Smutty Adventure Time with Bella and Kenny --DomGoddess and Friendly Alien


Nov 6, 2011
The Universe
"Hey kiddies! I was just calling because I woke up today to find my whole place INFESTED with Stinkhoppers! They are making a total mess of my attic and I'd be just sooooo grateful if Kenny could come over and take care of them for me. I have a whole batch of pies for him if he agrees! Let me know soon. Ta-ta!" Mom put down her phone and nodded with a smile. "All set! Now to make sure everything is ready...." Her home was in ways simliar to her daughters Tree Fort. As impressive as the fort was, it severely lacked any form of maturity. Mom's home was also carved out of a massive tree, only her tree was intelligent, and could speak if you knew how to listen. Her furniture was carved right out of the tree's interior and padded with pillows and decorative blankets. Her whole place was one massive open area, seperated by levels, silk curtains, and stairs. Her kitchen was right in the middle, carved into the core of the tree, and even featured a well stocked bar.

With that Mom went about her business of tidying up her home. She was wearing a lovely orange summer dress that hugged her figure in all the right places. It ended midway up her bust, where two yellow straps went over her shoulders. Much of her ample cleavage was exposed, as well as her rich, well tanned skin. Anytime the light caught her dress one could easily see her figure through the thin fabric. She was mature in all the right ways, and youthful in the same. Her DD cups were still quite perky for her age, and her thick behind practically begged to be touched beneath her dress. She didn't mind, it made her feel young, and she was plenty attractive enough to pull the look off. At the moment her lucious platinum blonde hair was pulled back and tied up, but that was only because she was cleaning. Normally it hung free, straight down to her hips. She moved a number of pies from her massive oven onto a bar and surveyed the place with her big, green eyes.

"Pies...check. Beverages....check..." She made a big batch of ice cold lemonade...with a moderate amount of alcohol mixed in. " Jizz-proofing on the furniture....check. Birth control....check!" Mom was ready in full, and very much looking forward to Kenny's visit.
Bella was out of the Tree House for the moment, doing whatever it was that she did when she decided to not include Kenny in her escapades. He assumed anything, but for the moment he was entertaining himself with the thought that she was having a underwear swapping party with Princess Bubblegum. Not that he'd ever seen it, but he was sure they were doing it.

Or something like that anyway.
His round shape was rolling down the floor from the kitchen down to the coach in the living room. He was fully intending to enjoy his cheese-bacon-captain Morgan crepe, almost hovering over head as he let it pass form one tentacle to the next, keeping it directly over his body as he rolled onwards and nothing was going to stop him. His half-way closed eyes spoke volumes. He was tired, and he had made plans for the day. He was going to enjoy himself with a snack, he would play some games, watch old films, and then he'd use the magic crystal ball to peek on the Lake Nymphs. Then something happened. The phone bleeped, and a message came up.

"Hey kiddies! I was just calling because I woke up today to find my whole place INFESTED with Stinkhoppers! They are making a total mess of my attic and I'd be just sooooo grateful if Kenny could come over and take care of them for me. I have a whole batch of pies for him if he agrees! Let me know soon. Ta-ta!"

Kenny stopped in mid roll, causing some of the sloppy contents of his first chapter of his carefully planned slacker day splash on the wooden floor in front of him. Kenny frowned hard. It was Mom. How the fuck was he going to say now to Mom of all people? His eyes glanced up to the crepe... Then to the phone with the promise of Mom's pies. He just knew deep in his small, black heart that there would be pie. Mom's fucking pie.

A mouth took shape seemingly just for the sake so that he could grit his teeth in a grimace. He glanced the crepe again and new it would have to wait. He rolled backwards again, keeping his snack above him just as before, then placed it on the counter in the kitchen.
"Next time, little one. Next time."

Then he rose up, still maintaining that ball-shaped body, but his 10 tentacles took the shape of a pair of running legs and small atrophied arms. He swung them part back and forth as he legged it to Mom's house. He was panting by the time he was there, and he kicked in the door.

"DON'T BE ALARMED MA'AM, PEST CONTROL IS HERE!" He was having the biggest grin on his face, and now he had shaped his body into a big, muscular beefcake of a man. But he had his face, which was nothing more than a toothed mouth and two eyes, right below where a head should be. He kept his fists on his hips and looked around, expecting Mom to be just as happy to see him and ready to dispense of pie as usual.

Then he noticed the strange lining on all the furniture. "Huh. I think I've seen that before..."
Mom was slicing up one of the pies when Kenny burst through the door in a spectacular manner....and in a interesting form as well. He made himself into the figure of a muscular man, and a sexy one at that. The fact that it had no head and a giant smiling face where his chest should be actually made it even more attractive in an exotic sense. Mom smiled and moved up to greet her daughters companion. "Yes I put that on when I have...hmm...special guests over."

"Oh Kenny! Thank you so much for coming! Only...." She rubbed the back of her head, feigning embarrasment. "...well to tell the truth the Stinkhoppers took off only a few minutes after I called you." She crossed her arms, pushing her cleavage up and out. "And I made all these delicious pies for you too. You'll stay and have one at least won't you?" She placed her hands on his hips and smiled brightly. "I have one that's just ready to come out of the oven too!" With that she hurried back and bent over the oven. She delayed while she checked the pie, swaying her ass back and forth seductively while she hummed. Then after a moment she stood up with a fresh, delicious Glowberry pie.

"I made it with a honey glaze and the berries were perfect! Have some lemonade as well while I go freshen up. Oh it is just sooooo good to see you again!" As she spoke she pulled Kenny in for a hug, making sure to smother his face in her bust. With that she headed to her bathroom, where she killed time and let Kenny stew. "So you have to tell me about your latest adventures! Any lucky ladies get some alone time with the great Kenny?" Mom called as she removed her undergarments from beneath her dress. " Bella taking care of you? I hope she is after everything you do for her." She brushed out her hair and sprayed on some perfume she knew he liked the smell of. Then with a wink to her reflection...which winked back out of time, she headed back out to Kenny.

"Enjoying the meal?" She asked, sliding up beside the tentacle monster with her signiature beaming smile. Everyone called her Mom because she was very much a mother to everyone, even the ones she was intimate with. Call it sick or depraved, but nobody hated Mom. Even the Dragon King never went after least not openly.
The assurance that the layer of plastic was there for his account didn't really alleviate his confusion and it didn't settle the nagging in the back of his brain that he knew it from somewhere. He had seen it before. Squinting eyes at one of the couches, he was ready to believe it when she told him that the Stinkhoppers were gone. He raised his eyelids in surprise, then began to grin at the news. It'll look like he would get her pie and not even have to make an effort for it! Life is good sometimes. It was at the same time as he had that thought when she pushed her cleavage. That was something he didn't consciously think about, he just assumed she stretched her back. But.. Well, he did notice it. He -was- an ancient creature of unimaginable power that manifested his abilities by walking on prehensile penises most of his time, after all.

Oh, and then she put herself in that position of bending over. He has seen her ass before, but glob-dayum, it never ceased to amaze him. The corner of his mouth started to pull upwards a little more than the other corner to form a loop-sided grin as his mind wandered. All of that came together when she came in for that big embrace. Oh, how he could not hold it against her that she was so affectionate. He felt his face glow red-hot when he felt that soft, yet firm, bosom in his face. He maintained his form well enough, but the moment she went off to change he wobbled on shaky legs to the table with the refreshments. His muscled form became soon replaced with what he was more comfortable. A single ball for a body with 10 or so tentacles moving around. Some under the table, some grabbing slices of pie and glasses, and a couple just sort of dangled and floated over his head for good measure.

"Oh yeah." He chuckled at first, stuffing his face with that ambrosia. His voice was part-way muffled, but she would have had a long time of practice to make out what he was saying with food in his mouth. "I was making a pass at Punk Princess, but she said she had band practice and could crash at my place." He chuckled at the memory, and went for the second plate of pie. "I think she swings for the other teee..."
Kenny turned his head when Mom came back. His jaw began to slack, his eyes went up and down. From her thin ankles, up her strong calves, her juicy thighs, her wide hips, her flat stomach, her big bazonkas, her huge tits, then her incredible face of mature beauty and sexuality. She didn't dress differently, and she didn't really look different form usual except from how she did her hair... But it was her attitude. Her approach. The way she kept herself on her feet and moved against him. Those eyes. He knew something was different, there was something about her that was different from before, and his instincts told him that she was more attractive then ever before in his life, even that time she joined in on the swimming pool party at Brenda's 14th birthday, but he couldn't hear the words. He just knew that she was hotter than ever.

"Well, uh yeah, sure. What's up?"
"Punk Princess huh?" Mom said as she slid in beside Kenny. She gracefully drew some of the gooey glowberry pie's innards onto a finger and playfully sucked it clean with a sigh. She was standing directly beside the big purple shapeshifter, close enough that his tentacles brushed up against her leg and shoulder. "Tell you a secret Kenny. Punk Princess plays for both teams. But she's afraid of tentacles. Show up as something a bit more....hmmm....bestial, and you might find her a great deal more accepting." She leaned in closer, an action that put her in contact with even more of his tentacles. "Bring Bella along with you. I garuantee you will have some fun!" She giggled and took a step back, before she hefted herself up onto the counter.

"You know..." She said as she situated herself, crossing her legs and leaning on one arm as she watched Kenny eat. "I've actually been with Punk Princess. Bet you didn't know that one hmmm?" She laughed again, a playfull, sultry laugh this time. "You wouldn't even imagine the stamina that girl has....and so sexy too." She extended a foot, casually brushing another of Kenny's tentacles with her toes. However this time she grinned, biting her lower lip as she made sure to catch the shapeshifters eye.

"I always wondered does Bella like these?" She nabbed one of his universal limbs and acted as though she was studying it. She held a foot long length of a tentacle in both hands. While at first glance Kenny was a deep purple color and very smooth. Upon closer inspection thick veins pulsed right beneath his skin, and the muscle was tough, sinuous. "I must confess I've never had tentacles. Minotaurs, Goblins, Cyclops, in plural, and even a nasty gentleman from the Nightosphere." Then she caught Kenny's eye again before blowing gently over his tentacle. "But never tentacles." She gave him a squeeze. "Does she moan? Does she like it?"
Kenny just sat there was Mom worked her magic. When she pushed herself up against him from behind, several of his tentacles that just idly moved up and down, left and right in swirly motions brushed against her dress. Stomach and chest specifically, and Kenny was very aware of what he touched. A wicked blush formed on his 'cheeks', and he giggled like a manchild with a stupid expression on his face as he was sure he could make out a couple of stiff nipples. Then she moved back, and he began to think. He began to realize even that she might just be doing more than being her flirty and sexual self. She was being flirty with a purpose.

Then he heard the stuff that would have been the fantasy of ever heterosexual male on this world. He slowly turned his head, or that was what it looked like. In actuality he was just moving his eyes over his body to look at Mom with a stunned expression that at the same time begged with 'oh, do go on' when she was talking about doing it with Punk Princess. And then she was even giving him pointers on how to fuck her, and bringing Bella along for the ride! It was surreal but... He couldn't deny it, he felt a tingle in every tentacle of his body. Especially the ones she was fooling around with, which began to coil around her foot with a gentle but at the same time animal touch. Like a snake coiling around a warm hand.

The tentacle in her hands was pulsating alright. Kenny began to bite his lips, facing away from her, because basically she was fondling his cock. Or one of them anyway. The pride started to swell in him though, and the need to brag and assert his masculinity was ever as present when she asked of a woman liked his thing that he did, even if it was her daughter. He was halfway interrupted when she blew air on it, which made his voice break at the beginning. "Well, ah... Hehe. She moans. She screams. She only screams for more once or twice, if you know what I mean." Then he added a fabrication, but she would probably never find out anyway. "I think I've stretched her too much too, she never seems so scream as much as when I'm railing her."

"Uh." Then he realized it was her fucking mother he was talking to. He spoke with a hushes voice, pretty worried actually that she would mind, even if she never said anything about it before. She did have an open mind about sex and sexuality - obviously - he just had never had this conversation with her before. Never has she groped him like this either, she he was asking her something at the same time as one tentacle coiled around her foot, another was swelling in her hand with a more and more penis shape growing on it. "You don't mind, do you?"
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