker as their leader. She could tell by the smile tattooed on their arm. Through the corner of her eye she could see more members approaching.
"Suck it" Alex growled as the seventeen year old rushed the guy in front, her baterang slicing across his face as she swung the knife. The silver blade finding its way into her side, luckily missing any vital organs. She quickly pulled it out tossing it to the ground finally running again from danger.

"We have teh batbitch's blood." On joker said picking up the knife. "The dogs will be able to find her."
Duela Dent stood on top of the Arkham Asylum's west wing, it was almost as high as Gotham Tower itself, and she had a glorious view of the entire city. Under the perception of the crescent moon {which reminded her suspiciously of a crooked smile}; she could see a thin figure being hounded down by her father's henchmen.
Just because she was born and bred by the Joker, didn't mean she followed his every whim. She could be just as unpredictable and chaotic as he. Normally she'd stay out of her father's business, let him deal with his own enemies. But this was a unique individual: Batgirl. It was obvious who it was because of her short black cape, pointy ears, very similar to Catwoman except for her height and stature. She was related to Batman himself, the very man who went missing under mysterious circumstances. Duela despised the Bat Family as much as she despised heaven and morality. She wasn't sure where her hatred had been conceived, perhaps through her father's unlawful influence, but all she knew was that it would give her great pleasure to single-handedly slaughter all of them like pigs and feed them to the crows. It was a demented hostility in her heart that devoured any sympathy leftover."Out of my way, boys." She skidded off the pipe railing to the alley, running ahead of the gang, making sure they knew who she was by smiling menacingly at them. Then took out a lipstick tube and shot bullets at Batgirl's feet, hoping at least one of them would find their target and cripple her."Run while you can, feisty bitch, but I will catch you!" She laughed hysterically, using the same murderious lipstick tube to paint a new coating of blood red gloss on her lips, puckering them rather quite vainly and grinning.
"damnit" Alex growled as she felt one bullet connect with her heel. This was already turning to be quite the night. Quickly she turned down another alleyway before sliding into the window of an abandoned building, running as fast as she could up a floor just to try to hide teh fact that she had entered it. Of coarse teh simpletons would not find her, it was teh smarter villains she feared, the ones who would pick up on teh wounds inflicted upon her leaving trail of blood. she looked around for anything to try to bandage herself up, She ended up using her batterang to slice up the bedsheets on teh floor she was on. Removing her mask to wipe the blood from her ears and the suit was also removed as she wrapped her torso and tended the ankle, again using her tool to remove the bullet in bedded in her foot.

With teh batterang in her foot making to whole bigger as she tried to dislodge teh bullet it was all she could manage to not scream. It hurt. but she need that bullet but before wrapping her foot. Finally she pulled it out and felt tears roll down her face. This was too much, she was not built for this, she couldn't beat the joker, even though he never seemed to be around. The battle with Batman left them both missing for a while. The joker however did return, but only for a brief moment, since then he too had disappeared, even though his men stuck around. As for the woman who shot her. Alex had no idea exactly who she was. Obviously the woman had yet to make a name for herself.

With a sigh she looked out the building's window, the Jokers were there, she couldn't escape right now. instead she just zipped up her suit, the tightness keeping pressure on the makeshift wrappings serving as bandages. e however didn't feel like putting her mask back on, instead she headed to teh bed, she had bled quite a bit, so she needed the rest anyway, if she was lucky they wouldn't take a hint of teh sudden stop of the blood trail, if Alex was lucky, she would have time to sleep.
Duela smugly observed her accuracy as she followed the trail of blood; albeit it was a difficult journey, she inherited her father's nimbleness and her mother's flexibility. She leaped and swung and jumped, laughing joyfully as she continued to shoot bullets at Batgirl, disappointed when she continued to evade her pursuit of murder. Maybe she could keep the girl alive long enough to torture her; and send the pictures to the rest of the Bat Family, the look on their faces would be priceless! "Oh, dolly, my sweet flower. Where are you?" She sang, standing atop a 2 story building, scanning the area for the slightest movement, even shooting at mice who dared scurried past her line of sight."There you are." The green-haired pale woman aimed her lipstick tube and clicked fired--click."Damnit." She muttered as she reloaded the tube, but by the time she looked up, Batgirl had vanished."Perfect." She gritted her teeth, muttering obscenities as she kicked at a cement wall, then clutching her injured foot. Without a prey to chase, the hunter somberly began to walk down the road, her head bowed, the bells on her top hat jingling, but in a sad tune."What happened, lady, did they get the best of you, again?" One of joker's henchmen strolled by, Duela narrowed her eyes and tackled him against a wall, hissing,"No one gets the best of me." She suffocated him with a rag sprayed with poisonous chemicals, at least he died with a smile on his face.
Just when she was about to walk home, she spotted a new trail of crimson, and her eyes lit up excitedly, acquiring her old perky spark."Yippee." She giggled, jumping from ledge to window ledge, until the trail stopped. It was all she could to keep from laughing: she didn't breathe as she opened the window, peering inside at the plain-looking room, and saw an unrecognizable woman in the bed. Just an ordinary girl,"Scuse me, hun." She crawled inside casually, walking up to the innocent citizen, grabbing her by the gullet, and holding her up against the wall."A friend of mine came through here. And you're going to tell me where she went." Her lips spread into a thin smile, taking out a switchblade and holding it to her throat.
((Batgirl is still in uniform just teh mask is off))

Luckily Alex had kept hold of her batterang. This girl seemed so eager to find her that she didn't even realize she had found her, that gave Alex the opportunity to jab the edge of the wing into the arm holding teh switchblade, it would be enough to at least give Alex a chance to get away. Instead of finishing the job like she should have though she grabbed her mask and jumped out teh window again, right into another small group of thugs, the same ones from before, but this time she didn't have time to deal with them. Instead she rushed one and kicked him square in teh jaw knocking him out and then continued on.

The only option Alex had was escape, her wounds had not healed and already she could tell the movement had made teh wrapping on her torso shift. At least this time though the blood was not dripping onto teh ground. Still teh night was young and the sun would not rise for hours. "How the hell did Batman do this. My first villain and I have no chance." That comment alone made Alex laugh. a simple short laugh but it was funny that she could not even come close to comparing to her idol. Even batgirl, the real one, was so much better than she was.

"over here i heard someone laugh."
Alex groaned lowly as she crept behind a dumpster. If she was lucky they wouldn't see her, all she needed was a few hours. Just some time to recuperate and escape. Though if the joker clone found her, Alex decided not to think about it. She had pissed her off twice, she doubted there would be a third.
{That just demonstrates what a total blonde I am. XD}

How could she not have noticed? She, the daughter of the devil, was bested by a little bitch in a leather matter how sexy she looked in it. Duela ran her fingers through her greased back hair, knowing what her father would say, she could just hear him cackle and snap,"The apple falls farther from the tree than I thought." Because he loved to make her feel small and insignificant.

She jumped out the window, not caring that her arm was still bleeding, she let the pain wash over her as she fell on top of a dumpster, not even noticing her target behind it, but instead followed the henchmen as they ran in the opposite direction, having thought they heard something move that way. To stifle the blood, she ripped off one of the legs of her pants, and tying it around her arm. By the time she had completed this simple task, those silly buffoons had already vanished from view. She sighed, shaking her head frustratingly, kicking the dumpster, and sitting on top of it, the opposite side of where Batgirl was located."I just...I just want to mean something." She murmured to no one in particular, who knows, maybe her delusional mind had conjured up some imaginary friend to keep her company."I stink at being the bad guy, and my daddy's one of the scariest people in Gotham! What's wrong with me?" She fell back, letting her head hit the dumpster, stared up at the sky.
((But i bet you;re a cute blond, so it makes up for it))

Alex heaved heavily when he noticed the guys move on, however she could tell Duela was still on teh dumpster right next to her. She didn't have her baterang with her and figured she dropped it, not like she didn't have more at her batcave, or at least what served as hers. Although she didn't know how advanced Batman's was, she knew it existed, and knew that is where he kept his vehicles, she only wished she could find it. She had a feeling Bruce wayne was Batman, as he had the money to buy the tech Batman used. But there was no proof he was batman and since so many people split, Bruce wayne disappearance could easily be blamed on that.

Still Alex needed something to get rid of teh female above her. Since she had no tool at her disposal she decided to just creep away, though standing alone was not going to be as silent as she hoped. She did managed to get about five feet before her legs gave out, teh blood she had lost by this point was starting to take its toll on her body. Slowly she rolled over looking over at teh girl who had now become her nemesis wondering if she even noticed Alex not even five feet away before she finally passed out.
{:3 too kind.}

If only she had been born as something else; a bird, a wolf, a bug...anything else. She made a decision to renounce from the villainous life, she'd fake her own death, sell herself, and live out the rest of her existence as a worker in some 3rd world country. At least no one would look down on her the same way they do here. She had such big shoes to fill, always finding herself being compared to the great Joker. No one knows what it's like to be a shadow.

Duela took out a spray bottle, filled with water in one compartment and laughing gas in the other. She sprayed her face and used her flowery rag to rub away the makeup, then took off her hat and threw it to the ground. When she turned in the direction of the sewers, she did not expect to see her nemesis unconscious. Just lying there...the perfect opportunity to finish her off."You're so lucky I'm not in the Evildoing Business anymore. 10 second ago and I would have gladly severed that head from your body." She grabbed her the girl by her arms, easily pulling her on top of her shoulders, and carrying her to a private storage compartment, which only she possessed the key for. No one knew about this place except her, it was actually located behind the dumpster where Batgirl had just been hiding. There was a crease in the wall, which opened a latch, revealing a slanted hole, inserting her key and switching it, accessing the garage door to open, completely invisible to the naked eye. Duela slid inside, closing the door afterwards, and causing the dumpster to move back in place.
It wasn't the trendiest evil lair; there were couches, obscene and explicit paintings covering the walls, not to mention her own maniacal messages etched in blood. But there were also modern contraptions, like a juke box, a bean-bag chair, psychedelic fluorescent lights, and a mini cooler. She was still a teenager after all, not exactly creepy psychopath material just yet.

Duela placed Batgirl's body on the couch, not caring to tie her up or anything. She was welcomed to leave whenever she liked, it wasn't as if she still hated her guts. But she knew that if she'd left the girl where she was, the henchmen would have eventually found her and would have done...unspeakable things to her, things she wouldn't even wish on her worst enemy; well, not anymore.
((I know))

It took about an hour before Alex came to. She looked around unaware as to where she was and then saw a girl about her age. Quickly she brought her hand to her face to make sure her mask on and it was. That relaxed her, at least this stranger had no clue who she was, just yet.
"Thanks" She said calmly remembering what happened, she passed out, not too far from the joker clone. So it seemed she managed to be far enough away to not be seen, five feet didn't seem like much but apparently it was.
"Listen, I understand you save my life and I'm thankful, but there is someone i have to stop, otherwise people will get hurt."

her side still hurt as she stood, and realized that there was no way she was stopping anyone tonight. Instead she was going to need some stitching, just to stop teh blood. "Hey, do you know how to sew?" She asked wondering if the girl could hear her. She hoped so, the fact that Alex was was still alive given the blood loss was surprising, but the fact that she was conscious was even more so.
"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone that you're not the real Batgirl." Duela knew this because the original Batgirl had been captured by The Joker a long time ago, she had seen her without her makeup before she was killed, and this girl lying on the couch was not that lady."No need to thank me. Actually, I prefer that you forget this ever happened. And if the person you're speaking of is The Joker, than I'm afraid you're no match for him. It's not a matter of mental incapability nor is it because of resources or minions. But that in the end, evil always prevails, it's written in stone..." Her eyes widened when the ex-nemesis asked if she could stitch,"You'd trust me? Even after all I've put you through...Even though I'm Joker's d--.." She stopped, knowing her father would be angry if she spilled the beans. It hadn't meant to happen, Harley Quinn and Joker were just really high on laughing gas fumes and ended up in bed together. She was the result of their incident. A mistake they couldn't erase. They'd be happy to know she was running away."Um..sure." She left to retrieve some thread and needles, then returned and sat beside her,"This is going to hurt.." Just as the needle pierced her skin cleanly, dipping and resurfacing, the thread looping around the edges of the wound until it was sealed shut by small stitches. She had been in many fights, with both heroes and even her father's henchmen, who assaulted her often; so she developed the skill to stitch her own wounds.
"Put me through?" Alex asked and thought for a moment. The girl who saved her was the joker's what daughter? It was the only worked that made sense in that made sense, and after listening to the voice she groaned. "So you're the one who shot me in the foot?" Alex asked angrily as she pulled off her boot letting teh blood to spill out. "I think we have some problems with each other, first of you kinda pissed me off. Your henchmen are perverts, and you tried to kill me." She said as teh stitches on her side was finished. "But, you're doing something i can't do myself. So to thank you, once you're finished I'm leaving and I won't kill you."
Although Alex was truly in no condition to speak the way she was, she had to make Duela think she sill had control, one slip up and Duela would be the one in control and Alex would be at her mercy. "So Once I walk out that door, the treaty is over, an come tomorrow night, if I see you, I will slit your throat."
Duela had thought that she'd known that was her pursuer all along, and didn't take kindly to this change in attitude. Who was she to act so rudely to her hostess? Had she no manners? And that really made her snap."Yes, my father's henchmen are perverts. Yes, I did try to kill you. But I am no longer the person I used to be. I know it's hard to believe, but Joker's daughter is taking a vacation from the psychopath lifestyle." Then narrowed her eyes at the threat, and laughed."Kill me? You can barely stand, how do you plan on killing me?" She stood up, insulted and her ego bruised, which triggered her involuntary defense mechanism."You leave when I tell you to." She growled,"I was going to let you leave willingly, but now you've gotten on my nerves, and that cannot be ignored." So she left her for a moment, grabbing some rope and duct tape."I won't kill you, oh no, that would be too easy. I think first I'll ridicule you a bit, then maybe I'll let you go, if I feel rejuvenated and that justice has been served." Then she grabbed Batgirl by the arms and legs, placing her on a chair, and tying her down with the rope, taping her mouth shut, and tying her wrists and feet together."Maybe next time you're at the mercy of a villain, you'll remember to keep your damn mouth shut."
It happened fairly quickly to Alex. Sure it may have passed at a normal pace but with the head injuries, loos of blood and fatigue setting in on Alex, she was passing out for a few seconds at a time making it seem to happen much quicker. Before she knew it she was already tied to the chair. She started cussing at Duela before realizing her mouth had been taped shut.
Quickly she reached for the tap discovering her hands had also been tied. That alone hurt her ego as she found it stupid to imagine that her "nemesis" would be dumb enough to tape her up but not bind her hands.

Still struggling was going to be a waste of time so instead of fighting she listened. Duela at least knew she was the villain, usually the "bad guy" had some sort of cause in mind making them feel as though they are the good guy, regardless on which extreme they are on. At least she had enough pride to admit she was the villain. It was enough to make Alex swear at her but the tape only muffle it.

"mercy?" Alex thought to herself "if you were teh true villain i wouldn't even be around to beg for mercy." Tat thought made her laugh a bit, and teh idea of laughing made her laugh even more.
Duela sat smugly across from her, narrowing her eyes as Alex began to shudder with silent laughter, and ripped the tape off her mouth."What's. So. Funny!?" She roared, gripping her cheeks, her face red with fury, nostrils flaring as she puffed. After so many years of living with a chaotically insane clown, she had had enough of senseless humor. Just to take her anger out on the poor gal, she slapped her across the face. Then she grabbed a whip, pressing it into the palm of her hand, and grinned sadistically. This was what she had been trained for, this was what she understood inside and out."I'm going to enjoy every second of this.." She laughed as she clogged her victim, loving the expression of pure terror written over Batgirl's face.
Alex was able to read Duela a lot better than one would think. She wasn't perfect but she could tell the Girl was trying to make herself hold importance. Still she probably would have done better in a different city than Gotham. Regardless much like Batgirl she was stuck in teh deserted city.
"Its too bad your second best to your father." Alex smirked not minding the whip too much. It stung and it hurt but in comparison to the bullet and knife wound, it was nothing. "face it your no villain, you are just a preschooler asking for a time out. Your father, The Joker, not that's a villain, compared to him your a the generic brand of margarine to the Grade A butter. You're a knock off."

Batgirl knew she was walking on thin ice, but Duela seemed to be out of it. She claimed to have given up being a villain, and then she was going right back into it. That was what Alex needed. To confuse teh girl, make her feel worthless, and even if Duela would end up whipping her a few times Alex could handle it for a bit, just so long as she could get under Duela's skin.
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