Undercover Trouble

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Jan 9, 2009
They had been running and prepping for this op for Months. The SVU team had gotten word of a well-known human trafficker had come into port and was using his large ship as a floating casino as a front to store the people below deck that he was smuggling. It had been decided that Olivia and Ziva would be brought into the ship as a “gift” to the leader so that she could get close to him and learn his secrets of how he avoided being caught before bringing him down on charges. But what they didn’t know is that the leader of the smuggling ring had known about their little investigation and had allowed one of his men to be caught then flipped so he could lead detective Olivia Benson into his own little trap and feed false information to the rest of the team.

Omaro gave a little whistle as he looked at Oliva and nodded. She would certainly be able to get the leader’s attention. She was dressed in a flowwy black silk dress which stopped around mid thigh. Her legs were clad in black silk stockings and she was given strappy heels. “well you are certainly going to be able to hold his attention.”

Tony just kept looking Ziva over as he handed her the file of the dealer. "well with that Dress you'll certainly turn some heads." He smirked looking ziva over in a long black silk dress with a slit up along her sides damn near exposing her. Her long lovely legs were clad in silk stockings. "but with a dress like that i don't know where you'll be able to hide a gun without them knowing." Gibbs walked down and gave Tony the usual smack to the back of the head. 'If all works out she wont need to hide one. This is a simple infiltration and intel retrival. Once we have enough we can pull her out and go in ourselves."
Olivia looked at Omaro and shook her head at his words. She didn't really like dressing up, but she needed to in this occassion. "I sure hope so." She replied and turned to Ziva. She'd never worked with her and hoped that they worked well with each other.

Ziva noticed Tony looking at her as he handed her the file. "Like what you see, Tony?" She asked him, raising her eyebrow. It was a hint for him to take his eyes off her or she'd retaliate. She turned to hide her smile when Gibbs gave him a slap on the head. She turned and saw that Olivia was looking at her. "So are you ready?" She asked the detective.
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