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Male looking for post apocolyptic RP with females(Scenario just added!)

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May 31, 2013
Hey all, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to read. Although this is my first post under this pseudonym I used to be a regular here a while ago but wanted to make a fresh start (and forgot my user id its been so long!)

As regards the RP I am fairly open as to the direction it takes as I am not one for limiting the possibilities. My view is without delving into every corner of the mind, even the dark ones, you never know what excites, pleases and repulses. That being said I shy away from furries, and underage is a no-no.

Requirements of a Partner:

- Some semblance of Grammar. I'm not asking for the next Pulitzer prize winner but at least try and construct sentences
- Paragraphs. There are times for simple one sentence inputs but please if your idea of a roleplay is sending sentences rather than a considered paragraph or two then its going to be a struggle.
- I usually roleplay as a Dom but can sub. I am happy with either but please make it clear which you want from the outset
- Don't just vanish. Its rude and not nice. If the roleplay is not working for you a polite thanks but I am off is preferred.
- I am happy to RP in chat, IM, PM or Email.


The world is coming through the other side of a major catastrophy and society has broken down. Groups are forming and anarchy rules. I am open to the type of disaster, but my character starts the RP as a loner. (Ala Mad Max, Boy and his Dog)

I think that pretty much covers it! Any females who are interested please PM.

Thanks for reading!

Pm me if you're interested!
RE: Male looking for post apocolyptic RP with females

Josh sat alone on the grass, the cold wet dew soaking into his combats and the gentle breeze reminding him he was ‘lucky’ to be alive. He used to visit this spot regularly before and enjoyed the panoramic view the hillside offered, and it was a great spot to impress the ladies after a night out in the city, watching the sun rise over the buildings with the bridge over the bay in the background. Surrounded by lush woodlands the city used to look like an oasis of civility in the wild. That was of course before the ‘event’ that shook civilisation to its core, the event that reduced civilised people to pack animals and turned friends into enemies.
It’s been 4 weeks since it happened, and still nobody knows what caused it, or whether the rest of the world was carrying on in blind ignorance. Josh had been in this exact same spot, alone after another unsuccessful hunt for a woman in the nightclubs of the city. He was enjoying the quietness with only the radio in his beat up truck for company. There had been nothing on the news to suggest it was going to happen and no sirens warned them, all that happened was the radio went dead. It wasn’t unheard of for this pile of junk to fail on him so he thought nothing of it, yet in the minutes that followed Josh was left in no doubt. Initially there was a volley of missiles that rained down from the sky lighting up the heavens like an extravagant firework display. Shortly after, a series of quakes followed, each one stronger than the proceeding one, and finally the inevitable tidal wave caused by the quakes. Large enough to wreck Estuary Bridge, the surge of water was unstoppable taking out most of the city and finishing the demolition job. Josh sat tight on the hillside and watched the drama unfold, not really being able to decide what was best. Human nature is to help those in trouble but is survival instinct made him stay put, he hadn’t really settled here having move to town the previous year, and as a result wasn’t really ready to rush back to help anyone in particular. His family lived on the other side of the country and his close friends were on a vacation in Europe, so he was only looking out for number one. His time in the army reserves had taught him that unless you are alive, safe and prepared you are no use to anyone.
As the events unfolded it was clear the infrastructure had failed, his iPhone had no network coverage, there were no radio broadcasts, no emails, and society it seems has just gone quiet. After the missiles had hit he watched the snake of car lights with vehicles trying to escape town, many of these fell victim to the quakes and of those that survived over half were swept away in the flood waters. Small pockets of people lived on reaching the high ground, and in the evenings plumes of smoke could be seen in the distance as they struggled to warm themselves around campfires.
A few days after the event, once the flood waters drained away, Josh pulled himself together enough to head to the city as it appears did a lot of those who headed for the hills. What he saw was a nightmare. There was nothing left that was recognisable, bodies were strewn across the walkways and rubble and damage made progress slow. The stench of rotting flesh was almost unbearable as the dead lay unclaimed in the warm sunlight, it was obvious the state were not rushing to help and the survivors were in no state to help either-. The few people Josh did meet were as clueless as him to why this had happened but as nobody was helping it was obvious it was not just this town that was suffering. Pockets of people started to come together but without direction there was chaos, as always there were some more vocal than others but it was apparent that this was now a free for all. The good tried to help but like the rats who emerge from the sewers it was the deadbeats and scum of society that thrived. The first few days were good, a good spirit formed and people seemed willing to try and make the best of the situation, then the looting started, followed by the pillaging. Gunlaw soon took over and it wasn’t long before the sound of gunshot, or the screams of the victims were commonplace. The good started to leave fearful for their lives and the rats took over the cities. Due to a sense of preservation Josh knew where he needed to go and after gathering provisions he headed to his safe place in the hills where he had remained to this day.
With his combats uncomfortably wet now Josh stood up stretched and headed back to his truck, his food supply was now low and he could sense others were heading this way as the taillights at night gave away peoples positions. This made him uncomfortable and for this reason he knew he had to head back into town……
Following an enforced break I'm looking for New to partners for the above. Pm welcome
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