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Steam Birds

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Jan 8, 2012
Char sheets;

in a world where world war two continued far beyond the normal end, and where Germany beat Russia cold fusion has been discovered, allowing for planes to be cheaper, faster, stronger and more lethal the only fuel needed is water, the only output is steam, and two (or more) pilots have been posted on one of the equatorial tips to make sure there arn't any "dozy jerries flying down over Spain and Egypt to come back at us from the other side" In actuality its just a 'holiday' post for squads, and at the moment we're that squad. (insert romance, mayhem and the odd flight).

Alexander looked out of the door of the hut he was in, once again it was hurling it down, it was the end of the monsoon season, they were a little way of the coast of africa and while it was warm almost all year round, for half the year it was almost solid rain, they'd have maybe a day or two more of it and then they'd be free to fly again.
Peter yawned loudly from within the hut he shared with Alexander. Getting out of the bed opposite to Alexanders, he brushed past his leader and started walking towards the girls hut with the intent of waking them up.
"don't bother, they're up. with this mess they better be, and anyway, you'll miss breakfast." he smiled and glanced towards the sky. "give it another hour." he said and turned back in to the hut. the weather was so bad that Peter was soaked through within a minute
Peter could care less about the weather. If anything he enjoyed the soakedness. It made some of his burns not hurt as bad "Well, sir, would you rather I escort you to breakfest, or arre you gunna grow a pair and walk on your own?" Peter said as he turned toward the mess hall. Stupid as it was to talk to his superior in such a way, Peter figured he could get away with it.
"allready eaten, now pull your finger out your ass and start to learn some respect." he headed out the back and along the hidden tunnel to the hangers. he wasn't in the mood to deal with the squad's cheese dong today.
Peter just grinned a bit in amusement at being chastized, but shut up anyway. He followed the commander to the hanger, fumbling with the knife tucked in his belt along the way. Along the way thorough the dirt packed tunnel, Peter spots a cockroach scrambling along the ground and eagerly grabs it, pinning it between two fingers. Almost unthinkingly he says "Wonder what it looks on the inside"
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