Bleach ~ zaraki kenpachi~yachiru needed

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May 25, 2013
[/align][/font]How does one define the 11th Division of Seireitei when brought up in a conversation among those in its dwellings? How do you describe the Shinigami of that Division?

Do you call them thugs?

Call them animals?



No. Well at least not the last one anyway. That prestigious title is reserved for only one man among the entire 11th Division, who is the proud Captain that has brought fear to the hearts of both Hollow and Shinigami alike.

Zaraki Kenpachi.

Kenpachi himself has gone by several nicknames given to him, though whispered behind his back when they think no one is listening or he is nowhere in sight. This mountain of a man, who spikes his hair to place bells on his head has been called "The Demon of the Zaraki District", "Shinigami Sadist", "The Shadow of Death", and "Berserker's Fury".
Still, even with all these glorious battle nicknames that were given to the Captain of the 11th Division there was one that the man did not have that deep inside of him wanted, but believed he couldn't have. Zaraki Kenpachi had never been called a husband. He could barely call himself in love on account of his Vice Captain Kusajishi Yachiru, who was so precious to him that the thought of losing her could send the man into a weeks worth of rage. Zaraki looked at his now eighteen year old Yachiru. It had been so long since he felt a woman touch was it wrong for him to look at her in a way a suitor would. Yachiru had grown up to be a beautiful tom boy girl. Yachiru had pink hair that went down to her shoulders and she develop a curve much similar to shi hoin. "Zaraki" she spoke waving her hands in his face. Zaraki missed her small form jumping on his broad shoulder.
"Hey" he tried shrugging off his distant thought.
"What do you say we go off and find some men to fight?" yachiru made a fist and hit his chin lightly. "Thought you like Ikkaku and Yumichica?" zaraki grin his infamous shark grin. "Naw I get bored every once in a while" yachiru laugh out loud. "I get you" zaraki nodded his head in agreement. Then he asked "you want to change things up?" zaraki grab his ugly sword when he said that. Yachiru threw him a puzzle look. " how about you and I spar?" zaraki continue to explain himself."Oh Kenny" yachiru pulled out her pink sword. Zaraki was curious to see how well she fought since she had always tagged along with him on his battles. Zaraki figure he would find out shortly. It wasn't long before they found a deserted field where they could practice. "Ready one three…one…. Two…" zaraki heart skips a beat "three" he counted. In a flash yachiru appear above him swinging down hard on his head. Zaraki instincts kick in as he dodges the near fatal blow. "You're good" zaraki panted feeling the adrenaline rush. In some way he was getting arouse much like a predator stalking his prey. Yachiru panted ahs had miss her captain. Zaraki could taste the salt on his lips as he sweated. Yachiru took the time to survey the scene before her. Zaraki made up his mind on his next move. Yachiru was sure he was going to come head first so she anticipated him. Instead, he appeared behind her using quick step. Yachiru mind drew a blank as she struggle to dodge his blow. Zaraki heart sank when yachiru stood rooted in her spot allowing him to slit her shoulders.
"Ow" she yelps feeling the rusty cold metal come down on her. Zaraki leap back so as to sever the connection his sword made with her flesh.
"Are you alright?" zaraki asked dropping his sword and no longer smiling. Zaraki could feel the rush of excitement vanish with in him. Yachiru fell to her knees dropping her sword in the process. "I am "she nodded closing her eyes. Zaraki could hear the shakiness in her voice. Yachiru try to suppress her vomit form coming up. Zaraki appeared at her side in an instant.
"Let me take you home" zaraki growl and swoop her up in his arms. Yachiru didn't argue for she was already resting in his arms. She felt like she was eight again. It had been a long time since she had been held in his arms like that. Yachiru missed the bond they had when she was young but ever since she hit puberty he had grown distant. When they got home zaraki saw to it she got a clean bandage since squad four was out with squad six. "I will be alright ken chan you must not blame yourself" yachiru patted his matted hair. Zaraki hair had gone down since the gel was wearing off.
"You need me to fix your hair?" yachiru joke trying to relieve the stress in his eyes. "Yes I do" zaraki spoke softly. Yachiru could have sworn she heard his voice quiver but in the next instant he was back to his usual husky tone."I love you" yachiru reach over and squeeze his hand in hers. Zaraki felt odd with his big hands in her little ones. "I know you do" zaraki bent over and kiss her hand before getting up and exiting. That night zaraki had a hard time sleeping considering how guilty he felt with her attack. Sometime in the night yachiru must had woken up for she crept softly in his room. Zaraki looked over to feel someone slip under his covers.
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