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Serenity's Peoms


Jul 15, 2010
Lost in my own mind
I have like a megatone of peoms stored on my computer and like posted everywhere on the net haha, so for now I'll just post a few of them here.


Whats the point in waking up
Living another day of what?
Endless boredom and apathetic depression?
Wondering if today will be the day
The day when something will happen
Something that will make life worth living
Something to make you look forward to tomorrow
Not try and think up another excuse to stay in bed
Something to renew lost hope
and brighten the dim horizon
Something to smile about,
A real smile, not the one just for show.
But it doesn't and the day ends,
And again all that's left to do is wait,
Wait and hope,
Hope that things will change
And hope that tomorrow will be that day
But it isn't.

Pretty little lies

You say you'll protect
I'll never be lonely
You tell me pretty little lies
And I wanna believe
But I can't let you in
I'll never let you in
My worlds dark and twisted
You can't protect me
You can't ease my pain
This loneliness will never fade
But I like the pretty little lies
They make me feel like I could fly
If only for a moment
While I lay here with you
So tell me more
Tell me how our life could be
Tell me all the pretty lies
Before you turn and say good-bye

Never Enough

I fell in love with the boy I once knew,
We were in highschool when I first met you
You were brilliant, with a bright future ahead
I was young and foolish
I thought we'd last forever
That love was strong enough to see us through
That's why I said yes, when you asked me to marry you
What we had was special
At least that's what I thought
They said we were too young, our love couldn't last
I didn't believe it, I shook my head and smiled,
I told them we'd pull through
All the hardships, and tough times ahead
And at the first sign of trouble, you turned and fled
I know now love is never enough.
You went on to live your life,
As I slowly faded away.

A Lesson to Tyrant Kings

High up on his throne he sits
Shouting orders like a silly old twit
Watching as others run his land
Never offering a helping hand
A day came in his old age
When the villigers decided to turn the page
Sick they were of the old kings rule
For they all knew he was naught but a fool
They took up weapons, any they could find
It was time to kick the old king's behind
They marched in a mob, man, woman, and child
Up the steps and they looked quite wild
With torches they went setting the castle alight
As the king's family watched in terror and fright
But the old king wasn't about to give in
He gathered his soldiers, determined to win
They charged the viligers with sword, mace, and sheild
But the viligers valiantly refused to yeild
They would take their freedom with brute strength and force
For they all knew it was the only course
The battle was fought all through the night
Until the sky was lit with dawn's first light
The viligers stopped and looked around
At the mass of bodies that littered the ground
The corpse of the old king was down my the gates
The bolt from a cross bow had peirced his armor plate
The viligers all began to cheer
As the kings poor family was reduced to tears
All that day they celebrated with fancy feasts and lots of ale
And now you know the rest of the tale.
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