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Adventures in the 4th World: An Earthdawn Roleplaying Game


Nov 28, 2011
About a year or so ago a member of this very forum introduced me to a Roleplaying game. And although that particular game fell through, through no fault on his part, it left me with a fantastic impression with the game the roleplay was based on. That particular game was Earthdawn.

Since that time though I have not had the opportunity to really get to play an Earthdawn campaign of any kind. So, in order to spread word of this fantastic game and to get better acquainted with the system myself I thought I would see if anyone on these forums would be interested in a casual though (hopefully) regular Earthdawn campaign.

As noted above, I will be the GM for this particular game, and I am looking for exactly two individuals to make characters and play. The game itself will be filled with a combination of published adventure content that I have access to as well as adventures that I can come up with. The campaign will be mostly episodic, but can easily form an overall plot.

As for experience, I am taking anyone interested. If your new to the game that would be fantastic and we can learn together. If you have some experience with the game that is great as well. For those that are interested, but don't know too much about it there is a fantastic write up on the forums that Gives you a basic idea of the system and the overall concept of what to expect. If your interested at all please give it a read over. I will be using the 3rd edition rules, but most of the adventures are from the classic edition. This does not effect the system in any way as the system hasn't really changed all that much and is mostly, but not always, backwards compatible. I will be using the character creation and dice from 3rd edition, but Later on in the adventure we can talk a little bit about possible inclusions to the discipline (class) roster that I don't have the 3rd edition books for.

If you are interested leave a response in this thread and I will PM you with options for character creation and offer up any answers to questions that I can provide. Hope that this interested a couple of you and perhaps we will meet together in Barsaive!
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