Red Right Hand (Cold & little_iveta)


Jul 7, 2012
The sweet scent of blood and death permeated the air. Nathar breathed in and smiled. The burned and broken remains of the village lay scattered about him and he looked around at the devastation proudly. Blood dripped from his daemonic right hand, the iron claws slick with the fluid. Blood spattered his uniform and his face. He licked it off the corners of his lips and closed his eyes, savouring it.

"Men," He barked, walking over the corpses of the men and women he had slaughtered, their flesh squelching under his boot. "Good work here today." His men (and women), numbering some thirty in all, cheered. Some of them were all human in appearance, while the worst was nothing more than a pulsating mass of fangs, tentacles and claws, mutated beyond recognition by the whim of their God. They were all devotees of the Lord of Rage, all former servants of the False Emperor, who had seen the light and forsaken the twisted laws of that vile edifice. He was proud of them.

This village had failed to see that light. They had still worshipped the False Emperor, even after Nathar had ripped the skin off of their priest and sent it to them as a peace offering. They had paid for their insolence with their lives. They had come at noon and surrounded the village. Then the massacre had begun.

Most of his soldiers were enjoying the spoils of battle, feasting on the corpses of the hapless villagers. A few used them for release. Nathar allowed them this small breach of discipline. They had earned it. They had shown no mercy, not to the babe in arms, not to the eldest grandmother; all their blood had flown freely.

He walked up to the Imperial shrine, now broken and shattered. He smiled, knowing that his God would be well pleased with the offering made him today. But it was not enough. Tomorrow, they would strike the clan of Hoarfrost, not five leagues from here. Surely, the word of this massacre would spread and the warriors of the clan would be ready. There may even be some PDF members stationed with them. All the better. Any true devotee of Khorne enjoyed a challenge. They would be a worthy offering for Khorne.

Nathar smiled, envisioning the slaughter they would enact. It will be a beautiful day.
The psychic scream that echoed from the feral world was not left unnoticed by the inquisitor, in fact they are already monitoring the planet for months in suspicion of potential chaos cult brooding among the populace and to the Inquisition's expectation, they were correct on their judgment.

Using intelligence reports from the scouts they sent, the Inquisition triangulated the position of the village that was destroyed to any nearby settlement, they confirmed that the cultists next target would be Hoarfrost, a relatively larger village with a contigent of PDF, these guards will surely offer no resistance to the chaos marauders, so the Inquisition's answer is to send out a kill team that is task in eliminating the chaos threat, Inquisitor Ivy of the is tasked in taking charge of the village and its available men at arms, she would be accompanied by a squad of Imperial Guardsmen seconded on this special assignment.

Inquisitor Ivy geared up and recited her rites as she prepares for departure. After reciting her rites in her private convent, she boarded the shuttle along with the Guardsmen squad.

While inside the shuttle the guardsmen with all their resolve, tried not to be tempted at the sight of Inquisitor Ivy, for her gear features less modesty. The guardsmen don't even want to think about it, for they know that the Inquisitor could read their minds, and if the Inquisitor catches even the slightest thought about her feminity, she would surely flay them alive.

Upon arriving in the said village, Inquisitor Ivy made no time in sitting down and relaxing, she overseered all of the PDFs and increased their patrols on the walls and intensified the nightwatch patrol. She spoke to some survivors from the village that was recently destroyed and interrogated them about the chaos cultists and their alignment, the survivors told her that the cultists ravaged the village horrendously and taking enjoyment on the killing, they also said that the one leading them wore a guardsmen uniform and featured a mutated body. From this information, Ivy ruled out that the cultists were khornate aligned chaos minions.

As Ivy is checking parts of the village, she did not know that she is being observed by a chaos cultist disguised as a servitor, he looked like a bald old man with mechanical appendages and gear on his back, his face looked greasy and with thick long mustache, hell, his facial appearance could be mistaken for a White Scar Astarte.

The cultist spy used his ocular goggles to see through Ivy's apparel, he sees Ivy's pristine flesh and her soft knicker that covered her womanhood, going further, he looks through her panty and sees her prized flesh, he is observing Ivy's body in 3 different viewing screens, one is with clothing, second is only with the underwear and third is completely naked. The cultist spy recorded all the alluring beauty that he has seen from the Inquisitor and heads out of the village via secret tunnel located on the dump site of the village to submit his voyeur report to Nathar to alert him that this woman poses a significant threat on his conquest.

(Character Apparel):




Nathar waited at the camp they had set a few miles away from the town. His spy was due to be back soon. He had seen the Imperial shuttle land earlier; the forces of False Emperor had seen fit to provide reinforcements to the town. All the better for Nathar. Some well-blooded Guardsmen would prove to more suitable sacrifices to Khorne than measly PDF.

There was some scuffling in the bushes and the old man, a former servitor to the Mechanicus, approached and genuflected. Nathar bade the old man rise and give his report. The Cultist of Khorne felt his bloodlust rise as he heard the man describe the forces manning the town and he laughed out loud when he said that they had an Inquisitor with them. Magnificent! A true challenge! A battle worthy of the Blood God's attention!

"Show her to me," he demanded and the old man obeyed, presenting a cracked screen with direct connection to his ocular goggles. The three-layered visage of Ivy flickered on the screen and Nathar leaned in, his eyes widening and his mouth twisting in a grin.

"Wonderful," he whispered, trailing a claw along the naked curves of the image, imagining ripping into that soft, sweet flesh with his claws and slicing her apart with his chainsword. "We cannot delay such a prize for the Skull God." He stood, drawing the attention of his soliders. "We attack at midday! No hiding and crawling for the Acolytes of Khorne! We will burn that town down and slaughter every single living thing under the light of the noonday sun! Leave no one alive! But the Inquisitor - she's mine!"


It was midday. The village of Hoarfrost waited for them. Nathar could feel it. He could see the men manning the walls. The Inquisitor would have a plan for sure. What was it? Nathar was not stupid, though the rage often blinded him. He would not run his troops into a hail of gunfire. No. He would see this village burn, even if he needed to 'cowardly' about it. The Inquisitor would prove to be ample recompense.
While Inquisitor Ivy is administering the settlement's primary defenses she also send out scouts to give her more tactical layout of their area of responsibility, she sent out 2 squads of guardsmen, one circling to the southern and western part of the vicinity of Hoarfrost while the other went to the northern and prowling to the eastern part of the settlement where unbeknownst to them, Nathar and his accolades are gathered and waiting for their attack. These guardsmen were none the wiser that they were patrolling a dangerous ground, after moments of scouring the field, one of the guardsmen saw an eight pointed star banner standing up in the tall grasses, he didn't hesitate in shouting on his radio that he spotted the chaos cultist hiding in the field.

"Heretics! We've spotted them!"

Inquisitor Ivy immediately ordered all of the men to prepare for battle stations and evacuated the weak to go on foot.

"So, this Khornate cultist will never be sated on their hunger for a bloodbath, so be it, I'll give them a taste of their own medicine."

The PDF quickly manned the turrets and mobilized some Sentinels, while the others launched heavy missiles from a Manticore.

Nathar only has couple of seconds to make his evasion from the missiles fired upon to his location.
They were spotted. Nathar smiled. All the better. As the Imperials prepared their defenses, he gestured and the troops under his command dispersed, one contingent moving north-west and the other south-west, aiming to engage the perimeter defenses on both sides.

Nathar stepped out of the tall grass, just in time to see the muzzle flash from a Manticore firing at him. His eyes widened. "Forward," he roared. The blessings conferred by the Blood God had given him speed, endurance and resistance beyond the ken of mortal man. Nathar sped forward, rushing below the speeding arc of the missiles. They hit the spot where he had been seconds ago, the blast radius turning men and women into balls of boiling blood and gore. Nathar was pushed forward by the blast, slamming into the ground. If he had been a lesser man, his flesh would have been shredded to nothing.

"Return Fire!" Nathar roared. Cultists with rocket launchers and Basilisks and Colossi, tainted by Chaos, lumbered forward, launching their missiles at the fortifications. Bloodletters joined the combat, launching themselves at the Guardsmen in Sentinel walkers. Nathar himself unleashed his power sword, holding it in his left hand, while his demonic right arm stabbed at the air. "ATTACK!" He roared, rushing the Guardsmen protecting the walls, aiming to scale them and find this Inquisitor.
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