Time Touched(squall/blair)

Nov 30, 2010

Once, she had been the time-walker. Once, she had been The Lady of the Lake..Once, she had been the warrior queen who had ruled over the Sidhe, those near immortal warriors of Elven. Once she had been known as the mischief maker.

Once she had raised a boy child to adulthood, and taught him how to look with eager eyes upon everything the world had to offer, not to conquer, but to learn. She'd taught him to weild a battle and dance. And once she had loved with a mortal with a fierceness that not even centuries of sleep could erase.

Once, she'd been worshipped as a goddess.

But that was a long time ago.


Loki turned away from the window she was looking out of, looking at the man who was watching her. "Tristan."She muttered, returning to observe the world that she had awoken to."You woke me."

"I did."Tristan studied his foster mother, saw the lines that grief and rage had left on her face, as beautiful as she was, there was no mistaking that she had lived centuries, and suffered for them. And had slept for even longer. "The world needs you again."

"The Sidhe do not get involved in mortal affairs, Tristan."Loki said, though she turned her head slightly, and Tristan knew he had her. Loki could never refuse to help, even when the results had caused her a grief so profound the Sidhe queen had slept for centuries instead of facing it.

"The boy, harry potter, has been killed. Lord Voldemort is destroying their world, and he will destroy ours. Asgard and the mortal world are tied, if he destroys one, so will the other fall."Tristan said frowning a little."We are involved in this battle, no matter what the Sidhe say."

A small smile quirked Loki's lips. "You know to change this, I must go back."Loki said tilting her head, and took a side step into the spaces between.

December 31st, 1944(tom riddle's birthday XD)

Loki sighed softly as she drew the hood of her cloak up over her face, the soft fur brushing against her cheek, glad that after so long asleep, that her beauty had faded some. She still looked beautiful, but not that stop traffic beautiful that most of the sidhe had. Glancing towards the sky as she listened to the quiet stillness of the night she tried to focus on what she knew.

Tom Riddle, aged 18 had disappeared months after this day, disappeared and returned a dark lord that made even the immortal sidhe fear. And she'd returned to stop it from ever happening.

Wondering how she she was going to do this she quietly walked through Diagaon alley, the soft crunching under her boots as she walked, thinking about the world she'd left behind. Wondered what Tristan, and the others she had known before were doing, but couldn't risk reaching out to them. At least not yet.

So lost in her thoughts of what had happened, and what was going on she walked aimlessly,trying to figure out how to approach the nearly adult tom riddle, not paying attention to where she was going, and crashing into him as the younger man stepped out of Borgins and Burkes.

Crashing to the ground with a grunt she sat there for a few moments, to stunned to realized that she was looking up at the darkly handsome Tom. She'd known vaguely what he'd look like,but she hadn't counted on him being handsome enough that it hit her like a fist to the stomach. Swallowing hard as she stood slowly, careful to not show her disturbance at their first meeting. Definately not what she'd expected when she'd taken the step through time.

Tom looked down at the brunette who had crashed into him, his expression stoic and indifferent. He has previously been in very deep thought, so the intrusion took him off guard. His jaw clenched a bit, because by now, his temper was rather short. He never had a great temper to begin with, but these days... It was dangerous.

Reluctantly, he held out his hand and raised his eyebrows at her. "Come on, now," he said, helping her up, "You should look where you are going." Reaching up, he attempted to brush the snow off his jacket. He hated the snow - no. He hated this time of year. His birthday was inevitable, but that didn't mean he liked to think about it. After eighteen years of being unloved and unwanted, his birthday was always the hardest day to get through. It was the ultimate reminder that no one gave a fuck about him.

In his left hand, he was carrying a sack of chocolates. Of course, he didn't get them at Borgins and Burkes. No, he always just... looked around the creepy old shop without really buying anything. He didn't have the money for any of it anyway. However, every birthday, he always treated himself to a sack of chocolates and a few butter beers. It was all his money could afford, and it was not like it was reasonable for him to spend a ton of money on a gift for himself. That would be foolish.

He gave Loki and irritated glance. "What?" he snapped, for he did not like being stared at. Sighing, he shoved past her and started to head down the darkened street.
"Sorry. Must have been thinking to hard."loki said taking his hand and pulling herself to her feet. Brushing off her clothes she blushed prettily before sighing softly."its not everyday a girl duns into somsons so handsome. I think it entitles a atare or two when I do."she said smiling slightly stepping backward, the words said hontesly because among the sidhe it would be considsered rude to lie about ho someone looked, espicially considering just how usually beautiful the idhe were. But at least loki's beauty was toned down to human beautiful from her long sleep.

Tilting her head a little ahe looked down the street a small smile curling her lips."let ms buy you a drink for nearly running you over. You look like you could ue on."she said nodding slightly towards the bar at the end of the street. Hopefully he'd take her up on it,and she'd have a excuse to continue talking to this man who's futur had drawn her bck to reshape the past. Otherwize figuring out how to help him was going to be hard if she couldnt get close to him
Tom raised his eyebrows at her. It was exactly considered normal for someone to be spitting their opinions out about another's appearance. In fact, it was a little weird. His eyebrows scrunched together, watching her for a moment. She was a pretty girl, but he was not sure if she really had a brain in her head... When she offered to buy him a drink, his head tilted to the side. He was not one to care for having company, but it was his birthday. Maybe he was feeling more vulnerable than he thought, because he found himself nodded.

"Alright," he said, sounding a little unsure, "I'll take a drink."

He started to walk toward the Three Broomsticks, opening the door for her and leading her toward his usual table. It was in the back corner, hidden from most of the bar, and it gave him the most privacy. When the bar maid came over, he went to order is usual butter beer, but he changed his mind at the last second. "Firewhiskey on ice," he said, making the waitress give him a funny look. Damn, he didn't realize how often he found himself in this rat hole of a bar.
Loki winced a little as she looked away from him as he gave her a look. Okay, so maybe playing human was going to be harder then she had thought. Following him into the bar she looked around, a slight frown on her face. As if she couldn't believe that she was here. She was a lady of Asgard, the immortal realm, so surely they had better bars then this.

"Icevodka."Loki said flicking a glance up at the waitress looking amused as the woman returned with the drinks, sighing in pleasure as she took a sip of the vodka that wasn't just ice cold, but that cold that froze the breath in your lungs, and tasted like winter. It was a good drink, if one was prepared for it."You know, most people are out celebrating new years right now."She said looking curious about him. "No plans?"
Tom took a gulp of his fire whiskey, letting it slide down his throat with a dull burn. "Plans? No," he said, shaking his head, "I don't do parties or groups or anything of the like." He pulled out his bag of chocolate, opening it up and popping one into his mouth. "Besides, it's my birthday."

He turned to her and arched his eyebrow, his hand holding out the small bag of chocolates. Normally, he'd hate to share his sweets. After years of being in the foster home, he knew when to share and not to share. Food was one of the things that he learned he should always keep for himself, especially sweets. However, she was buying him a drink. Tom was not known for his kindness, but he was never a rude boy.

"I'm going to be honest," he said, taking another gulp of his drink, "I like to spend my birthdays alone."
"Ah,someone after my own heart. Social gatherings bother me to."Loki said smiling at him a little looking amused, raising a eyebrow as he offered her a sweet. It went against everything she knew about the man, that he would be sharin a sweet with her. Studying the bag then him for a moment she reached out and selected a small chocolate, popping it in her mouth.

Glancing towards the door she smiled at him,"Then shall I leave you to your drink and chocolate, to celebrate alone?"The sidhe smiled, that traffic stopping smile that said she wasn't quite human, but not different enough to realize what it was. He reminded her of someone, she just couldn't figure out who. And beyond the fact that she'd come back to change his past, she was curious about him.
Tom raised his eyebrows at her. "I said I usually enjoy my birthdays alone, but you've already interrupted my routine. You might as well stay," he said, popping another chocolate in his mouth. He gave her an interested look, as if he was sizing her up, then took another sip of his whiskey. He stated quiet for the longest time, not bothering to say a thing to her...

"You are not from around here," he said, "I'm good with faces, and I've never see you before." He raised his eyebrows at her. "Did you attend Beauxbatons? You look like a girl who was schooled in France." He smirked a bit, as if dirty thoughts were running through his mind. "The school is not as advanced as Hogwarts, but it's suitable."
Loki was quiet to, after so long asleep auiet didn't bother her though it probably should. Even before outcasting herself to avalon and sleeping for centuries, the sidhe queen hadn't bedn anyone's definition of normal sipping her drink she looked around the place content to be quiet.

Looking up startled at his sudden question she tilted her head a littl,"and what does a girl educated in france look like?"she said before nodding slightly."I was raised in france."she said rhough she was curious about this beauxbatons. Thankfully though her words were true, she had been in france....just not a france anyone muggle or wizard would recognize
Tom nodded, ignoring her question. He had no real intention of flattering her. "Then why, if I may ask, are you in England?" he asked, raising his eyebrows, "I can't imagine why a young lady from France would want to walk around the alleys of England all by herself." A bit of darkness flashed through his eyes, and his lips curled up into a smirk. "There are lots of dangerous things and perverted men that lurk in the shadows, Darling, and not all of them look like the monsters that you see in your text books."

When the waitress came around, he ordered another round of drinks and told her to turn the tab over to him. He also asked for an order of beef stew, for he had yet to have dinner, and he wasn't one to drink on an empty stomach.
Loki looked amused as he ignored her question a answering darness sliding through her eyes for a moment before she answered. "I think I can handle myself."She smirked a little running his fingers through her hair, leaning back as she ordered a small bowl of soup, a smile quirking her lips. "Are you one of those dangerous things, or a perverted man?"She asked her eyes flickering over him looking bemused. And not understanding her reaction to a man she should probably just kill to make sure he never became the dark lord she came back to stop.
Tom nodded to the waitress when she came back with their food and drinks, then smirked. "Maybe I'm both," he said, looking amused. "You think you can handle yourself, but I'm sure I could prove you wrong. See, I'm more powerful than I look." He looked at her, and it was obvious that this man.... this man was going to be feared by many people one day. No, he'd be feared by an entire world.

"Where are you staying tonight?" he asked, taking a sip of his drink. There was something twisted in his eyes, and it looked more like lust than evil. Hm, maybe he could use the sexual outlet. After all, she was pretty, but he had his doubts about getting emotionally attached. He never had before, after all.
Loki laughed smirking at him a little."Well, I am most definately more dangerous then I look, so we're well matched in that area."She said studying him, her eyes dark and amused, a look that said she what it was like to be underestimated. Though it had been a long time since she fought, and she was sure it would take her awhile to be back to the powerhouse she'd been before sleeping, she was sure she could take care of one pesky wizard. Which made you wonder, why hadn't she just killed him and been done with it?

Looking startled at his question she studied him before shrugging lightly. "I have not made plans for the evening yet. I had planned on doing that when you ran into me."He said a small smile on her face, her own eyes heating with lust. There were reasons the human race loved sidhe, and among those reasons were that they were very,very good at sex. After all, they had centuries to work on it.
Tom nodded, thinking it over for a moment. He downed the rest of his drink and ordered another round. "I have a flat a few blocks awake. No roommate," he said, "And I'm sure I could entertain you for the night." He smirked and chewed on a piece of bread that came with his suit, leaning back in his chair. There was nothing but mischief on his face. It was not common that he took woman home, but he had not had sex in a long time, and it was his birthday... He'd be more than willing to make an exception if it allowed for him to forget about other things for one night. As dark as Tom's mind was becoming, he was still in the stage where he really, really didn't want to end up evil. He could be saved, but it would take a lot of work.
Loki raised a eyebrow at the man across from her, tilting her head slightly as he spoke." I thought you didn't like people's company."She mused but nodded anyways as she ran her fingers through her dark hair. She was curious to see what he had planned, and pretty sure that no matter what he was up to, she was good enough to protect herself.Even from a dark lord in the making. "Lets get going then."She said as she stood, dropping enough coins onto the table to pay for their meal as she finished eating. "I want to see this...flat."She said slowly, unsure of the word, but assuming that it was some kind of home.
Tom looked amused, standing up and pulling his cloak on. "Well, then I shall show you," he said, waiting for her to stand. He was definitely ready to take this girl home, have his way with her, and relieve some of the stress that he's been dealing with for the past few months. Maybe a good fuck would help him relax and stop having those... dark thoughts he has been having.

Once outside, he put his hand at the middle of her back and began to walk toward the darker side of the street. "It's nothing much," he admitted, "But it's what I could afford, and it works." He shrugged and led her up the stairs of an apartment building, then to room 103B. With a flick of his wand, the door opened and revealed a small one room apartment. Only the bathroom was separated by the door, and the kitchen was set aside in a little nook-like area. There was a full sized bed and a shabby looking couch, but that was it.
Loki smiled as they walked towards the door, tucking her hair under the hood of her cloak. Looking thoughtful as they did, wondering what she was getting into. He looked amused, and that made her vaguely nervous, though not enough to walk away. "It's nice. Comfortable."Loki said smiling as they walked into the apartment building looking around her, before looking at him.

"So, were you going to pretend we weren't hear to have sex and offer me on the couch, or the bed?"she teased looking amused as she tilted her head slightly, slipping the cloak off and setting it on the back of the chair for the kitchen.
"I had no intentions of pretending anything," Tom said, taking his coat off and putting it on the back of the couch, then moved over to her. His hands went to her hips, and he pressed her against the wall beside the bed. His eyes locked with her for a moment before leaning down to press his lips to her's in the most possessive way possible. The way he kissed her made it clear that he was claiming, even if it was only for the night. His hands had a bruising force on her hips.

When he pulled away a few moments later, it was only to take off his shirt. The front side of his body was toned, but not bulky. He was physically fit. However, the back of his body had scars from the lashes he had been given as a child in the orphanage. Obviously, nothing went without punishment.

He went back in, but began to kiss along her neck, pressing her harder against the wall. His hands moved underneath her coat to feel out her body through her clothes. He was assertive, but he was taking his time.
Loki laughed quietly."You are very straight forward for a human."She said looking amused, startled as he moved over to her, letting him press her back against the wall as she kissed him back. Groaning softly, it had been so long since she'd been kissed, and he was a good kisser. Whining quietly as he pulled away she gave a soft pleased sigh as she looked him over, running her fingers along his chest, hands sliding to his back, pulling the man closer to her, pain twisting her heart as she felt the tell tale lash scars along his back. Even after all these centuries, she knew lash marks.

Whining quietly as he pressed her tighter to the wall she squirmed, shifting to get out of jacket, letting it fall to the floor even as her fingers started working at his belt.
"That I am," Tom said, helping her out of her jacket. His hands immediately went for the hem of her shirt, pulling it over her head, then going in to nip at her neck with his teeth. As he pressed harder into her, it was clear that his cock was growing hard with need. It had been so long, and his body was obviously ready for some sort of release... When her hands went for his belt, he let out a throaty chuckle. "And what do you plan to do when you get that undone?" he asked, raising his eyebrows. It was clear that while he didn't indulge often, he was very experienced. He usually went for older women, but this girl... She had something about her that was making lust build up inside of him.

Grabbing his wand out of his back pocket, he quickly muttered a spell. Without her permission, he charmed the clothes off her body, letting them fold neatly on the back of the couch. Before him, she was completely naked, and his face held an incredibly mischievous expression. Reaching up, his let his hands fondle her breasts while his mouth settled on her own.
Loki's head fell back against the wall with a whimper as he pressed tight against her, whining at the feel of his teeth. Oh yes, she'd forgotten how enjoyable life could be. "Hm, I'm sure I'll figure something out."She said raising a eyebrow at him as she took in the sight of the man in front of her. Despite his age, he was definately experienced. Yelping in startlement at finding herself naked she looked down at herself in bemusement fore a moment, as if not quite sure how it had happened."So impatient. You should be patient."She said grinning a little moaning as he set his mouth on hers.

Shifting, squirming a little she laughed quietly as she flicked her fingers slightly, glad that elven magic could be mistaken for human magic, grinning as she felt his bare legs pressed against hers, silently charming his own clothes to. Sinking to her knees she looked up at him "Hmm whatever shall I do with you now?"she muttered leaning forward, sliding her mouth down over him, closing those bright blue eyes as she concentrated on sucking him off, the dark finely wrought tattoos showing over her back showing through the fall of her black hair. So finely drawn, a confusing mess of lines and dots that it would take a moment to realize that it was ivy and leaves, swords and roses. So nicely done it was obvious that it had been set in her skin with magic, as even as he looked t it, it seemed that they were ready to raise off her skin, they were so lifelike once you realized what it was.
Tom groaned looked down at her, watching her perfect mouth slide over his large member. His fingers slid through her soft dark hair, pulling it aside so he could look at the tattoo... It was interesting, making him reach out to stroke her soft skin. Hell. She was beautiful. It was hard to deny that... But he could not let himself look at her as more than anything but a one night stand, because he could not let him mind wander from his future.

"You're talented," he said in a raspy voice, the muscles of his thighs flexing. He let her suck him off for a few moments, enjoying her mouth, then pulled on her elbow. "Get up." It was not a request. It was a demand.

Pulling her up, he turned her around and gently pushed her down on to the bed. Settling on his knees in front of the bed, he pulled her forward until her pussy was close to his lips, then began to lick and suck on the folds of her sex. His mouth was gentle, put his grip on her thighs was tight enough to bruise.
Loki moaned quietly as he stroked her skin, shivering a little as she worked him, opening her eyes to look up at him, wide dark eyes looking lust glazed and amused. "Demanding aren't you?"she teased a little growling softly as he pulled her to her feet, not one used to being handled into doing what someone else wanted. Looking up at him as he sank to his knees she groaned as his lips found her, growling annoyed as his grip kept her from moving against him., though why he wanted to do this very pleasurable thing was confusing her. In her century, blow jobs had been common, men willing to do the same to a woman? Not so much.

Growling quietly to herself as she reached down and wrapped her fingers in his hair she tugged slightly, wanting his attention."Get up here. I want fucked, and now."She growled demandingly, the low annoyed growl of a woman used to being in charge, and not used to oral sex. It hadnt' been common in her original century, so while pleasurable, it confused her enough to want to move on to sex.
Tom moaned and kissed her lower lips one last time before shifting to lay on top of her. He roughly grabbed her legs and pushed them up toward her chest, spreading them apart so that he could settle between them. "You want to be fucked, eh?" he asked, lust in his eyes. He thrust inside her with one hard motion of his hips. A groan left his lips as he felt her tight, tight opening. He could swear she was a virgin, but he knew she probably wasn't. Virgins were not as talented with their mouths as she was. Hell, he could spot a virgin a mile away.

"Ahhh," he moaned, moving in and out of her. "So... So good." He bent down to bite at her neck, his thrusts quickening with time.
"yes!"she growled at his question, shifting as he pressed her legs up looking vaguely uncomfortable laying there like she was even though she shifted, wrapping her legs around his waist. Wincing ever so slightly, her body protesting, her body so very tight.

Whimpering quietly as she shivered, tilting her head back."Good...is good.."She moaned nails biting into his skin as she clung to him, gasping slightly as she came, the world shattering into a million pieces as her body tightened around the man fucking her.
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