Dragon Age Online (Zell and Itazura)


Dec 9, 2012

It been about thirdy years sinse what happen in Kirkwall, mage's and templar at each other throats and waring each other while human kingdoms plot to attack each other. One newly kingdom have stand strong above the rest and still holding on its own by its people and that is the Kingdom of Lotues. The kingdom was made fithteen years go when a group came to the continent to explore, lead by Ronin a human warrior and soilder. After some time Ronin and his group came upon a dragon's lair, they slayed the two great dragons and there young. Many of Ronin's part was killed but those that lived lay claim to the dragon's horde, that was enough rish's to set all of them for life if they wish but Ronin and the rest of his party decided to use the rish's on an opportunity that lie before them and with that the kingdom of Lotus was born.

Today each party memeber of Ronin's have an importent part to play and together they run Lotus in there fair land. Ronin Storm as king of Lotus with Anna as his queen who is an elven mage. With what the queen is many other kingdoms said Lotus would fall in ruin because being an elf who shouldn't have such a high status in the first place an being a mage which some claim she use her magic to be the queen. Dispit his Anna have ruled with a kind heart and have forbiden any use of blood magic but what made her well known is how she found spell that prevents demons from ever taking over a mage again as long they never use blood magic.

Though mage's are free from demons doesn't mean some would miss use there magic which is why templars still are still needed. Kaless is the kingdom's head templar and commander of the kingdom's gaurds with the aid of Tamra and elven rogue who train others like her self to keep an eye on the kingdom though the shadows and share infomation with her. Greedsin, a dwarven gray wardon and head of his order in Lotus.

Aside from capital city there also on the northen montains lies Black Iron which is home to many dwaves. To the south east of the capital lies Rosewood forest, home and land of the dalish elfs and lead by Tesadon. Together these leaders kept the peace and order of the kingdom but even with there leadership there are always those that wish to take the kingdom or destory it for there own peronal reasons. There is word that the Allusions plan to war with Lotus for its land but no one knows for sure.

Opportunitys lie before you, whether to aid Lotues or aid agains't it is your choice alone but be wise of your choices for they could lead you to your mark in history with rish beyond your comparison or to a painful and dreadful death.
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